Data driven Decisions for Business CW7 Summative Assessment Brief

Published: 05 Feb, 2025
Category Report Subject Management
University BPP Business School Module Title Data driven Decisions for Business

Assessment learning outcomes 

This assessment is designed to gauge your understanding, skills and application of common data  analysis techniques used in business and other organisations today. As such you need to  demonstrate your attainment in these areas according to the four

Module Learning Outcomes (LOs): 
• LO1: Critically evaluate the evolving use of data in solving business problems, presenting  logical arguments based on evidence 

• LO2: Explore how data analytics can be used within a business context 

• LO3: Critically appraise the presentation of data within a business environment

• LO4: Critically evaluate different business analytical techniques as part of planning a data  analytics initiative. 

Report tasks

Because this is your first project within Robinson’s Supermarket, the Marketing Director has given  you additional details regarding the structure and content that it is expected to see in your report.  This is set out in Section 3 – Report Structure.  
You have five tasks to complete for your summative report.

Task 1 (LO1): Introduction and project plan
Summarise what you are going to present in the report. Then justify your plan for delivering the  project to the management of Robinson’s Supermarket, making sure you also clearly refer to a data analytics implementation framework as part of your plan. Finally, explain how data analytics can add  value and help to drive business performance improvements to Robinson’s Supermarket. 

Task 2 (LO4): Data quality issues and remedies

Proceed with preparing the dataset for the analysis. Discuss initially the general issues encounter in  collecting, integrating and cleansing data and then detail the specific data quality issues you found in  the project dataset and how these issues will be addressed/solved. 

Task 3 (LO2): Data analysis and commentary

Using only tables, set out and explain the results of your numeric data analysis and supporting  commentary. Start by including summary of exploratory data analysis of the dataset. Then create  tables where you can analyse the overall social media performance of Robinson’s Supermarket as  well as its performance by social media platform, by campaign goals and by product sector. To  answer the task, you should perform your analysis using at least 3 tables (see guidelines for further  details).

Task 4 (LO3): Data charting and commentary

Using only charts, utilise your data visualisation and interpretation skills to develop graphical  presentations of the data together with bullet-points setting out the key findings and inferences  from the analysis. Create charts where you can compare and analyse social media performance by  platform, by campaign goal and by product sector, in particular where you can see evidence of any performance change due to Robinson’s Supermarket’s trail to outsource social media advertising to SOS Marketing agency. To answer the task, you should perform your analysis using at least 3 charts (see guidelines for further details).

 Task guidelines 

Task 1 (LO1): Critically evaluate the  evolving use of data in  solving business  problems, presenting  logical arguments based  on evidence. 

• State the purpose of report and describe the report structure  and contents
• Present your overall project plan for delivering the project 
• Ensure that your project plan explicitly refers to a data  analytics implementation framework and explain how the  chosen framework is applied to the project and used to  addresses the core project objectives assigned to you.  
• Suggest a list of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)  Robinson’s Supermarket can use to measure its  
performance. Then explain how data analytics can help to  improve the performance of the company by looking at how  data analytics can improve these KPIs.

Task 2 (LO4): Critically evaluate different business analytical techniques as  part of planning a data  analytics initiative 

• List and explain generic data problems during the processes  of data collection, integration and cleanse, and how to  identify them. What are the different options for resolving  these generic issues? 
• Search and list all data quality problems you have identified  in Robinson’s Supermarket’s dataset. Describe how you  identified the problems (e.g. give examples of the issues) and explain how you propose to address/solve them.

Task 3 (LO2): Explore how data analytics can be used within a business context

• To fully complete the task it is recommended you support  the answer to the task with the following data tables:  ➢ Benchmark comparisons of product sectors Total performance covering Shares, Clicks and Impressions. 

➢ Benchmark comparisons of social media channels  performance covering Shares, Clicks and Impressions by month.  
➢ Benchmark comparisons of social media platform total performance for each campaign goals covering Shares, Clicks and Impressions. 
• Include in a separate section the summary exploratory data  calculations for total Shares, Clicks and Impressions. The  analysis could include for example top and bottom values,  ranges, averages, standard deviations; top and bottom  performing time-periods, etc.  
• Ensure your tables are professionally presented: Headings,  units, data formats. Highlight and annotate key data elements. 
• For each table, include firstly an explanation of the table and  its contents, then a bullet-point list of what you can see or  infer from your analysis of the data.

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