CMP7200 Individual Master’s Project Handbook : Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Built Environment

Published: 22 Jan, 2025
Category Dissertation Subject Computer Science
University Brimingham City University Module Title CMP7200 Individual Master’s Project Handbook

1 Introduction

Students must undertake a Master's Project. The project will carry 60 credits at Level 7. This is a major piece of work of 600 notional study hours.

Please read this Handbook carefully and the associated documentation provided on Moodle, if you are in doubt about any aspect of the requirements for the preparation of the Master’s dissertation please consult with your tutor.

The assessment criteria are provided in the Assessment Brief, available on Moodle.

This module is governed by the BCU Standard Postgraduate Assessment Regulations.

1.1 Module learning outcomes

1. Plan a research informed project using appropriate literature and / or professional outputs
2. Assess the value of theoretical concepts and, where appropriate, consider how they may be applied to the solution of real problems
3. Design an artefact/data-gathering strategy using appropriate techniques and tools
4. Implement a design to produce an artefact/gather the data using appropriate techniques
5. Critically evaluate and reflect on the implementation of the artefact/data collected and the overall project.

1.2 Assessment overview

Please refer to the module assessment brief for the assessment criteria.

The Master’s Project is assessed as below:

Project Registration
The first stage of the project is to identify the nature of the project based on initial research and discussions with academic staff. This will lead to the allocation of academic supervisors.

Research and Planning 
A 3,000-word report critically appraising an appropriate initial body of published research/professional output and research methodologies. This will develop a research problem expressed as a research question, and a plan that applies key methods and techniques.

Project dissertation report 
A report (additional 9,000 words building on the Research and Planning report to produce a final 12,000 words) that synthesises the knowledge gained from the initial research activities to create an artefact or evaluate the data collected. This will express ideas in answer to the
research question, recognising the limitations of the project, utilising appropriate underpinning theoretical concepts identifying areas for potential development or further research, and reflecting upon the experience of the research process. It must take into consideration appropriate and relevant academic, ethical and professional requirements. 

Viva Examination
A presentation (this is considered to be equivalent to 3,000 words in terms of effort) that reflects upon the experience of the research process. It must take into consideration appropriate and relevant academic, ethical and professional requirements.

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