Business Project Summative Assessment Brief - BPP University

Published: 10 Feb, 2025
Category Report Subject Business
University BPP Business School Module Title Business Project

Assessment Brief Introduction

This business project assessment requires a 5000-word consultancy report on your chosen company,  i.e. private, public (but not government owned) and NGO. Your chosen company is your client who  has asked you to provide the consultancy report following an investigation of a challenge they are  facing and resulting issues that are currently impacting the company.  

The learning outcomes assessed through this business project report are:  

LO1 - Formulate a business project that has strategic importance in the management of organisations in a chosen specialised area. 

LO2 - Evaluate the complexity of a business project in relation to the impact on internal and external  stakeholders of your chosen specialised area. 

LO3 - Articulate a business project appropriate to the context and specialisation of the research  topic. 

LO4 - Develop clear recommendations and solutions that add strategic value to an organisation /  industry. 

The report should cover the following key areas:  

1. Executive Summary. 

2. Introduction. 

3. Challenge and issues the client is facing: Identified challenge and resulting issues explaining  how they are connected to the current affairs and emerging trends in the industry and  business. Plus, an examination of the problem from the consultant’s perspective. 

4. Purpose of the report – articulation of the challenge, issues, and the organisational  specialisation area.  

5. Stakeholder analysis – need to analyse the power and interests of stakeholders in relation  to the identified challenge and issues and evaluate impact of research on each stakeholder.  6. Evaluation and analysis with secondary data (conceptual and numerical). 7. Recommendations that would resolve the challenge and issues and a conclusion addressing  the strategic value of the report.  

You are required to discuss how your project would impact stakeholders and provide relevant  recommendations which are resulting from the secondary data evaluation, and which could be of  value to your chosen organisation. You are required to show your understanding of the importance  of strategy in business. 


Executive Summary  

You are required to write one page (approximately 500 words) of an executive summary. The  executive summary is not to introduce your report but should be a summary of the whole report.  You will therefore need to write this after you complete your report.  

It should include what the identified challenge and issues were, and what the purpose of the report  was. You are required to discuss how your report would impact on main stakeholders. You should  also summarise your critical evaluation results.  

Your executive summary should be concluded by any recommendations, making up the final part of  your executive summary.  

Your readers should be able to understand the focus of your project just by reading the executive  summary.  

For merit, you should provide a comprehensive and detailed outline of the planned approach for  the research. 

For distinction, you should provide a clear rationale of why you have chosen to conduct this  research project.

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