BUS72823 International Accounting and Finance Business Report BGU

Published: 24 Jan, 2025
Category Report Subject Finance
University Bishop Grosseteste University Module Title BUS72823 International Accounting and Finance


You are the financial advisor of Tesco plc; you have to analyse its most recent financial statements  and provide a report with recommendations. 

Your report should include the following parts: 

  • Executive Summary: State the purpose of the business report, highlight its significant elements, and describe its major results, conclusions, or recommendations. 
  • Introduction: Briefly identify the subject (i.e., what it is about), the scope (i.e., what will be  discussed), and state the conclusion of the business report.  
  • Company Overview and Objectives: Provide background of Tesco plc and the markets in  which it operates. Identify the financial objectives of Tesco plc, including market share,  growth rate and sales projections.  
  • Financial Analysis: Applying appropriate theory or concepts, critically interpret and analyse  the financial position and performance of Tesco plc explaining its key financial ratios and  indicators. This section should also include a critical statement outlining the importance of  financial analysis for making effective decisions about international business. 
  • Sources of Capital: Critically evaluate various sources of capital that Tesco plc might  consider to achieve its financial objectives. Analysis should also be provided about the time  value of money and its implication for financial decisions made by Tesco plc.  
  • Conclusion and Recommendations: A summary of key research findings and statement of  recommendations.


  1. Understand and interpret financial statements having developed systematic  knowledge and critical understanding of their content and purpose internal and  external to the organisation.  
  2. Critically appraise sources of capital for a company and the time value of money. 3. Demonstrate originality in appropriately communicating information, analysis,  argument and conclusions for professional audiences.



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