BU7043 Leadership, Development And Change Assessment: Portfolio Brief | University of Chester

Published: 29 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Chester Module Title Leadership, Development And Change

PART 1: Self-Evaluation.

  • State which areas of development you are focusing on and justify why you have selected these specific areas e.g. change management, compassion, resilience, team building.
  • What leadership style do you currently adopt, and what styles do you want to develop?
  • Refer to self-assessment tools, SWOT analysis, and leadership literature to critically evaluate leadership styles e.g. autocratic, democratic, laissez faire.
  • How do leadership theories apply to your role as a leader?
  • Use leadership theories to discuss how you will develop your role as a leader in the current context of health and social care e.g. transformational, transactional, situational, dispersed leadership.
  • Refer to your Action Plan to evaluate how do you intend to develop in the
    specified areas


  • Identify and justify the area for change that was implemented or being proposed.
  • Use change models, theories, and literature to evaluate the change process which was implemented or to plan your selected change.
  • Choose ONE change management model to apply to your evaluation, i.e. NHS Change Model, Lewin's 3 Stage Model, Kotter's 8 Stage Model.
  • Consider was the change bounded or unbounded? Was it planned or unplanned?
    Analyse the internal and external factors impacting the health/social care organisation and change scenario - PESTLE Analysis
    Analyse the drivers and barriers to the change - Forcefield Analysis.
  • Critically evaluate how the change or proposed change involves service users. Make recommendations on how you can empower service users in the change process.

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