BS5205 Sustainable And Responsible Management, Individual Reflective Essay 2 | Kingstone University London

Published: 27 Jan, 2025
Category Essay Subject Management
University Kingstone University London Module Title BS5205 Individual Reflective Essay 2: Sustainable Responsible ManagementResponsible Management


This is part of your Portfolio assessment:

Professional Skills:
-    Commercial Awareness: The focus on sustainable and responsible management helps students understand current business practices and challenges.
-    Project Management: The use of the AGILE project management method directly develops this skill.

Creative Skills:
-    The project work and reflective essays encourage students to identify and address current business practices and challenges.

Thoughtful Skills:
-    Critical Thinking: Developed through reflective thinking, where students need to analyse their experiences and learning.

Resilient Skills:
-    Soft Skills: Developed across all components, particularly in group work and reflective practices.

Proactive Skills:
-    Adaptability: Developed through the project work, where students likely need to adjust their approaches based on sustainability, responsible and regenerative frameworks application challenges or new information.


Reflective Essays: Develop critical thinking, critical writing, and self-awareness

Assignment Task

Reflective Essay 2

  • Part 1: Select or create an image that best describes your project process until now.
  •  Part 2: Explain why your image represents a visual reflection of your project process. (approximate 100 words)
  •  Part 3: Write a 600-700 word reflective essay on how your understanding and application of regenerative frameworks have evolved throughout your project's development. Your essay should demonstrate a deep reflection and integration of the concepts, frameworks, and practices you've learned, including sustainable development, regenerative, the LENSES framework, regenerative stakeholder engagement, and agile project management principles.

You can answer one or two of the following questions:

  1. Analyse a key challenge or opportunity in your project through the LENSES framework. How did this analysis reveal new insights or possibilities that weren't apparent through conventional approaches?
  2. Reflect on a significant stakeholder interaction in your project. How did applying regenerative engagement principles transform the nature of the relationship and the outcomes of the interaction?
  3. Examine how you've integrated agile project management techniques with sustainable, responsible, and regenerative frameworks. How has this integration enhanced your project's ability to adapt and evolve in response to emerging insights and feedback?
  4. Describe a moment when you recognized a previously unseen connection or pattern in your project system. How did this recognition influence your approach to the project, and what potential does it hold for creating a more significant positive impact?
  5. Reflect on how your role and capabilities as a project leader have evolved through applying regenerative frameworks. What new skills or mindsets have you developed, and how do you see these contributing to your future work?

Part 4: Choose a song that best describes how you feel about your project or your experience in developing your idea, or that reflects the future of your fully developed business case (only include song title, singer, and link to song), and explain why your song represents a reflection of your project process/future. (approximate 100 words)

  1.  In your appendix: please include up-to-date evidence of your project progress: Miro Board, trends, results, notes, peer-review form, meeting minutes, roles, task progress, logbook record, etc, and Foundation Summary Document draft (including user stories) – not part of your word count.
  2. There must be clear evidence of progress from the last update provided with your previous assignment and that you have participated in the in-class group work activities (logbook record). Evidence must include your Foundation Summary Document draft (including user stories). File format: Adobe Acrobat -
  3.  Organise your Project progress appendix, label your sections, use page numbers, etc. Ensure the reader will understand how you are developing your project, how you are working as a team (meeting minutes, roles, task progress), how regenerative frameworks influence your project and ultimately, your delivery plan.

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