BMIB5007 Faculty of Business & Law Dissertation| De Montfort University

Published: 22 Jan, 2025
Category Dissertation Subject Law
University De Montfort University Module Title BMIB5007 Faculty of Business & Law

Assessment Information

This assignment is an individual dissertation.

Dissertation submission requirements & guide

Do ensure you read all of the document below in preparation, planning and finalising your dissertation.
Students are required to work on feedback provided by both first and second marker in order to re-submit your work. You will need to consult with your supervisor and understand the feedback and acquire some guidance on how to improve your work. However, that does not mean regular meetings. However, if you are deferred student then normal supervision expectations apply. For referral students unless stated in feedback you are not required to develop a completely new topic unless otherwise advised by your supervisor or possibly due to an APO case or poor choice. Resit students can re-work and improve original submission. If a deferral then you should be working on your planned topic/dissertation with your original supervisor.

Note that your dissertation must demonstrate that it has met the following criteria:

  • The focus is on a specific business topic that reflects your programme specialisation.
  • The research has been undertaken in a systematic and sustained way
  • A Systematic Literature Review for your data and analysis is not acceptable.
  •  There is a demonstration of originality in the application of knowledge
  • An analytical and critical approach has been taken in the investigation
  •  Appropriate methods and techniques are applied in the enquiry
  • It incorporates an understanding and evaluation of theory

You may only discuss the feedback already provided for your original submission. You cannot expect the supervisor unless you have a deferral to review chapters or have regular supervision process meetings.

Dissertation requirements and guidance are available on the Learning Zone site for the module. Ensure you review these both before and during the process.

Criteria for Assessment

Further information on University mark descriptors can be found here. 

A Dissertation rubric is available in the assessment section of the module Learning Zone site. This assignment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes:
Students will be able to

  1. Initiate, plan and design a realistic and manageable investigation into an academic area related to their programme of study.
  2. Conduct an advanced and rigorous academic study critically evaluating its theoretical underpinning and offer insight into a chosen related area of programme of study
  3. Formulate and evaluate a research strategy that allows a chosen topic to be investigated rigorously and reliability
  4. Analyse, synthesise and critically evaluate findings appropriate to the study undertaken.
    Manage and produce a clearly written and well-presented document which includes all the elements required for an MSc. Dissertation

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