BMA5112 - Individual Assessment: Event Impact Report and Risk Assessment : Festival and Event Management, BSU

Published: 13 Jan, 2025
Category Report Subject Management
University Bath Spa University Module Title BMA5112 Festival and Event Management

Summary Of Assessment Task And Rationale

  1. You are required to produce a two-part (Part A and B) written report.
  2. Each part will be written in a different format (Part A – impact report; Part B – risk assessment).
  3. The impact report (Part A) requires you to identify ONE event or ONE festival of your choosing that you have attended, and focus solely on that.
  4. To give yourself enough material, resources and scope to write a report, it is recommended that you choose an event of an appropriate size.
  5. The risk assessment (Part B) is written in the style of a template (see HSE guidance) and is based on one of the scenarios provided.

Further guidance on this assessment

Events and festivals have many impacts (positive and negative) upon different stakeholders, with different degrees of intensity. An event organiser must be aware of these and consider ways to reduce the negative impacts. You should choose ONE event or ONE festival that you have attended live, and outline its most significant negative impacts, as well as identify the stakeholders impacted upon. Furthermore, you should make suggestions on how these impacts might be remedied.

You should be using a range of academic sources in this report. Use the Talis resource list as a starting point. News articles are acceptable but be careful to evaluate them for biases.

The report for part A should include the following sections:

Introduction: (approx. 250 words)

  • Clear identification of the event or festival with positive impacts

Negative impacts and suggestions for improvement: (approx. 1500 words)

  • Clear identification of relevant negative impacts (approx. 3-4 negative impacts, from political and economic, environmental and social areas).
  • Identification of key stakeholders impacted upon
  • Relevant and appropriate remediation of impacts
  • Reference to appropriate examples in the case study you have chosen, or examples from other similar case studies.

Conclusion (approx. 250 words)

  • Summary of negative impacts and suggestions – include some evaluation here. Which impacts are the worst and what immediate things can they do? What suggestions might be harder? What factors might influence the success of these suggestions.

References (not included in word count, aim for at least 5 academic references)

  • Clear, consistent and correct referencing using the Harvard system
  • Use of supporting resources/literature (reports, academic publications, media sources)


  • Use of appropriate grammar, punctuation and spelling throughout
  • Formatted corrected with a cover page, contents page and sub-headings

Part B – Risk Assessment: Guidance

You must write a risk assessment based on one of the scenarios below, not on the event you chose for your part A report.
Choose one scenario for your risk assessment:

Scenario 1, Local Music Festival:
A one-day music event is planned by a local village centred around one stage with small-scale lighting and PA/sound system. The event will take place in a farmer’s field, accessed via a country lane nearby to the village. The location does not have any existing lighting in place. There will be limited parking adjacent to the event. The event also includes a small number of food/alcohol outlets and has an operating licence up until 11.30pm. A mixed demographic numbering approx. 300 people will attend the event.

Scenario 2, Rugby match
A rugby match is planned between Bath Spa University and University of Bath at Stothert & Pitt Rugby Club on the edge of Bath. The match will take place in the evening on a Saturday in November. There is very limited parking there. The rugby club has a bar selling alcohol and hot drinks. There will be a pizza stall selling pizza outside. There is a large PA system for commentary of the match. You are expecting around 500 to attend the event, mainly students from the two universities.

Scenario 3, Corporate conference
The annual conference for the Association of Event Planners is being held in a hotel in Bath. The conference will be happening over two consecutive days, during the week in July. There will be three large spaces in the hotel for this: a large conference hall with round tables which will be used for table-top exercises and workshops, and also for eating lunch. There will also be an exhibition hall, where event companies will have display stands talking about their services. There is also a lecture-style hall for talks during the conference. Lunch and refreshments will be provided, but delegates need to source their own evening meal and accommodation. You are expecting around 400 delegates of professional event organisers from across the UK.

Scenario 4, A bespoke wedding
You are planning a wedding for a couple geṄng married on a beach in Scotland. They have hired a private beach and will be having both the ceremony there outdoors, and then the reception in a marquee just further inland overlooking the sea. For fun wedding photos, they are doing a joint jet ski ride aker the ceremony in front of their guests. They have invited friends and family from all over the world and children and dogs are both welcome. They will be having a drinks reception when guests arrive, and a large buffet in the evening. They are expecting around 300 guests.

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