BM7122 Coursework Report| Genetic Disorder | Parkinson’s Disease

Published: 20 Jan, 2025
Category Report Subject Nursing
University London Metropolitan University Module Title BM7122 Coursework Report 2024

Assignment Task

Your neighbor’s first child has recently been diagnosed with a genetic disorder *. They are to receive professional genetic counseling but wish first to acquaint themselves with the background of this disorder, which is not present (as far as they are aware) in their immediate families. They have sought your help to explain:

how the condition arose,

what the prognosis for the affected child is likely to be,

whether gene therapy would be appropriate, and

if future children will be similarly affected.

Assume that both parents are professionals but neither is a scientist. Answer each of their questions in turn and record your responses to any supplementary queries that you think they might raise. Your explanation must be phrased in appropriate language that the parents can understand. For example, you should clarify each scientific term that you use.

Note that the report must be written entirely in YOUR OWN WORDS. Copying even short sections from the literature (written or electronic) constitutes plagiarism and is a SERIOUS assessment offense.

Approximate word length: 2000 plus a bibliography listing all the references you have used to research the topic.

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