ASB2603 Marketing Research and CRM Assessment: Individual Customer Insight Report Assignment Brief | Bangor University

Published: 24 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Bangor University Module Title ASB2603 Marketing Research and CRM

Learning outcomes assessed: 

  • LO2. Demonstrate an ability to explain and discuss the importance of information and research in marketing decisions, the stages involved in the marketing research process, and the usefulness of different marketing research concepts and techniques. 
  • LO4. Demonstrate an ability to explain and discuss the roles of primary and secondary data, and the different types of qualitative and quantitative data collection methods for Marketing research and CRM purposes. 
  • LO6. Use Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and associated statistical techniques to tackle basic marketing research problems.

Assessment Task:

Companies are expected to be more responsible towards the marketing of high-sugar products to consumers in the light of an obesity epidemic. Marketers play an influential role in this situation. This marketing research project focuses on this issue, extracting customer insights regarding consumers’ motivation to eat high-calorie snacks. A representative sample of American consumers was obtained via the crowdsourcing platform Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). The research used the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB; Ajzen, 1991) as a base theoretical model.  

The objectives of this market research project are as follows: 

  1. Assess the relevancy, adequacy, and predictive power of the TPB in understanding consumer’s intention to eat high-calorie snacks. 
  2. Assess the role of other influencing factors (desire, anticipated regret) that might provide additional explanatory power beyond the TPB predictors (attitude, subjective norms (SN), and perceived behavioral control (PBC). 
  3. Determine if the TPB model operates equivalently across (a) gender, (b) weight  aim (losing/maintaining/gaining weight), and (c) BMI category  
    (‘underweight’/’normal weight’/’overweight’/’obese’) 

In order to achieve the above aims and objectives your report should encompass  the following: 

1). An executive summary (no more than 100 words). 

2). an introduction to the obesity and high-calorie snacking problem in the USA using qualitative/quantitative research data to help to scope the issues in this  market, with a brief outline of the TPB (approx. 500 words) 

3). Report of the analysis and discussion of the quantitative results (approx. 1000  words) in the following sub-sections 

  1. The sample profile. 
  2. A descriptive analysis of the mean values of the TPB model and other influencing factors (desire, anticipated regret) (use averages). 
  3. Two chi-square analyses that would provide useful insight to the reader. d. multiple regression analyses that would fully address objectives 1 to 3.

4). Based on your prior quantitative analyses and reflecting on your knowledge of  qualitative research gained while compiling this Report, conclude with the following subheadings (approx. 400 words): 

  1. Discussion and limitations 
  2. Marketing recommendations, including but not limited to, segmentation strategy, ethical narratives 

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If you want to see the solution to this brief, then click on this link: ASB2603 Marketing Research and CRM Report Example 

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