7EC502 International Business: Theory and Strategy Individual Report Coursework 2

Published: 25 Dec, 2024
Category Coursework Subject Business
University University of Derby Module Title 7EC502 International Business: Theory and Strategy

Coursework 2 (60%):

The organisation of your choice is planning to expand its footprint in a new country (selected in CW1). Please prepare a report explaining “how” this internationalisation initiative can be implemented by analysing the layers of business environment, plausible strategic choice(s) and propose a suitable method for strategy implementation.
The chosen organisation should be the same as in CW1. 

[This is a continuation of the internationalisation strategy analysis of your organisation of choice from CW1 where you answered the “why”, “what”, “where” and “how” questions for the past/existing internationalisation initiative followed by your proposal for a new internationalisation initiative. Now you are going to analyse the implementation of this strategy (the “how” question) in CW2]

The report should be submitted using the Turnitin link on the Assessments page of Course Resources no later than Monday 20th May 2024, 12:00 noon.
Written feedback on the assessment will be available in the Course Resources through Turnitin normally within 3 weeks of the submission.

Assignment Criteria:


  • Demonstration of analytical skills of working with data and problem-solving Provide evidence of critical approach in your writing Skilful and critical application of the theoretical models/concepts to address the assessment task
  • Use of a wide range of credible academic and professional sources to develop arguments
  • Demonstrate an evidence of wider reading and research
  • Use of relevant and up-to-date information on the chosen company

Suggested Structure:

Title page – Module and CW2 title, tutor name, student ID number

Table of contents

Executive summary – max 250 words

Introduction and a brief background (approx. 250 words) – this follows up from the new internationalisation initiative you proposed in CW1

Situation analysis (approx. 1000 words) – critically evaluate the strategic position at macro, industry/sector and organisational level to support the rationale for choosing the target country/region 

Analysis of strategic choices (approx. 1200 words) – identify strategic choices for the foreign market entry. Please use organisation’s internationalisation strategy as the benchmark, can they follow the same strategy? Was/is there any learning especially from a not so successful attempt? How do the competitors internationalise in the same market? 

Strategy implementation (approx. 1000 words) – how can the chosen strategy be implemented? Do you foresee any challenges? How do you propose to address these? 
Conclusion (approx. 50 words)

Struggling with your 7EC502 International Business: Theory and Strategy assignment? Get expert assignment help from qualified UK writers who specialize in coursework help and report writing. Whether you need help demonstrating critical thinking, applying theoretical models, or using up-to-date, credible sources, our team is here to support you. We also provide a comprehensive 7EC502 assignment sample to guide you through the process. Let our professionals help you tackle your coursework with detailed research, strong analysis, and clear, evidence-based arguments. Reach out today and get the expert help you need to succeed in your course!



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