5025CMD Data Science for Business Assignment Brief | CU

Published: 24 Mar, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Computer Science
University Coventry University Module Title 5025CMD Data Science for Business
Type of assessment Report
Assessment Title Building an Analytical Model
Word Count 2000 words

Assignment Task

Task and Mark distribution:

Create a report that examines how Data Science contributes to IT management decision-making by analysing and visualising real datasets and building a predictive model. Your report should explore how Big Data analytics support business strategy, business processes, and decision-making in an
organisation through various tasks as identified below. You are expected to create a suitable title for the report. Your report must include but not be limited to the following sections:


The introduction should state the aim(s) of the report, explaining how a big data analytic is used to analyse and present data to support business strategy, processes, and decision-making. It should introduce the selected dataset among the given sets, highlighting its source, key features/attributes, and the rationale for choosing it. In addition, the introduction should provide an overview or summary of the report's structure.

Data Prep and Cleaning 

This section should explain the steps involved in preparing dataset to ensure its accuracy, consistency, and readiness for analysis. It should describe the methods used to address issues such as missing values, inconsistencies, or irrelevant data during the preparation process. The aim is to demonstrate a good understanding of data preparation and its critical role in producing reliable and accurate results.

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Data Visualisation and Descriptive Analysis 

This section should provide steps in creating data visuals and descriptive analysis to gain further insight on the datasets. It a detailed exploration of the dataset, focusing on its structure, attributes, and relationships. Summarise any observed patterns, trends, or anomalies, and describe how these findings could affect decision-making.

Reflection and Conclusions 

Summarise the key insights derived from your analysis and visualisations, highlighting their role in supporting strategic decision-making. Identify any issues or limitations encountered with the dataset or the model and provide recommendations for potential improvements or adjustments to address these challenges effectively.

Reference and citations 

A fully referenced report that includes an appropriate selection of peer-reviewed references as well as more popular media references.

Assessed Module Learning Outcomes

The Learning Outcomes for this module align with the marking criteria which is provided above. Ensure you understand the marking criteria to ensure achievement of the assessment task.  The following module learning outcomes are assessed in this task:

On completion of this module, the student should be able to:

  • Recognise how information systems support business strategy, business processes, and practical applications in an organisation.
  • Interrelate how various support systems can be used for business decisions and to sustain competitive advantage.

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