Best Midwifery Dissertation Topics, Ideas & Research Titles

Key Takeaways

  • Midwifery is a subject that educates and provides training to students for providing care for women, newborn babies, and gender-diverse people.
  • Following strategies for getting the perfect topic will help you find the topic that will provide you good scope for your research and will provide you with the ability to score good grades.
  • A dissertation is one of the longest pieces of writing and is considered one of the toughest as well, due to which understanding the proper Tips to follow while writing the dissertation is important.
  • Going through the variety of Midwifery dissertation topics that are of different fields will give you a vast opportunity for selecting the best and your interested topic.

Midwifery is the practice of providing care to women before and after giving birth to babies. Midwifery work does not end simply by providing care to the women, they need to provide care to newborn babies, gender-diverse people, continuum of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Writing a dissertation in this subject is lot unique and different from other subjects. 

This blog will help you out by providing complete guidance for your dissertation. As you are writing a dissertation for the very first time, there are many other things as well that you need to do. This blog will help you with all the essential topics that you might need to get your dissertation good grades. If you have zero knowledge about how to write a dissertation, you can also seek help from dissertation writing services who are professional in writing such dissertations. 

Starting from the definition of Midwifery, this blog will help you by providing strategies that you must use to select the perfect topic for you. Understanding Tips that will help you in getting your Midwifery subject dissertation perfect. This blog covers a variety of Midwifery dissertation topics that give you many options for selecting the best topic for you.

Topics are related to various Midwifery dissertation ideas as well, which gives you a chance to go through various fields and gain knowledge from there for your dissertation.  If you get stuck anywhere do not hesitate to search for how to find reliable dissertation writing help, as they can guide you in the best possible way. 

What is Midwifery?

Midwifery or we can say, Midwife, it’s from the Latin word mater which means ‘mother.’ According to the Act, midwives are anyone who provides antenatal, delivery, and postpartum care and health services. Midwifery is indeed a caring profession and it seeks to maintain normal birth, lessen maternal mortality, minimize maternal mortality, and enhance perinatal results.

Some continue to consult it about a woman who gives birth while others use it as slang for childbirth teaching and learning. It may be ambiguous because desire exists even amongst women who want to be midwives yet they require educational formal qualifications. This can be considered as one of the parts of nursing. (If you are a nursing student you can also look for dissertation nursing ideas as well) 

Midwifery is actually one of the oldest professions and indeed one of the oldest trades in human civilization. They would assist women, children, and families through Childbirth each year. Hill 2005 also found that the definition of midwifery means “midwife”. The Greeks used this term to give it to women who assist in births and those taking care of pregnant women.

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Strategies to Use For Selecting Midwifery Dissertation Topics Ideas

The choice of the most appropriate topic for your dissertation is something that matters most. You want to select an area of interest that will also be useful in enhancing the delivery of maternal and infant health care. You can also search for top the  5 resources to get for a dissertation in the UK. Here are some tips to help you pick the best midwifery dissertation topic:

Strategies to Use For Selecting Midwifery Dissertation Topics Ideas

  1. Pick an Important Topic: Ensure that the topic you set is centered on something, which is significant in midwifery. You have to focus on urgent problems which mothers and newborns have to in addition to focus on percent in the United Kingdom.
  2. Be Specific: Do not select a broad theme or area of study. Choose a problem area in midwifery practice, such as a period of pregnancy or a disease that can affect mothers.
  3. Expand Narrow Topics: If your topic sounds too limited, do not get worried. It allows you to always add more research or consider it from a different perspective. This is one important topic when it comes to learning how to choose a dissertation topic
  4. Look at Traditional Topics: You can look up some classic midwifery dissertation topics as a starting point to see what other people have written about in such papers. This will give you a feel of where you can put a new input so that it will not be a reiteration of what is already available.
  5. Choose a Topic That Helps: Since you are creating change, your topic should focus on advancing the healthcare system for mothers and children. As such, search for research topics in midwifery in a bid to help make things better in real life.
  6. Build Your Knowledge: Midwifery is the principal practice you need to grasp before you emphatically select your theme. It is always better to select a good topic the more you know the easier it is to select the best one.

These strategies are important in both, no matter whether you are learning how to write a dissertation or thesis

Tips for Writing a Midwifery Dissertation

Midwifery dissertation is not at all different from other dissertations, you have to follow the same process for this as well. But there are some other things that you need to look at while writing your Midwifery dissertation. Below mentioned are some tips that can help you make your dissertation easy for you. 



Prepare an outline

Start your dissertation by making a proper outline that you will be following throughout your dissertation. This will make sure that you don't get confused during the process of your dissertation. You must seek expert advice and tips for your dissertation success

Make a proper timeline.

Fix a proper time for every section, defining the time you will be giving to each section. 

Create subsection

Midwifery is a subject that needs deep understanding for which you need to create sections and subsections wherever it is required.

Research about your topics

Midwifery is a subject that has many research gaps, so you should research everything before you start writing your dissertation. 

Midwifery Dissertation Topics

Here are different Midwifery dissertation topics for you, you can even take them as your Thesis as well. These topics are versatile and can be used as Midwifery Thesis topics as well. You can choose among different fields that are present below as all these different fields include good midwifery dissertation topics, that are trendy, and they even are undergraduate student midwifery dissertation ideas. You can look for the best dissertation helper to guide you in selecting your dissertation topic. 

Prenatal Care Midwifery Dissertation Topics

If you are interested in the field of Prenatal care, here are the top midwifery dissertation topics UK. You can also seek help from best help with dissertation and assignment UK for this particular field. 

  1. Learning how midwives assist women who are pregnant to adopt good practices regarding their pregnancy.
  2. Ascertaining the extent of effectiveness of the prenatal education programs in the preparation of parents for childbirth and baby care.
  3. Prenatal care is an important component of preparing a woman and her child for a healthy life after birth but the challenge is how various cultures can seek the necessary prenatal care.
  4. Ascertaining how midwives monitor the development as well as the condition of the baby during pregnancy.
  5. What they do to assist control certain issues like diabetes or hypertension when pregnant.
  6. Knowing why prenatal care should begin as early as possible in pregnancy for both the mother and the baby.
  7. Exploring the ways that midwives support women with weight control during pregnancy.
  8. Considering how midwives give information about the choice of correct foods to take during pregnancy.
  9. Identifying how these midwives assist in handling stress for a better pregnancy.
  10. Exploring why women should attend midwives’ appointments before their due date.

Postpartum Care Midwifery Dissertation Topics

Here are more dissertation topics for midwifery from another field. Make sure you have good knowledge of how to write dissertation aims and objectives as this is important in this field. 

  1. Finding out how midwives assist new mothers in the postnatal period of birth.
  2. Identifying the effect of a woman of postnatal depression on a mother’s health and social performance.
  3. The following are the advantages of midwives to visiting new mothers at their homes for follow-up.
  4. Exploring the part played by midwives in helping a woman to recover after a C-section.
  5. In what ways do midwives contribute to the new parent's emotional needs to help them cope?
  6. Focusing on understanding why proper postnatal care is necessary for the health of the woman who gave birth.
  7. More on ways through which midwives help a woman with physical recovery and body transformation after birth.
  8. Exploring how midwives support new mothers to overcome some common difficulties related to breastfeeding.
  9. Determining how midwives address some complications such as infection or post-birth bleeding.
  10. Offering new parents the necessary knowledge and all the required assistance in the childcare of their newborn child.

Labor and Delivery Midwifery Dissertation Topics

This is a field that requires a good amount of research so make sure you learn important steps in the research process, as this will be very beneficial for you in this. 

  1. The experience of studying different approaches to pain control used by midwives during childbirth.
  2. Studying factors that concern variations in the environment and surroundings of the labor process.
  3. Learning about how midwives try to decrease the rate of C-sections.
  4. Looking at the role of midwives in advocating for natural childbirth and why it should be embraced.
  5. Reveal how midwives manage complications that develop during the delivery process.
  6. An examination of care given by midwives during labour, in terms of physical comfort and reassurance.
  7. Examining how the positions at work may have an impact on the labor process.
  8. Recognizing some of the advantages of being attended by a midwife from early labor to delivery.
  9. Given that this article is going to discuss the practice of water birth and all its benefits for both a mother and her baby.
  10. How midwives educate parents about the Birth process and what to expect.
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Maternal Health Midwifery Dissertation Topics

Understand everything related to the dissertation, including doctoral dissertation length as well, as this field will require you to present everything in proper and limited words. 

  1. The question should be: How might access to maternal health services be guaranteed for all women?
  2. Looking at how dieting influences the well-being of pregnant and postnatal females.
  3. Examining global efforts to reduce maternal mortality rate.
  4. Getting to know how economic and social factors affect the health of a mother in pregnancy and childbirth.
  5. Concerning, how midwives assist in chronic illnesses management to achieve safe pregnancies.
  6. Learning the benefits that come with regular examinations to ascertain early signs of other issues.
  7. How to improve maternity care in resource-poor settings.
  8. Exploring stress-related outcomes for mothers and the role of midwives in combating it.
  9. The ways through which midwives monitor the health status of a mother, and how they assist this woman in the postnatal period.
  10. innovations in maternal health care and how they enhance maternal health.

Women’s Health Midwifery Dissertation Topics

When you are writing a dissertation make sure that you know the complete guide to structure a dissertation if you fail to understand this, you will eventually fail your dissertation. 

  1. Examining shared client-centered and co-located midwifery care vs. various models of women’s primary health care.
  2. Examining how midwives teach their clients about sexual and reproductive health.
  3. Explaining prejudice and how midwives assist women concerning their health issues.
  4. Exploring how midwives facilitate women in managing symptoms of menopause.
  5. Investigating how midwives offer primary care to preserve the health of women of childbearing age.
  6. Exploring midwives’ part in the diagnosis of hormonal complications and management of the same.
  7. Understanding how midwives help women with PCOS and health-related problems.
  8. Novel about how midwives assist women with such matters as prolonged bleeding or abnormal menstrual patterns.
  9. Feasibility of using different modalities of therapy and practices by midwives to improve women's health.
  10. Discuss how midwives and breast cancer survivors for example approach the different health needs of different women.

Undergraduate Midwifery Dissertation Topics Ideas

These topics can be used for both for dissertation and a thesis as well, but other than this make sure that you know the difference between a thesis and a dissertation

  1. Physician experiences of maternity care for asylum seekers
  2. The latest literature has identified several factors that influence pregnancy fear, and how midwives can assist women.
  3. Birth plan: purpose and anticipation, personal attitude, and practice
  4. Pregnancy, birth, and intimate partner violence relationships
  5. Increasing normalcy with midwifery care: aquatic births
  6. Fathers' postnatal depression
  7. The study also involves antidepressants and postnatal depression
  8. In the postnatal period, it relieves pain, infection, and healing of the sutured perineum, increases cervical ripening, and hastens delivery.
  9. Increased safety of mothers in the Philippines
  10. For Medicare patients, pediatric, obstetric, and clinician indirect home intervention programs.

Twitter midwifery dissertation topics

Twitter Midwifery dissertation topics mean trendy topics that have recently been in trend, so for this, you need to know how to write research questions for a dissertation, as these research questions were the ones that were in trend. 

  1. Discuss the reason for recurrent miscarriage
  2. This paper will endeavor to examine the cultural viewpoint on male midwives.
  3. Paper on DNA testing as an accurate tool for identifying a child’s inherited disease
  4. Can Umbilical Hernia be successfully operated to be cured?
  5. What genetic traits predispose mothers to miscarriage?
  6. Why it is crucial to eat healthily and be well fed especially when pregnant
  7. The management of a ruderal hernia
  8. Derives of midwives’ treatment of postpartum depression.
  9. Miscarriages’ underlying mechanisms
  10. Analyzing trends touching on male employees who work as midwives

Google Scholar Research Topics in Midwifery

This is the field in which you need to focus more on systematic literature review, so make sure that you know how to write a systematic literature review, for good grades. 

  1. This paper aims to establish the relationship between maternal age, education, and parity on the probability of spontaneous abortion In Bali.
  2. can describe the impact of the baby massage on the issue of babies gaining weight. 
  3. Impact of Autogenic relaxation on the lowering of hypertension among elderly patients. 
  4. Patients who will have an angiography or catheterization procedure: Anxiety factors
  5. The knowledge and practice of infection control among Midwives
  6. Midwives and mothers’ perception of Midwives’ service scheme
  7. Determinants of teaching and learning in the College of Midwifery Sciences
  8. examining the impact of clinical experience on the achievement of student midwives. 
  9. Post-party psychosis and nurse-midwives knowledge and perception about the condition
  10. Assessment of the attitude of student midwives to pregnant women during community experience.
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Do you do a dissertation for midwifery?

A dissertation/essay is required to complete a degree in midwifery. It allows students to showcase their skills and research on any topic. We will help you in selecting a best and unique topic, and will also tell you how to start your dissertation.

What are the current research topics in midwifery?

Midwifery is not limited to pregnancy only. It is an important topic, covering a wide variety of important topics. It also includes care after pregnancy and bleeding. It is important to know this topic to know the importance and depth of midwifery work.

Here are some of the broad trending dissertation topics in midwifery:

  • Midwife-led care on maternal and newborn outcomes
  • Health disparities in maternal and child health
  • Technology in midwifery for better patient care
  • Midwifery to reduce premature birth rates
  • Midwifery-led models 
  • The role of midwives in providing antenatal mental health
  • Needs of marginalized communities in maternity care
  • Complications during Pregnancy and the Role of Midwives

Complications during Pregnancy and the Role of Midwives

  1. An investigation of the experiences of midwives caring for women with high-risk pregnancies: a case study of a different clinic or hospital.
  2. Helping a pregnant woman who is suffering from her partner's emotional distress is a midwife.
  3. Does preeclampsia increase the risk of high blood pressure? Literature review.
  4. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is used in midwifery care.


Midwifery is one of the most unique and specific subjects, which has a wide scope of research. Writing a dissertation on this subject will provide you with various topics that haven't been researched yet. This is the field where the student gets education and training regarding the care of women, during labor, delivery, and even after the birth of babies. This Blog has provided you with various midwifery dissertation ideas that may help you reach the right topic for your dissertation.

You must follow proper strategies for selecting your topic, as this will make sure that you choose a topic that will work best for you. Other than this the Tips that you must follow to write your dissertation are also discussed in this blog. As you might be writing the dissertation for the very first time, so it's better if you go through these Tips to get good grades.  The topics that are mentioned in this blog, showcase different fields that are related to the subject.

This blog provides you with more than 100 topics that you can choose for your dissertation. You can go through all these Midwifery dissertation ideas and select one that suits your interest more. 

Frequently asked questions

This has to be the same as other subjects' dissertations that is around 80 to 100 pages. The formatting and structuring of the dissertation do not change for any subject.

William Harvey is said to be the father of British midwifery.

The main objective of midwifery is to provide, culturally sensitive care, and a safe and competent environment for women.

There is no such common best field of dissertation. As this depends on the students in what filed they have interest, as the field that has their interest will be considered as best.

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