What is the Difference Between a Thesis and a Dissertation?

25 Sep, 2024
Author : Vipul Jain

Students often get the terms thesis and dissertation mixed up. Get dissertation help to understand the difference. When you are writing a dissertation, people usually end up asking how the thesis writing is going on and vice versa. Academic institutions or the internet as well sometimes make it confusing by using both terms differently. The main point is what we even talk about when we say or refer to a thesis or a dissertation. And also, does the term we end up using impact what we end up writing?

However, to get a graduate or PhD, students have to write a thesis or a dissertation. This is because it is meant to test your knowledge about a subject deeply. Get UK Thesis Help for writing your project can help you to understand the differences between a thesis and a dissertation.

Here the student has to do thorough research and write a report about it. However, the confusion here is whether we need to write a thesis or a dissertation to get a university degree. To find out this we need to do a comparison to see the difference between thesis and dissertation.

dissertation or thesis difference

What is a Thesis?

When the students are about to complete their master’s degree by the end of the study course, they have to complete an academic paper called a thesis. It should be noted that most universities or academic institutions ask students to complete a thesis before graduation. Thesis writing assistance can help to write a thesis. Also, there are undergraduate degrees for which students have to write a thesis as well which is usually shorter and less researched than a master’s degree thesis.

Students choose a narrow topic to write a master’s degree thesis for a specific research purpose.

Secondly, the research is done on the existing topic of your research to form a good argumentative question by using the existing research to prove the statement.

The structure of a thesis is rigid as there are university policies and individual department policies followed. Get essential tips for help with writing assignments. These are the components required to write a thesis:

  1. Title Page
  2. Abstract
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Figures or Maps Table
  5. The Body
  6. Results or Conclusion
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What is a Dissertation?

Unlike a thesis, for a doctoral dissertation, students do their own research once they review the existing research. Although, dissertations are also written to show and prove the student’s knowledge and skills it is not limited to this only as it is written to add to the existing knowledge in the field.

In a dissertation, students can prove a new hypothesis or a theory in the study field or can also disprove an existing theory. Dissertation writing services are helpful in the UK. They can take a new turn on the established theory.

There are universities where the dissertation writing part is included in the coursework. This provides students with a jumpstart to the research to complete the course requirements. This helps them graduate faster.

The writing process of a thesis and a dissertation are quite similar. Students begin with a literature review after choosing a good topic, this is a deep analysis of the already established research topic. After this, the students can write and develop their theories.

One of the most intimidating aspects of a doctoral program is a dissertation defense. The best online dissertation helper in London can help with writing. In this, the students work closely with their selected committee members throughout the process. This makes sure that the committee has approved your dissertation then it will be accepted as well to grant you the degree.

Just like a thesis, a dissertation structure is also made by keeping in mind the policies of the institution and the student’s department. There is a difference between a thesis and a dissertation as a dissertation includes:

  1. Title Page
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Abstract
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Introduction
  6. Literature review
  7. Methodology
  8. Outcomes
  9. Dissertation Discussion
  10. Conclusion
  11. References
  12. Appendices

Differences Between Dissertation and Thesis

Research Scope
    • Based on the scope of research, a dissertation comes up with original and unique concepts and ideas in the field of study. There are common problems students face while writing an assignment related to these two.
    • Whereas, a thesis revolves around an existing research topic. It is a culmination of an existing topic.
    • Adding new and fresh results or arguments to the already established literature in the study field with original research is the main purpose of a dissertation.
    • Whereas, a thesis works with existing findings and tends to evaluate them. This is because a thesis's purpose is to showcase skills and knowledge within the subject matter of the course.
Completion Time
    • A dissertation takes a lot of time to complete as there is original research involved in the process.
    • Whereas, a thesis takes less time to complete as there are only a few aspects of original research involved. The right proofreading service for thesis can help get the better thesis.
    • A dissertation is presented in the form of a viva, where the academics ask questions about it, and the results are showcased.
    • Whereas, a thesis is not presented in the form of a viva.

Similarities Between a Dissertation and a Thesis

We have seen the basic key differences between a dissertation and a thesis, however, there are some similarities too.

  • Both the dissertation and thesis are very lengthy and are not like an essay or a regular assignment.

  • Be it structuring a statement or an argument based on already existing research or conducting original research, both the dissertation and thesis explore a topic deeply. Get the benefits of using online assignment help in UK to learn more.

  • Both are required as a final project to get a graduation degree, master's, or PhD. Also, students can graduate without these two if they are completing a diploma or certificate in post-graduation.

  • Both these require excellent research and writing skills to complete.

  • Both require a good amount of time to complete.

  • Both require a skillful argument to research and prove.

With thesis or dissertation differences, the similarities are there as well.

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Difference Between Dissertation and Thesis: Europe

In Europe, the difference between thesis and a dissertation is quite held. The thesis and dissertation differences are clear in Europe.

A thesis here is an original research piece conducted to get a PhD. Both should be a plagiarism-proof assignment. A dissertation however is a part of a much broader post-graduate project of research. A thesis however is evolved as the original research today requires less background research. So, the thesis contains a lot of citations and references to the previous work. Although, the focus is on the original work only.

Difference Between Dissertation and Thesis: USA

In the USA the definition of thesis is opposite of that in Europe. The dissertation and thesis differences are visible here too. This is because a thesis is smaller than a dissertation and comes in the way of getting a doctorate. Nowadays, a thesis is earned to get a master’s degree.

In a master’s program the main focus is not on the original research work but to see the student’s experience and skills in research work. To make my thesis better, assignment help can be used. Although the new ideas of students are allowed it’s not the main focus. Today students get a master’s degree and move on to get a doctorate.

Is a Dissertation Tougher than a Thesis to Write?

Students do find writing a dissertation harder than a thesis a sit involves original research work. This sometimes is tougher than just getting ideas from an existing research work. There is a difference between thesis and dissertation.

However, it also depends on the skill set of a student. Students need to develop enough good skills to write a dissertation better and quickly. This might make a dissertation easier than a thesis.

Also, the difficulty level depends on the course level. Writing a thesis at a doctorate level is tougher than writing a thesis for an undergraduate course. There are many advantages of hiring assignment writers UK to write a good thesis or dissertation.

The difficulty level also depends on the available resources and subject matter.

Both are challenging in their own ways and there is a difference between dissertation and thesis as well.


Both the thesis and the dissertation are different and there is a difference between thesis and dissertation in their ways but have many similarities too. This gets these two words mixed up and students often get confused. However, both should be used in their respective places as their meanings and purposes are somewhat different.

Using each other’s names in each other’s places will be wrong in academics. Remember their purpose and use the words accordingly as there is a difference between dissertation and thesis. Be it a dissertation or a thesis, both should be taken seriously no matter the length or size. Both require the same skills and knowledge to perform. A good thesis or dissertation topic for MBAs helps well.

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Frequently asked questions

A doctoral or PhD is a dissertation as a thesis is written to get a master’s degree. The thesis and dissertation differences are clear.

A dissertation involves original work and in-depth work than a thesis. A PhD dissertation is based on original research work whereas, a thesis is based on the already existing research. A dissertation can be used to develop a thesis but not vice-versa.

A dissertation is written to get a doctorate whereas, a thesis is written to get a master’s degree. So, a dissertation is higher than a thesis. Thesis or dissertation difference should be maintained. A dissertation writer can help write better dissertations.

No, in academics a thesis cannot be called a dissertation as they have different purposes. A dissertation is developed for a doctorate whereas a thesis is developed for a master’s degree.

A dissertation is based on original research work and a thesis is based on the already existing research. So, a dissertation takes longer to complete. So there’s a clear dissertation or thesis difference.

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Hi, I am the founder of Workingment, an academic writing services. I have contributed my writing skills and experience with my experts to the UK students to get higher grades. My goal is to help those students who have been facing many type of challenges while writing their writing project.

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