How to Choose a Dissertation Topic for Masters?

A dissertation is a long piece of writing or thesis of academic writing which is based on original research. It is done by the students in order to complete their degrees. It takes a lot of time and effort to complete a dissertation.

Each section of the dissertation is important from the introduction to the result section of the dissertation. A dissertation contains all the information including the results and conclusions as well. A lot of research is the longest form of writing one can write. It needs a lot of research and studying. 

What Is A Dissertation?

A dissertation is a long-form research project on a particular subject that involves collecting new data or analyzing old data. It needs a lot of research. It is a lengthy and detailed piece of academic writing. It allows the students to present their findings to a question that they choose themselves.

It basically tests the research skills of an individual student. A dissertation must be a plagiarism-proof assignment and should be written by conducting your own research.

There are two types of dissertation one is an empirical dissertation in which whole new data is collected, analyzed, and then used and the other one is non-empirical which means writing a dissertation using the existing data.

How to Choose A Dissertation Topic for Masters?

Writing a dissertation for a master's can be a little difficult. No matter if you have done that before. A student gets enough amount of time to write and complete a dissertation. There are many Assignment Help in London that offer valuable support to select a dissertation topic ensuring that the topic should be relevant and manageable. Let us understand step by step how you can choose a topic for your dissertation:

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1. Choose A Topic

Select a dissertation topic that you are interested in. It will make your dissertation writing journey smooth. Choose the topic you are passionate about in your field of study. If you choose a topic of your interest it will help you to dig deeper while researching and writing about it.

2. See Future Help

Wisely select a topic which can help you in the future as well. If you want to do something related to academics then try to find a topic that can be easily modified into articles or journals. If your goal is to go into the marketing industry then try to choose a topic that can help you with marketing. You can also choose a topic that can help you with your future research.

3. Select An Achievable Topic 

You can avoid choosing a completely new topic. Do very well research and select a topic that can be found within the existing literature. Also, make sure that the topic has not been selected before. Avoid choosing a controversial topic that can get rejected or may create conflicts.

4. Take Help 

You can take tips from your mentor, friends, or anybody. Having expert tips for your dissertation writing will help you to make difficult work easy.

5. Seek Feedback

Discuss the topic with your friends or mates. Share your ideas with them and take feedback. Understand that it is a major project. Feedback can help you in finding the perfect topic.

Writing a dissertation and thesis is a tough task and choosing a relevant topic for it is also something that needs to be taken care of. The importance of choosing the right dissertation topic must be kept in mind because if you choose the wrong topic you will find it very difficult to complete your dissertation so choose a topic that is of your interest.

What Things Does A Dissertation Have?

The structure of a dissertation depends on various factors such as the topic, approach, guidelines, etc. The basic structure of writing a dissertation is: Each section in a dissertation has its own importance be it the title page, abbreviations, or the dissertation methodology. Let’s learn a little more about the structure.

1. Title Page: The very first page of a dissertation is the dissertation title page. The title page includes the title of the dissertation, your name, department’s name, degree, institution’s name, submission date, university logo, supervisor’s name, etc.

2. Acknowledgment: After the title page then comes the dissertation acknowledgment page. It is a page where you can thank everyone who helped you and gave you the chance to write the dissertation including your instructor’s name, participants in the research, etc. not every time but in some cases, the acknowledgement is a part of the preface page.

3. Abstract: The abstract pages contain a short summary of your dissertation. It is usually about 150 to 300 words long. It is a very important part of your dissertation as it introduces your work of to the audience. It may be short but is important. It should describe the methods you have used, tell about the main topic, and the aim of your research, the main results should be summarized along with the conclusion.

4. Table Of Contents: The table of contents is basically the page where you write the list of all your chapters, along with subheadings and page numbers. It helps the reader to easily navigate to the document they want to read and gives an overview of your dissertation. It should have all the main parts and even the appendices.

5. List Of Figures And Tables: It is not a mandatory page but adding it will help the reader to get a guide if you have a lot of information or thesis in your dissertation.

6. Abbreviations: If you think that you have used a lot of abbreviations in your dissertation then you can include them in a page of abbreviations and can mention those using alphabets so that the reader can easily understand their meaning.

7. Glossary: If you think that you have used some terms with which the reader might not be familiar then you can add a page named glossary where you can mention those terms and provide a brief description about it.

8. Introduction: The dissertation introduction has the topic of your dissertation, its purpose, and also relevance. By reading the introduction the reader should get an idea of why, what, and how. It should give the reader a brief about what they are going to read next, the scope of your research, the research questions and solutions, etc. The introduction should be clear, accurate, concise, and engaging as well.

9. Literature Review: This helps the reader to gain knowledge about the existing academic work in your topic. It mainly aims to reduce the gap between the literature and existing knowledge and also asses the credibility of the sources used.

10. Methodology: Methodology means the page where you will add and explain how you have conducted your research. Many students don’t know how to write a dissertation methodology. It should clearly define what you have done, the methods you have used, etc. it should include the research purpose and overall approach, the methods used in collecting the data,  any tools or materials is used, the methods used to analyze the data, etc.

11. Results: The result page should have the information discovered using the methodology. It should clearly state if the results are relevant to the question, if there is anything that did not meet your expectations, if your hypothesis was supported etc.

12. Conclusion: Writing the dissertation conclusion is important. The conclusion page should answer your research question and the reader should get a clear idea of your main argument point. It is the final chapter. You should end your dissertation in conclusion by telling the readers what you have found along with recommendations.

13. Reference list: It is very important to cite all the references you have used in your with full details of the source used. It will help you to avoid plagiarism and unethical practices. Follow a citation style consistently.

14. Appendices: Having appendix in a dissertation is useful to provide extra information to the readers. The whole dissertation should only contain important and relevant information but if there is    something you think that your reader should know about like any interview or survey questions then you can add that in appendices instead of the main body.

7 Tips to Help you to Choose your Dissertation Topic

It is very difficult for any student to select a topic, research about your topic is very important. Whenever you select a topic, select it wisely and do complete research.

1. Choose a topic that interests you

It takes weeks and months to prepare your dissertation topic or research project, so you should choose a topic that interests you. The more research you do about your topic, the better it will be, because if you choose the topic according to your interest then you can make good use of it.

2. Choose Something Different

You should select your dissertation topic that is completely different, which will have a good impact on your reader and which can get you a good grade.

3. Don't be too vague

Your dissertation should be written in such a way that it leaves a good impression on your readers. Every point of yours should be well defined and written.

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4. Don't be too narrow

You should select such questions for your topic which are simple to answer and which your readers can understand.

5. Research

It is important to research the topic for your dissertation, first you research about your topic, then research about it so that you can write your topic.

6. Be objective

When you select your topic, it is important to think like a third person, so that you can know all the weaknesses of your topic.

7. Ask your teacher for advice

Whenever you select your topic, take advice from your teachers and mentors, they can give you good advice regarding your topic.


To conclude dissertation might be tough to write but it is very helpful to thoroughly research any topic and gain information and knowledge. There are a lot of dissertation writing services available online that can help a student to easily complete their dissertation. Choose an interesting topic and complete your dissertation smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

A dissertation is a long piece of writing undertaken at the end of a degree. It is usually the largest piece of writing. It tests the research skills of a student and puts together their findings on a particular question.

An ideal dissertation should be of 250 to 300 pages.

Appendix means if there is any kind of extra or irrelevant information which is not necessary in the main body then all those information is added in appendix.

Yes, it is important to mention the findings as well as the results relevant to your questions. It is also an important part of a dissertation so every student should learn to write findings in a dissertation.

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