How Long Does it Take to Write a Dissertation?

30 Aug, 2024
Author : Vipul Jain

Writing a dissertation is an important task that takes a significant time with proper structure. The decision-making process, which includes selecting the best dissertation topic, conducting research, and presenting a dissertation may not be simple or quick for graduate students or at master’s levels. To complete the dissertation it might take one year or six months. 

Students should understand the time required to complete a particular task like concept development, literature review, data analysis, creating an outline, and dissertation writing. Students need to create a Gantt Chart Template For Dissertation to track the progress and create the dissertation outlines first. The longest duration to write a dissertation is a maximum of 1 year and a minimum of six months is required.

How Long is Expected To Make a Dissertation?

How Long is Expected To Make a Dissertation

To complete a dissertation, requires primary and secondary research, writing skills, and lots of time. At the time of dissertation writing, there are so many problems that occur like availability of resources,  research design, topic selection, and feedback from tutors. Every student needs approximately six months to complete the dissertation on time without making any errors. If they are unable to write dissertations themselves, at that time they opt for the dissertation-writing services.

How Much Time Does It Take To Write a Dissertation?

A dissertation consists of many parts from selecting the topic to write the dissertation conclusion. Every part of the dissertation needs a separate time frame. To help scholars, we provide examples and time frames, by using this, students may complete the dissertation on time. 

1. Defining the Topic and Creating Proposals

The initial phases in the dissertation writing process include topic selection and making a research proposal. Select your topic accordingly, so you can conduct research and build questions or hypotheses. 

It is always important to select a subject that will be fascinating as well as possible. 

  • Time Required: This step may take up to 2 to 4 weeks. 

2. Writing a Literature Review 

Writing a literature review is a critical analysis of previous literature and publications on the identified subject of interest. This step involves conducting a literature search to determine the academic papers, books, and other source documents to be used in the conduct of the research study. Here you can also read how to write dissertation literature review.

  • Time Needed: Typically, the literature review requires three to six months of the researcher's time while the study is being conducted. Your interest in a certain field of specialization and the amount of time you are willing to commit to the research project will determine this.

3. Designing the Research Methodology 

Having identified your proposed area of study, the next process involves coming up with your methodological framework given the literature review findings. This is the identification of the research method, subjects, and techniques for data collection and analysis and start writing your dissertation methodology.

  • Time Required: The process of identifying the research methodology takes 1 to 3 months. This step requires much thinking and planning to write a dissertation

4. Collecting Data 

Data collection is among the most time-consuming activities which are used in the completion of the Dissertation. This depends on the kind of research through knowing the benefits of primary research for example, data can be collected through surveys and such surveys may take a few months in some cases can take more than a year.

  • Time Required: In the ideal situation, it might take three months to gather the information; however, it may take 1 year or one and a half years. The scale of the timeline will also depend on things like how quickly the participants could be available for the study.

5. Analyzing Data 

Data analysis is the next process to undertake after data collection has been completed. This involves research design using quantitative analysis tools or qualitative analysis techniques to analyze the data.

  • Time Required: Data analysis usually ranges from 2 to 6 months. This phase can be tasking for instance if you’ve complicated data or you can take help from the Dissertation helper for the academic assistance. 

6. Writing the Dissertation (2 Months)

The process of writing a dissertation is perhaps the most evident of all the activities that are conducted, but they are all based on the prior steps. The dissertation usually consists of several chapters: Including the dissertation Introduction, Literature Review section, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Every chapter involves writing, editing, and, quite frequently, several revisions in cooperation with your advisor.

  • Time Required: The process of writing the dissertation can take between 6 months and 1 year. The timeline significantly depends on the time you can spare to write daily, ideation clarity, and feedback processing speed.

7. Proofreading The Final Dissertation 

After the first draft has been written, the process of revising follows and it continues until the final draft is produced. This includes adjustments to arguments, presentation, coherence, and the removal of mistakes. At that time, some of the students wondered how they get dissertation help for proofreading services to polish the dissertation.

  • Time Required: Revisions could take anywhere between 1 to 3 months, depending on the amount of modification that is necessary and the communication level of your committee

Time Required For Completing Dissertation

If the above-noted steps are put into perspective in terms of time, it is normally advisable to take between 6 months to 1 year to write a dissertation. But these timelines are just estimates and actual time may differ.

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Finally, let me stress that it can be very difficult and time-consuming, in general, to write a dissertation. Starting from choosing a topic to conduct research to the final write the dissertation references. The total time to complete a dissertation also varies from 6 months to 1 year depending on factors such as research intensity. 


Here are the most asked questions by Students on Google.

Q.1 How Long Does it take to Write a Dissertation?

Ans. The next query that has to be addressed is this one. Depending on the subject matter, depth of the research topic, and writing style, a student should expect to finish a dissertation between 18 to 36 months.

Q.2 Which aspect of Writing a Dissertation is the most challenging or the largest barrier to overcome?

Ans. Depending on the size of the research project, data collection may prove the most difficult part of the research and it take more time. Lots of students failed to do research, and looking for the best online dissertation helper in London

Q.3 Is it possible to complete a dissertation earlier if one works on it with an emphasis on working full-time?

Ans.  Yes, one can devote the full time, which will allow completing the dissertation very quickly, thereby, adding 18-24 months to the existing time frame.

Q.4  How much time should be allocated to the literature review?

Ans. This stage known as the literature review normally takes between 3 to 6 months depending on the size of your study and the extent and access to literature.

Q.5 What if my proposal for the dissertation is not accepted at the first attempt?

Ans. If the proposal undergoes some changes, it can also lengthen the time required to complete the project. The proposal stage usually takes 2 to 6 months depending on revisions and approvals and you can opt for research paper writing services in the UK.

Q.6  What amount of time, in hours per week, is required to write the dissertation?

Ans. The process of writing the actual dissertation normally takes between 6 to 12 months depending on the length of the dissertation how clear the ideas are and the number of feedback given by the advisor.

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Hi, I am the founder of Workingment, an academic writing services. I have contributed my writing skills and experience with my experts to the UK students to get higher grades. My goal is to help those students who have been facing many type of challenges while writing their writing project.

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