How To Create Dissertation Table of Contents? MS Word, Sample, APA Format & Guide

13 Jan, 2025
Author : David Brown

Key Takeaways

  • A Table of Contents should appear in the first few pages between the abstract and acknowledgments section.
  • Here are three types of Table of Contents first Main Headings, Sub-headings, and sub-sections of the level 2 headings.
  • In this article, we provide all the steps to create a dissertation table of contents in Microsoft Word. With the help of this blog, you will find what to include and what not to include in the dissertation.
  • The Word Count of the TOC should be not more than two pages.
  • With the help of the TOC Sample, you will get an idea of what the Dissertation Table of Contents looks like.

While Writing a Dissertation or Thesis, students feel blank when it comes to creating a dissertation table of contents with a well-formatted. The TOC shows all the major headings of the dissertation with page numbers and it should be placed between the Dissertation Abstract page and how to write a Dissertation Introduction.

The required length of the Dissertation Table of Contents should be two pages. While writing a dissertation, students feel depressed and face lots of challenges to complete the final draft with proofreading. 

A TOC is required to list all the chapters and main headings with the page numbers in an appropriate order. With the help of TOC, students understood the lineup of all the headings. In this blog, we provide the How To

Create Dissertation Table of Contents including samples, template, font sizes, word count, and more information we provided in this blog.

Dissertation Table of Contents Types

What is Table of Contents?

A dissertation Table of Contents, TOC is a list that is found on a page before the start of a writing work, which means it will placed between abstract & introduction.

A TOC typically includes main headings with descriptions which are called first-level headings second-level headings within the chapters, and third-level headings (sub-section of b-headings).  Sometimes students fail to complete the dissertation and don't have time to create the Dissertation, so they can ask directly from the Dissertation Writing Services

The main objective is to create the TOC, it helps to navigate the structure of the information. This includes Title, Sub-Chapter, and Sub-sections.  Students can create the table of contents in Microsoft Word in your document.

The Table of Contents is divided into three parts according to the document length

1. Single Level- This includes only first headings which are also called Level 1 headings and chapters. 

2. Sub-Chapter:- In this, Level 2 Headings and sections are used. For Example, Methodology is the Level 1 heading and the rest are the important headings under these headings are sub-chapters.

3. Multi-Level:-  This section includes all the sub-sections of level 2 headings.

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What to Include & Not To Include in the Dissertation Table of Contents?

A Good table of contents includes all the information that contains all dissertation chapter headings and sub-headings. However, there are so many chapters, that we don't need to add them to the table of contents. There are some rules to create TOC, listed below;

What To Include

What Not To Include

You should include all the appendices in your TOC.

You Should not include the Dissertation acknowledgments page.

All heading 1 and heading 2 of the dissertation should included in the Table of contents.

Not to Put the Table of Contents itself.

If there are figures and tables in the dissertation, you can create the TOC. 

Dissertation Abstract page.

In the dissertation or thesis have a separate list of tables and figures.

How To Create a Dissertation Table of Contents in Word?

If you want to create a table of contents automatically, you can make the table of contents in Microsoft Word for your dissertation. While writing a dissertation, you can follow all of these important steps in the Research Process.

You need to follow the steps we provided below;

Step 1: First analyze your first heading, and second heading, and apply the correct heading style in the word file. 

Step 2: Select the font size and style for each heading according to the university guidelines. If it is not mentioned in the guideline, you can use the font of Times New Roman and 12 font size, and bold.

Step 3: Now, Add a title that follows the correct citation style.

Step 4: Click where you want to create TOC.

Step 5: In the word, you will see the references button to create a table of contents automatically.

Step 6: Click on the References section, and you see three types of options automatic and manual. 

Step 7: Click on the automatic Table of Content and it will be generated automatically.

You can create a manual TOC, after selecting the manual table of contents. In this, you need to change numbers, the number of headings. The main sections like Methodology, Literature Review, Abstract, and reference are the main headings of the dissertation, or Check How To Write A Dissertation Methodology?

Dissertation Table of Contents Font Size

  1. The Font Size of the Dissertation Table of contents should be 12 Points in Times New Roman. Also, the font size is the same as the rest text in the dissertation.
  2. The Title of the TOC should be centered and bold.
  3. Use Harvard heading style and add all level 1 and heading 2 in the table of contents.
  4. We need to use the same font size,  figures, tables, and footnotes. 

If you want to create references in Harvard style, you should read How to Reference Harvard Style in a dissertation.

Dissertation Table of Contents APA Guidelines

In the APA style table of contents, you should show all the headings, sub-headings, and pages in your dissertation. Before creating the table of contents, you should read the guidelines first of the APA Dissertation Table of Contents.

  • The TOC should be double-spaced, one-inch margin on all sides.
  • Use only the same font size, and style, that you used in the whole dissertation.
  • The TOC should be placed on top.

Before creating the table, students should know How To Write a Dissertation Title Page in 2025.

So let's Create a Dissertation Table of Contents APA:

  1. Don't create the TOC manually, use Microsoft Word to create it automatically.

  2. Select all of your headings and subheadings and apply.

  3. Select the table of contents and position and apply.

  4. On Microsoft Word, you can see the references section, after clicking on this, you will have three options.

  5. Next, choose Automatic Table 2, which has appropriate headings.

  6. Click on the option 2, and you will see the table of contents.

After Completing the Title page, abstract, and introduction with the table of contents, now check the comprehensive guide on How To Write a Literature Review.

Dissertation Table of Contents Word Count & Font Size

Typically, the word count of the Dissertation Table of Contents is not more than two pages. If you are writing a dissertation, the word count is specific for every section from the title page to the last references. 

Use all level 1 headings, second headings, and third headings as sub-sections for a better understanding. If you failed to understand how to create a TOC and you faced lots of challenges in completing the dissertation on time, so you can help from the Dissertation Helper to complete the work before the deadline.

Dissertation Table of Contents Checklist 2024

  1. If you want to create the best TOC, so its has to be properly formatted.
  2. The Table of contents shows all main headings of the dissertation, sub-headings, and all the chapters.
  3. All the headings and titles that are part of the table, should go exactly in the content.
  4. Put the correct page numbers.
  5. A Dissertation table contents should include all the appendices, a list of tables, and figures.
  6. The table of contents you want to write so consider it will be double spaced and a 1-inch margin is required from all sides.
  7. Up to three levels of headings should include the TOC.

If you need more help in the dissertation while writing like an academic guide, it is the best time to use dissertation writing services.

Dissertation Table of Contents Sample & Example

In the sample section, you will see the title with headings & subheadings. Along with page numbers and all the chapters of the dissertation.

Dissertation Table of Contents Sample & Example

How To Update the Dissertation Table of Contents?

  • After creating the table of contents, sometimes students do some edits and changes in the dissertation. Therefore, you should update page numbers of heading automatically after all completed changes. 
  • If you want to update the page numbers, please click on the right button on the TOC and click on the update field. Now you will see an updated table of contents.
  • You can also update the page numbers after clicking after clicking on update the entire table.
  • It's easy to update the table of contents with page numbers in Microsoft Word. 

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Table of Contents For A Dissertation- Instructions

You should follow the Dissertation Structure before creating the table of contents. Your TOC should be inserted before the beginning of the dissertation. When writing the dissertation, you should mark your headings s H1, H2, H2, etc.

H1- The heading is your primary heading or the title of your dissertation.

H2- This heading is used to create sub-headings.

H3: H3 is the sub-sections of H2 Headings.

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The Dissertation TOC should be included in your file to get the desired results. It becomes easier to create TOC when you read this blog. The Contents should include all the appendices, a list of tables, a list of figures, and a references list.

We are not required to include acknowledgments, abstracts, and TOC itself. If you need any kind of help regarding the dissertation and Assignment, you can take Assignment Writing Services for academic assistance. 

Frequently asked questions

It helps to navigate all the headings with the page numbers and the reader can find them easily. If the reader wants to read the perticular headings, they can check the page number and directly read the section.

The TOC should include all the main headings, sub-headings, and sub-sections with 12 font sizes in Times New Roman and it should be a double-spaced, one-inch margin on all sides.

Some Format Guidelines for APA Dissertation Table: 1. It is necessary to have space in the table of contents 2. It should be written in the same font as the dissertation. 3. You should write the table of contents at the top of your topic and keep it bold.

The table of contents in a dissertation should be placed between the dissertation abstract page and the introduction page.

You can easily create the table of contents in Microsoft Word,  after marking all the headings and sub-headings. Now click on references, and select the Table of Content button. Now Microsoft Word easily creates your TOC.

1. Decide where to insert the table 2. Table Example in APA 3. Create table 4. Assign a number and title to your table 5. Cite table within text 6. Explain your table with a note

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