How to Write a Discursive Essay: Format, Topics & Examples

Key Takeaways

  • This blog, covers all the essential points and information that are needed to be covered in the discursive essay. The discursive essay explains us about designing the main outlines for the whole research papers that a student write in their whole academic journey.
  • Through this blog, we discussed the structure that you should follow while you are writing a discursive essay. You have to read this blog carefully to understand the whole structure.
  • We discussed the various discursive essay topics. You have to consider these topics and find out which topic can match and suit your area of interest. In this way, you can be able to choose the one which reflects your own interest.
  • This blog recommends the golden tips that are crucial to writing a perfect discursive essay. Apart from that, we also discussed the major types of discursive essays in which most of the students always being confused. So, this blog can be useful for you to solve all your concerns regarding writing a discursive essay.

Learning to write discursive essays has become very important for students today. Irrespective of the subject, university, or course you are pursuing every student is given to write a discursive essay at least once as their assignment. A discursive essay teaches you to you about creating basic outlines for all the academic papers you will be writing in your academic journey.

If you know how to write a critical essay it won’t be that hard for you to understand the format of a discursive essay. This is the reason every student is said to understand how to write a discursive essay.

As you are here that means you have not experienced how to write a Discursive essay till now. You don’t have to worry, everything that you should know about Discursive essays you will know it here.

What is Discursive Essays?

Definition of Discursive essay is among the most common forms of writing tasks assigned to students and it consists of the examination of the chosen subject, which is a topic that has more than one side.

It is meant to make students engage their critical thinking ability and make analysis. Students face issues in the analysis part for which they look out for the best essay writing service so that they can help them.

James Joyce a famous Irish author suggests that while writing a discursive composition, a writer doesn’t have to provide a piece of biased information and present the two sides of the case arguing. Discursive essay meaning is a genre of writing in such a sense that requires proper investigation of the topic, evaluate evidence, and read all the information before writing your essay.

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Key Features of a Discursive Essay

Here are some key features that may help you understand discursive essays more properly or you can look for Top-rates websites for academic essay writing that will help you out by providing guidance and tips.  

Key Features of a Discursive Essay

  • Balanced Argument: Gives the pros and cons of an issue.

  • Critical Thinking: Through the use of words such as ‘it remains’, the writer tries to appeal to many possible opinions in the reader’s mind.

  • Objective Tone: Impartiality which means the author or speaker does not take sides in regards to the information that they are giving to an audience.

  • Clear Structure: Coherent and presents a progressive and comprehensible concept. If you don’t understand structure you can reach a writing service for getting services like “Write my essays”.  

  • Evidence: Backs up claims with facts or statistics, or personal or other people’s opinions.

Format of a Discursive Essay

For a properly structured Discursive essay, you must follow the format to get your essay in the right structure. Make sure Arguments can be more than 2 and you have to discuss the arguments in the same manner.


The first thing that you have to do is to make an Introduction for an essay in which you must include, what the paper is about and why it matters.

Summarize the proponents and the opponents of the topic at hand. Introduce your essay which should be in the middle.

First Argument  

Then further move to the next step where you have to present your 1st argument, as a Discursive essay can never be biased you need to present two or more arguments.  

Evaluate what the first side of the argument is and elaborate on it in detail. Ensure that you back up your arguments with some kind of evidence. Address potential counterarguments.

Second Argument

Now let’s move to the 2nd argument that you have to discuss in your essay, try to show different perspectives in this Provide the counterargument to the issue being discussed in detail.

Address all such potential counterarguments that are valid and to the point. You need to know how to write an essay plan to get your structure perfect.

Analysis and Evaluation

Then further moving to the next step you have analysis and evaluation. Here you need to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each side of the argument. Assess the arguments that have been made. Give one’s own opinion or sum up based on the analysis made.


In the last comes writing a conclusion to an essay, you have to summarise all your essay and represent the complete summary of your essay. It's said a good conclusion is that gives readers an explanation of the whole essay just by reading the conclusion.

So for that include a List of the major points of both arguments. Rewrite your thesis statement. Provide the last piece of advice.

Types Of Discursive Essay

Every student always facing confusion about the type of discursive essays. So to solve this confusion, we will discuss today the three main parts of the discursive essays that you have to compose in the discursive writing style. Here are three main types of discursive essays that are mentioned below-:

1. Opinion discursive essay: It shows the author’s viewpoint.  The opinion discursive essay is an official academic paper where you can straightly present your point of view connected to the topic. Most of the students even don’t know the best ways to begin a reflective essay for students.  The opposing perspectives and causes should be combined in the individual paragraph.

A discussion that presents the indecisive perspective. The topic that is chosen by yourself shows your perspective and offers you proof that can handle your main discussions. The format of the opinion essay is also similar to others such as the introduction part, the description or main body, and the final part which is known as the conclusion. 

2. For and Against Discursive Essay:  It shows the issues of both sections. In these kinds of essays, a definitive topic is allocated to the scholars. The essay outline combines a brief that supports you in dealing with the ideas and discussions. Who wants assistance with ideas? It also explains the pros and cons of an individual question.

Just the author’s self point of view should be shown in the section. If you want to write a research paper on your own then it requires a lot of effort and hard work. The discursive essay format is the same for all the discursive essays. The introduction part explains the topic’s importance and the conclusion part is essential for briefing the whole topic ideas.

3. Discursive essay suggestion solutions to problems: The essays that show the solutions for the individual problems or issues, it usually analyze the problems that are directly connected to the issue. The self point of view of the scholar is always specified in the final part or conclusion.

If you want to critically discuss a topic then you have to check the precise information in depth. The author’s point of view can be specified straightly or indirectly in the beginning (intro) and the final part( conclusion).     

Different Between a Discursive Essay And an Argumentative Essay

A discursive essay and an argumentative essay both sections are not easy to learn. You have to do a lot of research and read the journals and articles to know the difference. But in the end, you can’t get the proper information and you are always confused.

So, in today’s blog, we are going to discuss the usual differences between a discursive essay and an argumentative essay. To know the difference between an argumentative and discursive essay you have to read the below differences.  

Discursive Essay

Argumentative Essay

A discursive essay offers you the knowledge and details about a specific subject. Many students don’t know how to write an essay structure or format the essay.

 The discursive essay is a current problem. These types of essays can be written in any way whether it is formal or informal.

Argumentative writing is a type of writing in which the student collects and finds out the relevant details that can show their presence.

The discursive essay concentrates on showing a well-maintained view of a topic. This is a usual issue faced by every student about how to write an essay with references.

 You have to focus on the perspectives of what you trust. You can design conditional conclusions, but it usually depends on the facts without the perspectives.

The argumentative essay concentrates on growing a perspective on an argumentative topic. It usually focuses more on the empirical data.

This type of essay needs the writing stuff from the universities and colleges to check the writing skills and logical efficiencies. 

This type of essay needs depth and broad research and it usually works as a milestone for the final project.

A descriptive essay offers you a clear and informative description of something usually a thing.  It requires the research from the applicable sources.

List of Discursive Essay Topics

Below are the suggestions of some discursive essay ideas and topics for your help in selecting the right and perfect essay discursive essay for you. Among these, you can also have topics for discursive essays in higher English as well.

Social Issues of Discursive Essay Topics

  1. Is euthanasia entitled to be legal?
  2. Is the use of social media bad for one’s mental health?
  3. Genetically modified organisms should be used in food production.

Technology  of Discursive Essay Topics

  1. Is the use of artificial intelligence and automation helpful for society?
  2. Should the government control the utilization of technology?
  3. Is Technology making people less social?

Many students find it very hard to do assignments on technology-related topics or subjects, if you also feel so you can seek help from an Assignment helper in uk, they can help you out with all types of assignments.

Education of Discursive Essay Topics

  1. Should colleges and universities remove the use of standardized tests from admissions?
  2. Should students prefer online classes or classroom-style instructions?
  3. Should schools pay more emphasis on offering job-oriented training?

Politics of Discursive Essay Topics

  1. Does it mean that democracy is the best form of government?
  2. There is one question that is always raised regarding guns: Should gun control laws be more rigorous?
  3. What are the effects of globalization on developing countries?

Environment of Discursive Essay Topics

  1. Is climate change a result of human-induced?
  2. Should people use renewable sources of energy?
  3. Do GMOs pose a threat or hurt the environment?

Similar technology, topics, and subjects related to the environment also require proper research and proper collection of evidence in writing the proper assignment. So, you can get help from the assignment writing Services uk for this.

Example of How to Write a Good Discursive Essay

Below are some points working as examples of discursive essays that can help you understand how can you write a perfect discursive essay.

  • Research Thoroughly: It is necessary to gather information from reliable sources to argue for the solutions. Understand research methodology and use it very wisely while writing your essay.

  • Maintain Objectivity: Do not express oneself in a manner that is in any way prejudiced or appeals to the emotional sentiments of the concerned parties.

  • Use Clear and Concise Language: Writing is to be formal and academic.

  • Proofread Carefully: Ensure that the paper complies with various rules about writing, particularly grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

  • Get Feedback: It is recommended to show your essay to a friend, teacher, or tutor and hear their opinion on the material.

Write an Introduction for a Discursive Essay

Introduction attracts your readers, so you should write your introduction in such a way that it compels your readers to read further. Avoid writing unnecessary words, keep the introduction of your topic informative, which can connect your readers.

For example, if your essay/dissertation is on the impact of any type of topic like technology, you can start it like this, In today's screen-oriented era, traditional education is becoming obsolete.

In this essay, we will discuss about the impact of technology and finally we will arrive at a micro perspective.

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Write the Body for a Discursive Essay

The body section is the section where you write about your topics. Divide it into points and explain each point thoroughly. Before writing the body, you need to do proper research about your essay topic, so that you can get a good material for your essay topic.

Write a Conclusion for a Discursive Essay

In conclusion, you should summarize the points you have written, you will only see the content that you have used in your main body, you cannot put any extra information in it.


A discursive essay is an important piece of writing and requires proper research and collection of evidence in the right manner. Discursive essays help you in your future assignments as well by improving your basic writing skills.

This blog discussed the format that you must follow for writing a discursive essay you must properly go through the format to understand the complete format. Other than this you must also know how to write an essay structure, a normal essay, and not any particular type.

The format includes an introduction, then next comes 1 argument, then you have to discuss 2nd argument, as a discursive essay can never be biased, and should talk about 2 or more arguments.

After this several discursive essay topics have been mentioned for your essay, you can select any one of them for your Discursive essay. And in last to get a complete understanding of the examples of how to write a  dissertation is mentioned to give important lessons on what things you must use while writing.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, you can surely get help from any writing service and ask them for help with essays, and discuss everything with them regarding your essay.

By understanding how to write an argumentative essay you understand that the main objective of an argumentative essay is to convince the reader of a specific viewpoint. In the case of discursive essays,  both sides of the story are explained and the decision is left to the reader.

You can find the best examples of a discursive essay in validly published news articles, note that it does not include personal stories. Articles that are properly researched and discuss some serious topic.

A discursive essay is one type of essay in which a writer provides 2 arguments for the same topic after proper research and using proper evidence leaving it to the reader to decide what must be the right decision.

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