How to Critically Discuss in an Essay? Steps & Example

18 Oct, 2024
Author : Vipul Jain

Key Takeaways

  • Critically discussing makes you write everything in proper detail, you don’t just have to mention the facts.
  • For writing a critical discussion essay, you need to follow a proper format that includes an introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • For making your critical discussion perfect there is a set of strategies that you must follow for getting it perfect.

When someone asks you to “critically discuss” in an essay what they want from you is much more than statements of facts. This means that is necessary to go further than a simple consideration of information, analyze pro and con arguments, and decline a topic according to evidence.

It entails analyzing the situation by challenging or reviewing the particular information, defining the scopes as well as the limitations, and then making a decision. In this article, you will learn more about the ways of critical discussion essay development, including analyzing a topic, evaluating proofs, and providing a balanced controversy. You must learn everything to make a perfect essay even knowing the proper time break is also essential. So, make sure you learn about that as well, for example, you must learn how long it takes to write a 2000-word essay.  

Critical Discussion Essay Structure

What Does "Critically Discuss" Mean?

In simple terms, "Critically discuss" does not just mention facts and conclude all the important points. When it's mentioned that you need to do a Critical discussion, it means that you need to do a complete analysis of the information that you are mentioning in your essay. You need to provide a backup for every argument or counterargument that you mention in your essay, you need to answer questions like, "Why this is important" and "What does the information provide"?

Consider this as you are explaining this to some children who don't have any information regarding your topic, so you need to explain everything in proper detail. You need to mention everything and discuss everything. You have to cover all the angles of the information that you are mentioning in your essay.  Learn the best tips for students to write a great essay as that will help you out in getting more points clear.

  • Analyze: This way to split the topic into parts.

  • Evaluate: Do pros and cons and other such comparisons.

  • Support: Support your conclusions with some facts.

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How to Write a Critically Discuss in an Essay?

This type of essay also has the structure of the most common academic assignment – it has the main body, the introduction, and the conclusion; however, this type of essay is more oriented toward the analysis. You can also seek help from the essay writing service for helping you or guiding you for the same. Here’s a simple breakdown:


In using an introduction, you help your readers understand what to expect from your essay and what topic you are going to address. Understanding how to make an introduction for an essay is very important to make sure that you understand everything.  In this section, you’ll want to:

  • Introduce the topic: Briefly tell viewers what you are going to be talking about. State any complex terms or ideas on which your readers require background information before proceeding to the next point or section.

  • State your thesis: This is a key thing that you are standing up for. You should take a stand even if you will be shifting between stances during the oral participation of the discussion later on.

Example: This essay revolves around the effects of social media on mental health and how it can be critiqued. Some scholars have said positive things about social media and I disagree with them that social media has more destructive impacts than positive impacts.

Body Paragraphs

The body of the essay consists of paragraphs that contain materials for critical discussion by an author. You must go through how to write an essay plan for the university to get an understanding of the paragraph.  To defend a certain thesis, it often splits the idea into several points and each point is discussed in a separate paragraph. Here’s how to approach each paragraph:

Start with a clear topic sentence It tells the reader what the paragraph under discussion is going to be about.
Present different perspectives

We need not hear only one side of the story. Suppose multiple perspectives, and try to think about the problem from an opponent’s point of view. Seek help from top-rated websites for in UK academic essay writing, to guide you in your writing.

Analyze and evaluate

When describing each point, assess the strength or otherwise of the related evidence. Is it strong? Is it biased? Are there any shortcomings in the above approach?

Support your Argument

Try to justify as many of your points as possible by using statistically proven material. They could be from any studies conducted by different institutions, from research of experts, or even cases observed by different companies. For this, it's better if you understand how to write a discursive essay, as discursive focuses a lot on supporting arguments discussed in the essay. 

For example: “A strength in social media is that it helps people to maintain relationships with their friends and/or families. However, such studies reveal that such a level of connectivity experienced by the users may lead to anxiety and isolation when on social networks, especially among youthful users.


Your conclusion should sum up all the arguments which you presented. Remind important aspects of your discussions and restate the thesis after the evidence is presented. There are also pros and cons associated with the broader argument. Take help from an Essay helper, as they are professional and can help you with proper guidance. 

For example: Thus, though one has an advantage in using social media, the compilation of evidence depicts that social media has a deleterious impact on mental health. Therefore, one should be careful about spending time on social networks and focus on the health of the psyche rather than communication.

How to Critically Discuss? Step-By-Step Guide

There are two stages in the critical analysis process, and both sides are significant. The first activity is the reading process. If you get stuck somewhere do not hesitate to choose the best essay-writing service in the UK. Critical analysis assignment is all about showing how well you understand your topic of study. This means you read, watch, or otherwise study your material in another way to learn how to read it before continuing with your work. The second element is the writing process; Here are nine ways to improve your critical analysis essay writing, organized into two categories: organizational and writing.

1. Note, Mark, Highlight, Underline, Write Notes

You will have to make some reflections about the further activity, an author’s point of view, and techniques used. Of course, you should know them well before you start writing an essay or any other type of academic paper.

2. Choose a Thesis Statement

Your thesis needs to state an opinion about the author and his/her style of writing. It should be a point of view you have on the work such that you can support it with evidence from the text; when writing an essay what matters is to argue on someone else’s work. Select a thesis statement for which you can develop your entire analytical essay. Also for better understanding gain knowledge of how to write an essay outline.  

3. Let us write the first paragraph of the paper - Introduction

Your opening paragraph should capture your reader’s interest, so be very careful when composing this part of your writing. Some of the best introductions begin with a hook, which could be a question or a statement of some kind. Your first paragraph also needs to show or state the book or work of art you will analyze. Follow the author’s name, the title of the work, and publication data.

4. Structure the Body of Your Essay According to the Rules Fixed Above – Main body

After you have your first introductory paragraph, the rest of your essay should contain the body paragraphs that explore the given points. Each of them must be aimed at fulfilling the main objectives: to give the background, to go into the details, or to reveal the conflicting opinions that work to expand on the main statement. Learn how to write an essay structure for better understanding.

5. Craft Clear Topic Sentences.

The first sentence of each main body paragraph should summarize the idea of the progressing paragraph to the general statement and connect it with your thesis statement.

6. Provide Proper Evidence for Research

Look each time at what the contextual expert or scholar explained. Write your particular mode of style and fill your essay with proof. A simple description should be packed in the main body with some substance along with discussion. Just as it is impossible to persuade a person with mere claims which cannot be supported by any substantiated evidence.

7. Summarize Everything in the Conclusion

The overall aim of this concluding discussion for a good grade or simply making the audience have a good read will depend on the following last argument. The final line of a paragraph should not be the place for new proofs. No, it is the cherry on top of your entire essay or a summary of your principal arguments and ideas that make your reader think about what has been said. Go through the process of learning how to write a conclusion to an essay as well.


Here, therefore, I stand to reason that critically discussing a topic in an essay entails more than just stating facts, but also analyzing, evaluating as well as providing reasons that could be given. When you analyze a topic in terms of its subtopics, argue for different approaches, and ask what-if questions, it is possible to build a coherent line of reasoning. It is important for the kind of evidence one presents to support the positions he/she is presenting, secondly, the evidence has to be assessed for bias and shortcomings.

Lastly, a critical discussion essay engages in the formulation of an argument on a given subject matter but proceeds to make an informed conclusion. Go through expert tips on how to end your statement effectively. As you continue to practice this approach you will be able to get a good understanding of the area of study and end up presenting well-thought-out papers that are well supported by evidence.

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Frequently asked questions

Look beyond the basics when using the phrase: “critically discuss”. It entails a process of analyzing the various components of the subject, comparing the various viewpoints, and checking the analysis with the available facts. So there is not only the description of the issue but also the consideration of its advantages and disadvantages and their consequences.

A critical discussion essay typically follows this structure: Introduction, body section, and conclusion section. It gives an idea about the topic and what the whole discussion or argument in the paper will entail. The body paragraphs review more than one approach and analyze and substantiate every argument. This part sums up the results of your discussion, brings out the key argument, and suggests a resolution on the given subject.

To critically discuss, ask questions such as: What are the key arguments? Are there any biases? How strong is the evidence? Indeed, what are the counterarguments? As opposed to replaying the findings, interact with the topic to consider and assess the information at hand.

It’s also important for people to support what they say with evidence from research work, experts, or statistics. Remember that any evidence should be assessed for quality and for how good a fit it is for the argument being made as a whole.

Of course, switching to discussion means considering the issue from various perspectives. Looking at the matter from several angles proves that you have covered the problem from all available angles.

To do this in brief in your conclusion, recapitulate all the things which you have said to support your thesis. The conclusion that you arrive at must be expressively in line with the level of work that you have done.

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Hi, I am the founder of Workingment, an academic writing services. I have contributed my writing skills and experience with my experts to the UK students to get higher grades. My goal is to help those students who have been facing many type of challenges while writing their writing project.

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