Conclusion Sentence Starters: Ways to Start, Examples & Writing Tips

23 Sep, 2024
Author : Vipul Jain

Trying to understand a strong conclusion sentence for your writing, we have here everything for you. Let's give you a small understanding of what is conclusion. First The conclusion sentence is the last part of all types of assignments. This is mainly used to close your assignment or any kind of agreement. It summarizes your complete assignments, dissertation, or thesis. The conclusion is an important part of the structure of every assignment, dissertation, or thesis. You must also know how to write a dissertation or thesis when writing a conclusion.

As you go through this blog, you will get an understanding of the different types of conclusion sentence starters available. This will make you understand which sentence starter identifies what type of information in your conclusion. Not just that this blog will be discussing several other things, providing you examples of different types of conclusion, and giving a proper understanding of the complete topic.

sentence starters for a conclusion

What is a Conclusion Sentence?

A conclusion sentence is therefore the last statement in a given paragraph or part of a given writing that normally gives a summary of the whole part made. It restates the main concept that has been discussed given the importance of the issue and gives the reader a feeling that everything has been said.

In writing a conclusion, it is very important because it must bring out the same point highlighted in the topic sentence of the particular paragraph but in different words. 

The conclusion part completes the whole assignment and has a last impact on the reader that is it is to understand how to write a dissertation conclusion and others including a thesis, essay, and all types of assignments.  

Why Conclusion Sentence Starters Matter

It is very important to select the sentence starters for a conclusion, as this impacts the effectiveness of the conclusion to the next level. Here are some more reasons for this:

Provide a clear and concise summary They are useful to reinforce the author’s leading ideas without going through arguments step by step again.
Reinforce the thesis statement These starters associate the conclusion with the thesis, and therefore, make the entire argument denser and more coherent. Understand what is a thesis statement and how to write it.
Leave a lasting impression Thus, a good conclusion starter helps make the reader receive the key message and remain fully impressed ever after.
Create a sense of closure The conclusion starters help to tie the end down and make it look like the work has ended as it should not give a rushed and unfinished look.
Enhance structure and flow They help enhance the organization of the presentation and make it easier to move from a particular idea to the conclusion thus enhancing the overall structure.

In case you still find it difficult to understand how to write the conclusion or your whole assignment you can seek help from the Assignment helper

Understanding the Purpose of a Conclusion

For writing a proper conclusion you must need to understand what is the purpose of writing a conclusion.

Summarizes the main points A conclusion restates the arguments or the findings made in a paper so that the reader is refreshed on the main points without being reminded of them.
Reinforces the thesis It puts the discourse back to the initial argument of the work linking the introduction and the main body stronger.
Provides closure The conclusion provides closure to the discussion by affording one a feeling that the issue has been well-covered. Providing a conclusion is important for every writing and especially for the report, as the report is written in proper format. You must know how to write a report for a university assignment, as it is one of the most used assignment types.
Leaves a lasting impression The conclusion also has to be well thought through so that the reader has a clear understanding of the message or lesson learned.
Encourages reflection This encourages the reader to start asking several questions on the topic at hand and maybe other additional implications to come out of the discourse that the text presents.

In case you are still finding it difficult how to write a conclusion you can get help from an assignment writer as they are professional in writing and can help you in better understanding. 
Types of Conclusion Sentence Starters

We have a variety of types of Conclusion sentence starters, these sentence starters for a conclusion explain different types of conclusions as well. Below are some types of conclusion sentence starters.

  • Summary:- “To summarize”, or “In conclusion, thus” 
  • Final generalization: “As the writing demonstrates”
  • Final inference: “Such evidence indicates”
  • Any striking examples: “Obviously”
  • Analogy: “In its quest”
  • Parting question: “Without a doubt”
  • Call to action: “Since the”, “therefore”
  • Forecast: “Certainly”
  • Denouement: “Eventually”
  • Narrative materials: “As these examples show”
  • Question-based conclusion: “Isn’t it obvious”
  • Reflective or insights: “In the final analysis”

While understanding the conclusion sentence starter, you must also learn about assignment structure so that you do not stuck anywhere and do everything properly.

Key Elements of an Effective Conclusion

An effective conclusion should include:

  1. Stick to facts and do not deviate from getting right to the point.

  2. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the introduction of innovative solutions promotes business growth and creates favorable conditions for investments.

  3. The first key communication concept deals with understanding the perception of the recipient of the message to be passed across.

  4. Make sure that when a reader closes the book, you want him or her to think about what has been written.

  5. Ensure that there is an idea of a resolution as to where the story is proceeding from. You can take this from the results section of your dissertation. This makes understanding how to write the dissertation result section important too.

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Characteristics of Strong Conclusion Sentence Starters

Some of the important characteristics of sentence starters for a conclusion:

  • Must be clear and concise, though, as in all medical writing, specific terminology may be unfamiliar to some readers.
  • Must be concerned with the matter under consideration.
  • Give a feeling of some sort of a wrap-up.
  • Are memorable.

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Best Practices for Using Conclusion Sentence Starters

You must also understand best practices for sentence starters for conclusions

  • Select a topic for the starter that will suit the tenor and texture of the type of writing that you intend to engage in.
  • This should not be the same starters over and again to make the conversation lively, different starters should be used.
  • The final trick that you should employ is ensuring that your concluding sentence is well aligned with the rest of the writing that you have done.
  • This is the last part of your research paper so it should be free from grammatical errors after you have written the conclusion.

As discussed above it becomes more important while writing an Essay. So make sure How to write a conclusion to an essay, steps, and guides in a proper and complete sense.

Effective Conclusion Starters for Different Writing Styles

It is essential to use effective sentence starters for conclusions for different writing styles, as this provides an opportunity to seek the interest of the reader towards your conclusion.

  1. Formal writing: In conclusion, it is necessary to note that.
  2. Informal writing: A pause at this point of the article: “So, ”
  3. Persuasive writing: Thus,. ..
  4. Narrative writing: The basic idea of a program should be described as follows: The following is a program that provides short explanations of texts that start with the phrase “And so,”.

In assignments, majorly Formal writing is used and needs to be written in perfect format and structure. The dissertation is the one that needs help in writing most, students often look for “How can I get proper dissertation help online?” So you must focus on the conclusion of the dissertation as well.

Impact of Strong Conclusion Sentence Starters on Writing Styles

Some sentence starters for conclusions can prove to be quite effective in changing the tone and the style of the writing. They can help to enhance the persuasiveness, interest, and memorability of your writing. They even can define what kind of assignment you have written. Just by reading the sentence starters of your conclusion, readers will understand what kind of information you will be providing them and they can understand things in a better way. 
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Examples of Summary-Based Conclusion Starters

Here are some conclusion sentence starters examples that are List of Summary-Based Conclusion Starters

  • Therefore, …
  • To summarize, …
  • “In short, … ”
  • "Overall,. . . "

In this you have to take points from the discussion section, so learn how to write a dissertation discussion section.

Examples of Insightful or Reflective Conclusion Starters

The following are useful phrases that one can use as conclusion sentence starters examples for an Insightful or Reflective conclusion.

  • "Ultimately,. . . "
  • “All in all, as I have tried to argue in the foregoing sections, the most important thing to remember is…. ”
  • Evidently, …
  • In this case, the reader cannot help but wonder. .. "

In an insightful and reflective conclusion, you must also mention the methodology you used for your dissertation or thesis. So you must know how to write a dissertation methodology and thesis methodology.

Examples of Action-Oriented Conclusion Starters

Action-oriented conclusion sentence starters examples:

  • "Therefore,. . . "
  • Thus this shows that,…
  • “Consequently,. . . "
  • “For this reason, …”

Examples of Question-Based Conclusion Starters

 In this paper, examples of using question-based conclusion starters are shown.

  • “Surely it is beyond per adventure that? …”
  • These are just but a few examples, and readers would naturally ask ‘What does it all mean?’
  • Said Hashemite, “Can we afford to ignore… “
  • ”That being the case, how can one apply such knowledge to his or her lifestyle?”

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Common Mistakes to Avoid with Conclusion Sentence Starters

Conclusion Sentence Starters That Will Help to Avoid Some Typical Errors

  • Choosing a wrong conclusion starter that does not relate at all to the topic of discourse.
  • For instance, using the same conclusion starter over and again.
  • If your conclusion is longer than necessary actions must be taken, and if it is too short your conclusion is not completed.
  • Picking a reviewing conclusion that is grammatically incorrect.

How to Customize Conclusion Starters for Different Audiences

To customize conclusion starters for different audiences, consider: To customize conclusion starters for different audiences, consider:

  • The age and level of education of your audience.
  • As to the second kind of attitudes, respondents’ self-identified interests and values lean towards patriotism.
  • This will enable one to clearly and concisely establish the purpose of his or her writing.

Tips for Writing Memorable Conclusion Sentences

  • Qualities to bear in mind for writing effective headlines include the use of strong verbs and vivid for describing any news.
  • The last step is to summarize your arguments in a call to the reader’s emotions.
  • It is always good to come up with a thought-provoking question at the end.
  • To be precise, this work calls for the employment of either a metaphor or a simile so that people get a lasting picture in their minds.

Understanding the Conclusion sentence and using them is most important in an essay. As in an essay you have to make the reader explain through your conclusion sentence starter only, what you are trying to explain so you must know how to write an essay structure.

How to Balance Formality and Engagement in Conclusion Starters

To balance formality and engagement in conclusion starters, consider: To balance formality and engagement in conclusion starters, consider:

  • The kind of language that is adopted in writing.
  • The function of your conclusion, the overall aim of writing it is to briefly summarise the main points and arguments given in the paper to let the readers have a quick and easy understanding of the paper.
  • The intended audience you have chosen or the target audience.

Not just for conclusion but you must know 10 simple ways to improve your academic writing.


Q.1 What Are the Best Conclusion Sentence Starters?

Ans. Choosing the best conclusion sentence starter to use is determined by various factors that include the following; the type of writing the conclusion is intended for, the nature, and the type of the intended audience.

Q.2 If I take help for my homework will it impact on my integrity?

Ans. No there won’t be any impact on your integrity if you get help from any good Homework helpers, they must provide you with work that is free of AI and plagiarism. 

Q.3 Why Are Conclusion Sentence Starters Important for Persuasive Writing?

Ans. Conclusion sentence starters are important for persuasive writing because they can help you to:

    • State your key points.
    • Make sure to have your thesis prompt in what we call a thesis statement of conclusion.
    • Call to action.

Q.4 How Long Should a Conclusion Be in an Essay?

Ans. The length of the conclusion should correspond to the overall length if your academic writing assignment. It is wise to write your conclusion approximately 5% of the total length of your essay. With such tips, you are ready to write good and powerful conclusion sentences that will capture the attention of readers. 

Q.5 Getting help with essays is legal or not?

Ans. Yes, if a student is looking for “writing my essay” they can freely look for it without worrying about any legal issues. 

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Hi, I am the founder of Workingment, an academic writing services. I have contributed my writing skills and experience with my experts to the UK students to get higher grades. My goal is to help those students who have been facing many type of challenges while writing their writing project.

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