Category | Assignment | Subject | Business |
University | __________ | Module Title | Unit 8: The Recruitment and Selection Process |
Unit 8: The Recruitment and Selection Process
Learning aim(s)
A: Examine how effective recruitment and selection contribute to business success
Your local newspaper has been publishing a series of insights into businesses in your area.
You have been asked to write a case study of a large business that has 250+ employees. You will choose a business for this case study. This may be your work placement, where you have a part-time job, or any business that has a transparent, easily accessible recruitment system.
The case study should evaluate the recruitment and selection processes and link these to business success.
You will need to research a number of large businesses of 250+ employees to choose one to write about.
Using your research, write a case study that analyzes and evaluates the recruitment and selection processes, drawing reasoned conclusions on how these processes contribute to the success of the business.
The case study should include a synopsis of the business, including the scope of its business activities and its size, and demonstrate an understanding of its workforce planning and recruitment methods and processes, including the use of outside organizations, and ethical and legal considerations. Your case study will demonstrate how the recruitment process links to the success of the business. You will also consider the problems that impact the business resulting from ineffective recruitment and staff shortages.
Unit/Criteria reference
D1 Evaluate the recruitment processes used and how they contribute to the success of the selected business.
M1 Analyze the different recruitment methods used in a selected business.
P2 Explain how and why a business adheres to recruitment processes that are ethical and comply with current employment law.
P1 Explain how a large business recruits and selects, giving reasons for their processes.
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