Unit 4: Laboratory Techniques and their Application BTEC Level 3 Assignment UK

Published: 31 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business Management
University Module Title BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Applied science

Assignment Brief 

You are working as part of a team of government health and safety inspectors. Your team leader has allocated the team to visit a range of different science organisations, e.g. a pharmaceutical company, a company that produces plastics, and a cosmetic company and report on the health and safety practices within these organisations. You need to select a suitable organisation to inspect. You will inspect their factory where the product is mass manufactured. You will also inspect the research and development site for the organisation.

You will produce a report that provides information on how the two departments in the selected organisation are following relevant health and safety legislation as well as describing the hazards present and how health and safety is managed. 

Assessment Criteria

To meet the criteria, you must demonstrate the ability to:

A.P1: Explain how health and safety measures in a scientific organization align with legislative requirements.
A.P2: Describe the potential hazards associated with various scientific working environments.
A.M1: Compare the health and safety measures implemented in different scientific environments, referencing relevant legislation and potential hazards.
A.D1: Evaluate the measures taken across various working environments to maintain high standards of health and safety while complying with legislative requirements. 

Links to English and Maths (GCSE / Functional Skills):

Speaking and Listening: Participate in discussions effectively and deliver presentations in diverse contexts. Conduct research using multiple sources.
Writing: Produce documents, including extended written pieces, to effectively and persuasively communicate information, ideas, and opinions.


You must produce a report that includes:

  1. A description of the main activities conducted by the organization.
  2. An outline of the potential hazards present in each selected department, linking these hazards to the health and safety measures implemented.
  3. An explanation of how adhering to the organization’s specific health and safety management system enhances safety standards and ensures compliance with
  4. legislation (e.g., Control of Hazardous Substances, Personal Protective Equipment legislation, and health and safety policies).
  5. A comparison of the health and safety measures implemented in two inspected departments in relation to relevant legislation.
  6. An evaluation of the measures adopted by the organization to uphold high standards of health and safety while adhering to legislative requirements.
  7. A discussion of the benefits and constraints of following these systems for both employees and the company.

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