UMODXH-60-M Critical Discussion Assessment Brief : Management Project and Research Methods | UWE Bristol

Published: 04 Mar, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University UWE Bristol Module Title UMODXH-60-M Management Project and Research Methods
Assessment title: Critical Discussion Size or length of assessment: 20-minute discussion of portfolio
Assessment type: Project ACADEMIC YEAR  2024/25

Module learning outcomes assessed by this task:

  1. Demonstrate an ethical approach to project management to plan and execute a significant piece of independent research in the field of marketing.
  2. Communicate and defend conclusions using a variety of formats.
  3. Critically discuss and appraise current and core issues in the relevant literature.
  4. Identify, apply and defend meaningful choices in relation to methodology and data.
  5. Evidence deep understanding of, and ability to reflect critically on, chosen research approach, process and feedback.

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