ULMS522 Strategic Learning Training and Development Assignment

Published: 24 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University ..................... Module Title Strategic Learning Training and Development


  1. To act as a consultant to an organisation which has commissioned you to design a tailored training programme for a specific job category or group
  2. Specify the target group as precisely as you can such as a particular level or grade of staff (e. g. graduate trainees), those in a specific job role (sales staff), or those in a certain geographical location (expatriate managers). For example, your programme could be designed as a leadership development initiative, as training for customer service staff in retail or in a call centre, or for those who will be required to adopt new working methods or technology in a local government or a health care setting etc.
  3. The training brief is to design a two-day programme that includes identifying training needs, specifying how a programme to meet these needs would be designed and delivered, and confirming how the value of the programme would be evaluated
  4. The requirement to “demonstrate different data methods and sources” can be met by reviewing academic and practitioner sources to identify what type of data would be collected to carry out a learning needs analysis and how this data would be obtained. Then to use the information that would typically be obtained from a learning needs analysis of the job category or business unit you have chosen to determine how the programme should be designed and delivered 
  5. You should base your description of the organisation, job role / work group, training needs on information obtained from academic and organisation sources but note that this represents a hypothetical training issue constructed for the purposes of the assignment and in no circumstances should a real organisation be contacted for information. Therefore, you are NOT expected to carry out any primary research to obtain data so your analysis will be based on information about the likely training needs for the target group you choose that can be obtained from textbooks, academic journals, CIPD sources etc. – together with any information from organisational sources that is in the public domain
  6. All aspects of the programme should be informed by relevant learning, training and development theories. 



Brief introduction of the organisation (country, organisation sector, products or services offered). Specify the target group to be trained (job category, level, location, number, key purpose within the organisation)

Learning Needs Analysis

What is the specific challenge or skills gap that needs addressing and why is this an important organisation issue (e. g. issues of performance, quality, safety, customer service, employee satisfaction etc.)? Show how the learning needs analysis identifies the training needs of the target group in terms of knowledge, skills or attitude change

Design & delivery

Specify the learning objectives and show how programme content will address these.
Provide a rationale for the programme design (content, duration, methods, trainers etc. together with the costs and benefits that the programme would involve).  It is recognized that you cannot provide specific costs or quantify anticipated benefits in monetary terms. Nevertheless, for assignment purposes, you should indicate the types of costs and benefits that the programme would involve, and that they are realistic in terms in terms of organization resources and skill availability


Explain how the programme would be evaluated. Provide a brief review of possible evaluation frameworks and justify the one to be adopted


Summarize the rationale for the programme; the knowledge, skills or attitude changes it will produce;  and how these changes will cost-effectively address a significant organisation issue. 

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