Category | Assignment | Subject | Science |
University | Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) | Module Title | U11746: Health Promotion |
This module will examine the meaning of health and wellbeing and the implications of different perspectives on health, as well as ways to influence health and well-being through population-based and targeted action.
1. demonstrate a critical, coherent and detailed understanding of the concepts of health, well-being, health promotion, public health and social policy;
2. critically evaluate and apply theoretical principles and relevant evidence to planning effective health promotion strategies;
3. demonstrate competence in a selection of communication skills appropriate to health promotion practice; and
4. demonstrate a critical understanding of how effective community health promotion is a collaborative activity, based on the principles and practice of effective inter sectoral and multi-agency partnership working.
This module is comprised of lectures and seminars with active learning including group work, self directed learning and use of case studies. During the module, students will be given specific exercises designed to deepen their understanding of their reading or designed to help them to apply theory to the real-world issues and settings.
Choose three lifestyle behaviours/conditions and write 2,000 words on the health promotion interventions existing in the UK which address these lifestyle behaviours/conditions (weighted at 50%).
Assessment deadline date: 2pm on Monday 9th December 2024 Assignment guidance:
This essay builds on your work for year one in the Major Health and Lifestyle Issues module. You may use research you previously cited but do not repeat sections of work you have already submitted in previous assignments as this would be self-plagiarism.
If you cover under or over three topics, you will lose marks. In each of the lifestyle/behaviours ensure that you:
• Briefly define the issue
• Demonstrate the prevalence, or scale, of the problem using recent data
• Briefly outline current UK policy for tackling the issue
• The main focus should be on the health promotion interventions which attempt to tackle each issue.
• Comment on the effectiveness of these interventions, for example cite studies which have evaluated the outcomes
• Link your discussion to the health promotion theories discussed in the module
• Support all the above points with up-to-date literature.
Write a 2,000-word essay critically analysing a UK-wide health promotion intervention (weighted at 50%).
Assessment deadline date: 2pm Wednesday 8th January 2025 Assignment guidance:
For this assignment you need to identify an existing health promotion intervention delivered nationally in the UK. Critically discuss the project. Points to consider are:
• Who were the population and/or the target group and how was this defined?
• What is the evidence-base for the intervention?
• Is this a collaborative intervention working with other agencies?
• What were its aims and objectives and were they met?
• What health promotion approach was adopted?
• How effective was it as a health promotion intervention?
• Is this project sustainable?
• Recommendations - what could be changed or improved if this was to be done again?
• Support all the above points with up-to-date literature.
Please remember, you are being asked to write critically: Critical writing goes beyond just describing and instead focuses on the meaning of things, events, or situations, especially in relation to the core essay question and learning outcomes. To be more critical, identify the significance of what is happening/written in the papers/sources used to develop your points, consider alternative perspectives, question the results or interpretations based on your theoretical and conceptual knowledge, weigh arguments between sources, and ultimately draw conclusions based on your synthesis.
For support with your academic writing skills, visit the CCCU Learning Skills Hub for advice and resources on critical thinking and writing, as well as a full range of academic skills such as referencing, evaluating information sources, and academic integrity among others.
Anonymous Marking
The assessments in this module are marked anonymously. This means that wherever possible, the identity of students will not be revealed when assessments are marked. Please read the Anonymous Marking Policy for more information.
To help with this process, you are required to use your Student ID in in the following areas when submitting your assessment on Turnitin:
a) Header of the MS Word file or equivalent (e.g., top of the document) b) Title of the Turnitin submission
c) File name when you save the file
Your Student ID consists of the digits on your Smartcard and on your My Record. - If you started studying at CCCU in Sept 2020 or after, your Student ID consists of 9 numbers, starting with 1
- If you started studying at CCCU before Sept 2020, your Student ID consists of the first three letters of your surname + 8 numbers. You MUST REMOVE THE THREE LETTERS from the Student ID when inserting it on your assessment as described above, else the submission will not be anonymous.
If you have a Learning Support Plan (LSP) you must include this on the first page of your submitted work document. Please remove your name and replace with your Student ID number.
Formative assessments and activities:
To help you prepare for your summative assessments, there will be one formative assessment to submit for feedback and informal formative activities in the seminar groups (which will be indicated in the directed study learning activities support on Blackboard).
Formative assessment guidance:
Using the Assignment 1 guidance, choose three lifestyle behaviours/conditions identify health promotion interventions existing in the UK which address these lifestyle behaviours/conditions. The interventions can be local or regional; they do not have to be UK-wide.
Using the list of items that you must include in your Assignment 1 as a guide (see above), develop an outline for your essay. You can approach this formative essay plan in various ways, such as by providing:
1) a brief outline of the material for all three lifestyle behaviours/conditions, or 2) a short note on the three selected lifestyle behaviours/conditions with a more detailed and in-depth outline for one of them.
The essay plan must also contain at least three references from the literature that you plan to use to support your points.
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