Category | Assignment | Subject | Management |
University | Open University | Module Title | TMA01: Job Selection, Satisfaction & Sustainability |
• Briefly describe the job that you have found and explain how it fits with your current personal interests and professional development plans.
Indicate how an applicant might demonstrate three of the main competencies required by the employer. (200 words)
[This question tests your ability to search for and identify a suitable job advertisement that you can
use to help you answer Questions 2 and 3. Therefore, the job advertisement you choose should include a reasonable amount of detail (for example, a job description and/or a person specification; see Sections 1.2 and 1.3 of B100, Block 2, Reading 8). If there are further particulars available, you may also want to look at those.
Start with a brief description of the advertised job and say how it relates to your current personal interests and professional development plans. You should also identify three competencies, skills or personal attributes required by the current job (refer to section 4.2 Finding jobs and understanding job
descriptions on the module website for more detail). Then create a simple table to show how an applicant might demonstrate these competencies (see sample table format below).
Competency or skill or personal attribute (i.e. insert brief descriptions based on the job advertisement)
How it might be demonstrated (i.e. give examples of relevant behaviours, skills, knowledge and attributes)
(Approximately 200 words for this question)
• Imagine you are the candidate selected for the job. How do you
think this job could be designed and rewarded to give you high job satisfaction? Give reasons for your answer. (500 words)
[This question asks you to apply the concepts of job design and reward management to the
example of the job in the advertisement that you have chosen. Use concepts from B100, Block 2, Reading 9, particularly the job characteristics model (JCM) (Section 3) and Reading 11, Sections 1 and 2 on payment by time and payment by results to help you with this answer. Remember that you are writing this answer from the perspective of the successful applicant for the job.
Start by explaining some of the principles of job design and reward management and how
these principles can help with job satisfaction. Then consider what you would find satisfying in a job and how you think the chosen job could best be designed and rewarded so that you would find it satisfying. Make sure that you explicitly refer to module concepts and to the job in the advertisement. Give reasons for your answer. (Use approximately 500 words for this question)]
• Imagine you are the candidate selected for the job.
At your first annual appraisal, your line manager asks you to come up with one action that you could take in this job during the next year that would support one of the sustainable development goals. (350 words)
[This question requires you to use concepts from B100 Block 1, Reading 6.
Start by explaining what the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are. Be brief here and try to use your own words as much as possible. Don’t forget to add references (most likely at least a reference to Reading 6).
Then describe an action that you think you could take in the job described in the job advert
that you have chosen for this assignment and explain how this particular action would further one of the sustainable development goals. Try to be specific: what exactly would be the sustainability benefit of you carrying out this action and how does that link with the SDG you have chosen?
If you want to go a step further and learn more about the SDGs, you can try to link your action not just to a specific SDG but also to one or more specific targets within that SDG. To remind yourself of the goals and to learn about the targets linked to each goal, go to
(Approximately 350 for this part)
4. Explain how you have participated in ONE TGF activity related to Block 1 or Block
2, and what you have learned from participating in that activity. (Use approximately 150words for this part)
[Guidance to students:
Briefly describe what the TGF discussion was about and how you contributed. To explain what you feel you have learned from participating in this discussion, you could try to link the content of the discussion to module concepts, or you could consider how your working practices or your study skills have benefitted from participating in the discussion.]
(Approximately 150 words for this part)
[Guidance to students:
Put the full references to every source you have cited in the text here. Refer to the assignment booklet for the format in which these references should appear. At a minimum, you should cite the relevant B100 Block 2 readings.
Your tutor or marker must be able to see that you have studied B100. Your main source of information on concepts for this TMA should be the B100 Block 2 Readings and you are expected to cite and reference these here. You can use additional sources, but these should be supplementary to the B100 Block 2 Readings, not replace them.
(The references in this reference list do not count towards your word limit)
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