Category | Assignment | Subject | Nursing |
University | Module Title | CHCCCS041Recognise Healthy Body Systems |
This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your assessment tasks for CHCCCS041 Recognise healthy body systems.
This unit requires you to complete four assessment tasks. You must satisfactorily complete all tasks to achieve competency for this unit.
Assessment Task |
Assessment Method |
Task Summary |
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions |
Written questions |
Students must answer 26 knowledge questions in an open book written assessment. |
Assessment Task 2: Assist a Client with their Health Concerns |
Role play and verbal questions |
You will participate in a role play to assist a client who has recently lost a loved one to illness and is now concerned about their own health. |
Assessment Task 3: Assist a Client to Attend Weekly Sport |
Role play and verbal questions |
You will participate in a role play to assist a client who is not feeling well or presenting in as good health as they normally are when you see them. |
Assessment Task 4: Assist a Client During Scheduled Health Check |
Role play and verbal questions |
You will participate in a role play to assist a client who is due for their fortnightly weight and health checks. |
Each assessment task will be given an outcome of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS). You must complete all tasks satisfactorily to achieve an overall outcome of Competent (C) for a unit. If one or more of tasks are assessed as Not Satisfactory, you will be given an outcome for the unit of Not Yet Competent (NYC).
You will be given a total of three attempts to complete each task and achieve a Satisfactory outcome. In the case of resubmission, you will be given a date by which you will need to resubmit, and you’ll be given feedback about what needs to be addressed in your resubmission.
1. Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions
2. Assessment Task 2: Assist a Client with their Health Concerns
3. Assessment Task 3: Assist a Client to Attend Weekly Sport
4. Assessment Task 4: Assist a Client During Scheduled Health Check
a) Draw an arrow to identify the parts of the cardiovascular system to their location on the diagram.
Left atrium
Left ventricle
Right ventricle
Right atrium
Pulmonary veins
Pulmonary arteries
Inferior vena cava
Superior vena cava
b) Refer to the diagram above of the cardiovascular system and explain how blood flows through the heart.
c) Describe the functions of the cardiovascular system.
d) Name three ways you can support a client to assist in maintaining a healthy blood pressure.
a) Draw an arrow to identify the parts of the respiratory system to their location on the diagram.
Nasal cavity
Right lung
Right main bronchus
b) Describe the functions of the respiratory system.
a) Identify the three main parts of the muscular system and briefly explain the purpose of each.
b) Identify the two main parts of the skeletal system.
c) Describe the functions of the musculoskeletal system.
d) Name two issues that can impact bone health as someone ages or does not get enough physical movement.
a) In the provided table, identify where each of the following glands from the endocrine system are located, and briefly explain the purpose of each.
Name of gland |
Location |
Purpose |
Hypothalamus |
Pituitary gland |
Thyroid gland |
Parathyroid glands |
Adrenal glands |
Pineal gland |
Reproductive glands |
Pancreas |
b) Describe the function of the endocrine system.\
a) Identify the two parts of the nervous system and briefly explain their function.
b) Describe the function of the nervous system.
c) Name two signs that may indicate the nervous system is being affected by age or disability.
d) Name two signs that may indicate a client is being impacted by dementia.
a) Draw an arrow to identify the parts of the digestive system to their location on the diagram.
Gall bladder
b) Describe the function of the digestive system, including how waste is removed from the body.
a) Identify the four main parts of the renal system (also known as the urinary system) and provide a brief explanation of the function of each.
b) Describe the function of the renal/urinary system as a whole, including its role in regulating fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, including pH levels.
c) What is the most common cause of renal failure?
a) Identify the five main parts of the female reproductive system and briefly explain their function.
b) Identify the three main parts of the male reproductive system and briefly explain their function.
c) Describe the function of the human reproductive system.
a) Define the integumentary system and explain its function.
b) In the provided table, name the three layers of tissue of human skin.
c) Draw an arrow to identify the parts of the integumentary system to their location on the diagram
Sebaceous gland
Sweat gland duct
Subcutaneous layer
Touch receptor
d) Name two issues that can impact skin health as someone ages or does not get enough physical movement.
e) Name three ways to support skin health and improve skin healing.
Describe the function of the lymphatic system. In your response, identify the six lymphatic organs.
Describe how each of the following functions occurs in the human body.
a) Smell
b) Taste
c) Vision
d) Equilibrium
e) Hearing
a) Provide a definition of ’cells’.
b) Identify the components of a cell as shown in the figure below:
c) In the provided table, explain the function of the following cell components:
d) Provide a definition of human body tissue. In your answer, identify the four principal types of tissue and briefly explain their function.
a) In the table provided, list a minimum of two impacts that ageing and living with disability can have on health status and physical condition.
b) Detail four or more nutritional and hydration strategies that contribute to a healthy functioning body.
c) Provide two examples of how ageing and people who live with disability may be more vulnerable in not meeting their nutritional requirements to support a healthy functioning body.
d) Provide three examples of how poor hygienic practises in ageing and living with disability impact nutrition.
e) Outline how poor oral care can have an impact on good nutrition.
F) Outline the impact that poor oral hygiene can have upon on quality of life.
a) Name ten recommendations you would make to clients to maintain their mind and body as healthily as possible (assume they have no medical conditions).
b) List two strategies to promote healthy living and wellbeing through social connections.
c) Outline three examples of how ageing and disability can impact the ability to access the right resources and conditions to remain well and healthy.
a) In the following table, provide a definition for each health terminology term:
Terminology |
Definition |
Analgesic |
Anorexia |
Arthritis |
Breakthrough pain |
Catheter |
Diuretic |
Dyspraxia |
Hallucination |
Infarction |
Prosthesis |
Scabies |
Thrombosis |
b) Explain the difference between ‘contagious’ and ‘infectious’.
a) Explain how the cardiovascular and respiratory system works together to ensure healthy body function.
b) Explain how the integumentary and nervous system works together to ensure healthy body function.
a) Describe the function of the immune system.
b) The immune system is broken up into two parts – the innate system and the adaptive immune system. In the following table, describe each of these systems.
System |
Description |
Innate system |
Adaptive immune system |
c) Provide a brief definition of immunodeficiency.
d) List four external methods of protecting the body from infection.
e) List four healthy living strategies to help improve the immune system.
a) Explain how the body maintains its temperature when the outside atmosphere is hot.
b) Explain how the body maintains its temperature when the outside atmosphere is cold.
c) Name one resource to assist an ageing person in keeping warm and preventing heat loss.
d) Name one technique you can recommend to assist an ageing person in keeping cooler on hot days.
a) Briefly explain the difference between active and passive physical activity.
b) Briefly explain range of motion (ROM) exercises and how they can improve joint function.
c) Briefly explain the impacts of ageing and disability on exercise capacity
d) Briefly explain the impacts that a lack of exercise and movement can have on the healthy body function of older people and people living with disability. Refer to both physical and mental health.
e) List two ways to encourage movement into daily routines and tasks.
Match each of the common medical abbreviations on the left to the correct term.
Abbreviation |
Term |
Answer |
a) BP |
Rheumatoid Arthritis |
b) CAD |
Pulse |
c) RA |
Cancer |
d) UTI |
Adverse drug reaction |
e) P |
Acute renal (kidney) failure |
f) DNR |
Blood Pressure |
g) ADR |
Upper Respiratory Infection |
h) URI |
Coronary Artery Disease |
i) ARF |
Do not Resuscitate |
j) Ca |
Cerebrovascular accident (Stroke) |
k) CVA |
Urinary Tract Infection |
l) DJD |
Degenerative joint disease (Osteoarthritis) |
In the provided table, name at least two observable indicators that may be present in the client to demonstrate there is an issue.
Issues |
Indicators |
a) Malnutrition |
b) Dehydration |
c) Underweight or overweight |
d) Food intolerance |
e) Appetite regulation |
f) Dysphagia |
g) Bowel health issues |
h) Incontinence |
a) Match the provided examples of change as they may be recognised in a client from their normal
A) Physical change
B) Mood change
C) Could be either Physical or Mood
Change |
Answer (A, B or C) |
Losing or gaining weight |
Not responding to conversation |
Blood in stools |
Anxiety or confusion |
Sleep problems |
Loss of physical ability |
Pale or flushed skin |
Avoiding people and socialising |
High temperature |
b) Name two examples of observable physical changes that require reporting to a medical professional.
c) Name two signs that a person may be experiencing mental health changes that require reporting to a medical professional.
Describe how each of the following common conditions can occur as an impact of ageing and disability.
a) Physical disability
b) Cognitive disability
c) Intellectual disability
d) Psychosocial disability
e) Sensory disability
a) Outline how ageing and disability can impact pain.
b) Outline an example of how pain can often be overlooked or go underreported when working in aged and disability care.
c) Name at least five ways you could identify that your client is experiencing pain.
d) Name at least three ways a client may communicate their pain to you.
f) List at least three impacts upon wellbeing if pain is left untreated.
In the provided table, indicate true or false to the statements regarding observing and/or reporting client health concerns.
Statement |
True or False |
If you have concerns, report these concerns as soon as possible because some signs and symptoms can deteriorate quickly or can be indications of a serious health problem. |
Ask the client's family to keep an eye on them. They may be just complaining about pain to you to get attention or to increase their medication. |
You know your clients and may even pick up on changes before they do. |
Always trust your gut and never feel that a symptom is too mild or that you are overthinking things. |
Wait a few days to see if your client feels better; they may just be imagining things. |
They are just having a bad day; their mood will improve if you just leave them alone. |
Older people may be less likely to talk about their mental health struggles or changes they notice in their cognitive ability. |
Make a point to regularly check in with your clients on how they feel emotionally and not just physically. |
It is important that you follow certain procedures when working with other health professionals to implement a treatment plan for an elderly or disabled person (choose all that apply).
For this task, you will be observed participating in a role play to demonstrate you can perform to industry standards and expectations.
You will assist a client who has recently lost a loved one to illness and is now concerned about their own health.
Dianne is a fairly new client to you. She is 35 years of age, legally blind, and lives on her own, but she is also very independent. Dianne does need support to do her grocery shopping. You see her and assist with this once a week on Thursdays. You have just returned home and assisted her with unpacking the shopping. You are about to head off and notice she has been a bit more withdrawn and quieter today, so you ask if there is anything else she needs help with before you go. She asks you for advice on something that has been bothering her. Diane’s mother has recently died of complications from Type 2 Diabetes. She is now worried about her risk of also becoming diabetic.
You stay a bit longer, sit down, and chat with her.
During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see that you demonstrate the following:
Gather and use the information provided by Dianne about her family history.
Review, discuss and interpret Diane’s health information.
Gather and evaluate the information provided by Dianne about her own lifestyle.
Review the factors that relate to Diane’s health concerns and compare these to the maintenance of a healthy body.
Use and apply your knowledge of body systems and other structures to advise Dianne on her concerns.
Debrief and discuss the conversation and your knowledge of body systems with your supervisor
For this task, you will be observed participating in a Role Play to confirm you can perform to industry standards and expectations.
You are to undertake a role play to assist a client who is not feeling well or presenting in as good health as they normally are when you see them.
To prepare for this role play task, you must first read the provided scenario in conjunction with PC2 Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy and Procedure.
You will play the role of Murray’s support carer, Mariel.
Murray is not as well as he usually is when you see him each week.
You must observe and monitor Murray’s demeanour and general wellbeing as you drive him to his weekly lawn bowls tournament.
Based on your knowledge of healthy body systems and your observations of Murray, you must offer him some advice towards healthier living during the drive.
As you suspect, Murray is not well. Upon your arrival at bowls, you are to meet up immediately with the First aid officer on site and discuss your knowledge of body systems concerning Murray’s health. Your assessor (in the role of onsite first Aid officer) will ask you some verbal questions as a part of this discussion.
The role play should take approximately 10 minutes.
Murray is a client that you work with weekly. He is 78 years old and lives at home with his wife of 59 years, Dorothy. Each week since he surrendered his driver’s licence, you have been accompanying Murray to his Lawn Bowls tournament, to which he has been devoted for decades. With the exception of his wife Dorothy, this is his one great love, and he’s not backwards in telling everyone that he has won many a trophy in his time. He also enjoys the socialising that follows the game and is always the first to the bar to grab a beer and then light up a cigarette. Over the years, his weight has gradually increased, and he is now about 15 kgs over his ideal weight. He has a history of low blood pressure.
Today when you picked Murray up, getting into the car, he looked a little pale. You can’t see his usual, rosey, red cheeks. Based on this initial observation, you asked him if he was feeling ok, and he said, “I’m fine; there’s nothin’ gonna stop me from aiming for Jack today”. Still slightly concerned, you proceed to get him to bowls on time.
During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see that you demonstrate the following:
For this task, you will be observed participating in a Role Play to confirm you can perform to industry standards and expectations. You are to undertake a role play to assist a client who is due for their fortnightly weight and health checks.
To prepare for this role play task, you must first read the provided scenario.
You will play the role of Anna’s support carer, Mariel.
Anna is due for her fortnightly weight and other health checks, and she requires assistance to move due to her age and morbid obesity.
You must support Anna as she struggles both physically and emotionally at her fortnightly weight and health check.
You will be working with a Specialist Allied Health Professional that comes each fortnight to conduct Anna’s weight and other health checks.
Your assessor (in the role of Specialist Allied Health Professional) will ask you some verbal questions as a part of this role play.
You are required to give Anna some advice on being more active to improve her overall health, even with her limited movement in her bed. You can discuss the possibilities with her. The role play should take approximately 10 minutes.
Anna is a client that you work with fortnightly. She is 65 years old, suffering from Diabetes and is currently living on-site at Banksia Care. She was admitted into care due to morbid obesity and Diabetes. She could no longer safely look after herself at home as she became bedbound. She is on the list for bariatric surgery; however, due to the risks and potential complications of recovering from such a big operation, she must first lose 40 kilograms to be approved. Getting weighed is her worst time. She finds it emotionally traumatic, and it’s very painful to get in and out of bed each time. A specialist Allied Health Professional attends on site each fortnight to conduct Anna's weight and other health checks
During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see that you demonstrate the following:
This section records the outcome of each task so that the final assessment outcome can be determined.
The Assessment Outcome Summary Table shows all the assessment tasks required for this unit.
Task Outcomes
For each attempt at each task, fill in the Task Outcome, either Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory, insert the date of the decision and your initials. Fill in the task outcome for each attempt.
Students must receive a Satisfactory outcome for each task that relates to a unit, to be marked Competent for the unit.
Unit Assessment Results
When a student has attempted all tasks, but one or more tasks are marked as Not Satisfactory, a Not Yet Competent unit result must be entered in the Unit Assessment Results section.
Once the student has satisfactorily completed all tasks, enter a unit result of ‘Competent’
Need help with your CHCCCS041 Recognise Healthy Body Systems Assignment? Our assignment help UK service is here to assist you in completing all tasks effectively. The assessment includes answering 26 knowledge questions and participating in role plays to assist clients with various health concerns. Whether it’s helping a client after a personal loss, assisting them to attend weekly sports, or supporting them during scheduled health checks, we’ve got you covered. Our professionals offer case study helper support and expert guidance for chcccs041 assessment answers. Struggling with research? Simply ask us to do my assignment for me, and you’ll receive top-quality work. We also provide dissertation writing help to ensure your success in academic projects!
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