TEC100 Introduction to Information Technology Presentation Guidance

Published: 01 Feb, 2025
Category Presentation Subject Computer Science
University Ashford University Module Title TEC100 Introduction to Information Technology

Assessment Description 

In today’s fast-paced digital era, understanding the foundational concepts of IT and the various components of ICT is essential for a range of professional roles. This assessment aims to gauge your grasp of these foundational concepts. 

Your presentation should: 

  • Define and distinguish between IT (Information Technology) and ICT (Information and  Communication Technology). 
  • Cover basic IT concepts. 
  • Delve into the core components that make up ICT. 
  • Illustrate real-life examples of both IT concepts and ICT components in use.

Assessment Instructions

1) Create the visual aid (presentation) that will support your video entry submission. Please  use the following presentation structure:

  • Slide 1: Title slide with your name, date, and assessment title. 
  • Slide 2: Introduction – Briefly outline the purpose of the presentation. 
  • Slides 3-4: Definition of IT and distinction from ICT. 
  • Slide 5-7: Detailed description of basic IT concepts with examples. 
  • Slide 8-9: Explanation of the primary components of ICT. 
  • Slide 10-12: Real-life examples of how ICT components are implemented in various sectors. g) Slide 13: Conclusion – Summarise key takeaways. 
  • Slide 14: References – Cite all the sources and materials consulted.

2) Submit your video recording to MyKBS (Kaltura) once you have completed your assessment.

  • Your presentation and slides must reflect high standards of business professionalism. b) Your face must be visible throughout the video recording. 
  • The sound quality must be good so that your voice can be clearly heard. 
  • Ensure background noise and interruptions are minimal. 
  • Present your slides throughout the recording. 
  • Instead of reading notes or slides, talk to the camera. 
  • Please note it is not just what you say but how you say it that matters. 

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