Category | Assignment | Subject | Nursing |
University | Module Title | CHCDIS012 Support community participation and social inclusion |
This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your assessment tasks for CHCDIS012 Support community participation and social inclusion.
This unit requires you to complete four assessment tasks. You must satisfactorily complete all tasks to achieve competency for this unit.
Assessment Method |
Task Summary |
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions |
Written Questions |
Students must answer 15 knowledge questions in an open book written assessment. |
Assessment Task 2: Support to Access Community or Social Opportunities |
Role Play and Project |
This task consists of three parts: § Part A: Client Requiring Support § Part B: Develop a Community Participation Plan § Part C: Contact Community Provider |
Assessment Task 3: Support to Access Community or Volunteer Work Opportunities |
Role Play and Project |
This task consists of three parts: § Part A: Client Requiring Work Support § Part B: Develop a Workplace Participation Plan § Part C: Contact Workplace Provider |
Assessment Task 4: Monitor and Review |
Role Plays and Project |
This task consists of three parts: § Part A: Follow-up with Naomi § Part B: Follow-up with Donny § Part C: Contact Providers |
In this task, you will demonstrate your knowledge by answering a series of questions that relate to this unit of competency.
You must answer all questions correctly to achieve a satisfactory outcome for this task.
What six key areas does the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 protect?
Julian advises his new employer that he has to attend physical therapy on Monday mornings.
The employer tells one of their major clients about Julian’s therapy sessions so they know when Julian is in the office.
Has Julian’s employer breached his rights to privacy? Explain your answer.
Bethany has a mild intellectual learning ability. She finds it difficult to keep up in meetings.
She has kept this to herself since she started her role for fear of being looked at differently.
She’s not sure how her manager might react if she knew.
a) What is Bethany’s responsibility in this situation?
b) What is Bethany’s employer’s responsibility in this situation?
a) Explain the difference between a person-centred practice and a strengths-based practice.
b) Explain the values of social and emotional wellbeing framework.
The Australian Human Rights Commission has identified five common principles as an acronym called the ‘PANEL’ principles. Name these five principles.
How does community inclusion initiative support people with a disability?
Provide at least three best practise examples of community inclusion for people with a disability.
Describe what ‘active citizenship’ means for people with a disability.
a) Describe the strategy of Systemic Advocacy and how it is applied in the context of disability.
b) Describe the strategy of Individual Advocacy and how it is applied in the context of disability.
After a recent stroke, Mabel’s bathroom was fitted with grab rails to provide support and prevent falls.
Assistive technologies play a vital role in supporting a person’s life activities. In each of the following scenarios, provide an outline of this role.
a) Explain the role that assistive grab rails play in supporting Mabel’s life in maintaining and promoting her independence.
Theodore, a primary school child with visual impairment, plays ‘beeping’ soccer balls with his friends at recess.
b) Explain the role that assistive sporting balls play in supporting Theodore’s life with inclusion and participation.
In the provided table, list two or more examples of assistive technology for each category.
Categories |
Examples of Assistive Technology |
Self-care and hygiene |
Continence |
Communication |
Mobility and transferring |
Cognition and memory loss |
Vision and hearing |
Daily living activities |
Recreation and leisure |
Education and employment |
Home and other environments |
Eating and drinking |
Pressure management |
Care support |
Reasonable adjustments are a type of workplace adjustment that enables people with disability to perform their roles and address the impacts, if any, of their disability.
a) Provide two examples of adjustments that an employer can make to the physical workplace to allow access.
b) Provide two examples of inclusion and engagement adjustments an employer can make for an employee.
The provided table lists barriers to community participation and social inclusion. Provide an example of each type of barrier.
In the provided table, match the roles each will play in supporting social inclusion and community participation to the description.
Roles |
Description |
Answer |
1. Support worker |
a) May be included in the individualised plan to provide paid services that are not available within the organisation. |
2. Family member, carer, friend |
b) An essential part of making participation and inclusion genuine and building ‘natural’ social networks and connections. May have formal or informal input into developing the individualised plan and providing support services. |
3. Community members, volunteers |
c) Paid to provide a range of support services and strategies within an individualised plan. |
4. Other service providers |
d) May volunteer to support the client by accompanying them to activities. May be included in the individualised plan with specific tasks allocated. |
Lizzie is 18 years old and has brittle bone disease. She lives in a wheelchair and loves to spend time with her friends, usually out for a lunch once or twice a week. She lives with her parents and works part-time from home as a writer. Her parents are naturally very protective of her as they have spent the better part of her 18 years trying to protect her from harm. They have seen, better than anyone, the pain and suffering she goes through when she has a new fracture.
One of Lizzie’s friends now has a driver’s licence and wants to take her away for an overnight trip out of town to attend a charity ‘fun run’ event. Lizzie’s friend is extremely fit and wants to run five kilometres at the same time as pushing Lizzie in her sports wheelchair. Lizzie’s father has said no. The risks are too high; he will not allow her to go.
Lizzie has come to you as one of her trusted support carers and asked you for advice in speaking to her parents to help change their minds.
You must consult with a person with disability to determine their interests, needs, abilities and preferences to support them in accessing suitable community or social opportunities. This task is made up of three parts:
Preparation for role play: To prepare for this role play task, you must first read the provided scenario and review the Individualised Care Plan for your client Naomi Greenway. Research available social networks and/or community services, as well as community programs that you believe are relevant to Naomi’s abilities and needs. Prepare at least three examples of each to offer as suggestions for Naomi when you meet with her.
During role play: Working in line with the Banksia Care DC2 Choice and Independence Policy and Procedure, you will need to use the Community Support Plan template provided in Part B of this task to guide your discussion. You must show that you can communicate appropriately with Naomi to support her as she works with you to determine her needs, abilities, interests, preferences, and assisted technology.
You must also consider any barriers in order to support her in finding and accessing appropriate community and/or social opportunities.
After role play: the Community Support Plan template is required to be completed for submission to your assessor in the next Part B of this task. Before undertaking the role play, pre-reading the requirements for Part B of this task is strongly suggested.
Naomi Greenway is 27 years of age and loves travel and photography. Despite this, she has anxiety about meeting new people and socialising because she lost her hearing in both ears due to a severe infection that occurred when she was a teenager. She feels that if she had this condition from birth, she would cope ok, but she struggles with the fact that she could hear perfectly before the illness occurred. Her world changed, making it hard to develop, learn and grow alongside her friends and siblings. Her family are very supportive, and she lives in a loving, caring environment with her parents Rachael and Bruce. For her anxiety, she was given a support animal. She’s had Peanut, her Corgi since he was a puppy, and he goes everywhere with her. Naomi is coming around to the idea of getting out of her comfort zone and becoming more involved in her local community. She is now interested in trying new things to get her out of the house more often. You have been asked to work with her on investigating and recommending some options that may be ideal for her.
For this part of the task, you must develop a Community Support Plan for your client Naomi from Part A. There are three main sections to the plan.
Community Support Plan Template |
1. The Client |
a) Interests and ideas |
<<Based on the client’s Individualised Care Plan and your meeting with them, name and describe their interests.>> |
a) Abilities |
<<Based on the client’s Individualised Care Plan and your meeting with them, list and describe the things the client is capable of doing.>> |
b) Preferences |
<<Describe the client’s preferences, stating how they prefer things to be done.>> |
c) Cultural or religious needs |
<<Identify any additional considerations to meet the individual’s cultural, traditional or religious needs.>> |
d) Barriers and strategies to overcome them |
<<Identify any barriers to social inclusion and participation and describe strategies to overcome them.>> |
e) Assistive technology needs |
<<Name and describe assistive technologies required.>> |
f) Other |
<<List here any other areas identified in the meeting with your client that is not already listed above, such as advocacy support needs, assistance pets, family or medical assistance, etc.>> |
1. Community Services |
Research available community services relevant to the client’s community and social needs. Provide at least three examples of each. |
a) Networks and services |
<<List three relevant networks and services available for this client. (Include websites where applicable.)>> |
b) Community programs |
<<List three programs available in the community that are suitable for this client. (Include websites where applicable.)>>
c) Community agencies |
<<List three community agencies within the community that are relevant to the client’s needs. (Include their websites and/or contact details.)>> |
d) Transport services |
<<List two community transport services that are available. (Include their websites and/or contact details.)>> |
e) Suppliers of assistive technology |
<<List two services that supply assistive technology that this client would need. (Include their websites and/or contact details.)>> |
2. Implementation |
a) Key people |
<<Who will be involved with implementing this strategy? List all personnel, including family and other carers, that will be involved.>> |
b) Next steps |
<<How will this plan be implemented and monitored? List all the steps you need to take to implement the plan.>> |
For this part of the task, you must compose an email to one of the selected community or social engagement organisations to commence the facilitation process for your client.
You are required to read the email from your coordinator Joyce Kiehne as it contains further instructions to meet the task requirements.
You will consult with a person with disability to determine their interests, needs, abilities and work preferences to support them in accessing suitable community or volunteer work opportunities. This task consists of three parts:
Part A: Role Play Client Requiring Work Support
Part B: Develop Workplace Participation Plan
Part C: Contact Workplace Provider
Preparation for role play: To prepare for this role play task, you must first read the provided scenario and review the Individualised Care Plan for Donny. Research available community work program services as well as volunteer opportunities you believe are relevant to Donny’s abilities and needs. Prepare at least three examples of each to offer as suggestions for Donny when you meet with him.
During role play: Working in line with the Banksia Care DC2 Choice and Independence Policy and Procedure, you will need to use the provided Workplace Participation Plan Template to guide your discussion. You will need to show that you can communicate appropriately with Donny to support him as he works with you to determine his needs, abilities, interests, work preferences, and assisted technology. Consider any barriers, in order to support him to find and access appropriate community and/or volunteer work opportunities.
After role play: the Workplace Participation Plan template is required to be completed for submission to your assessor in the next Part B of this task. Before undertaking the role play, pre-reading the requirements for Part B of this task is strongly suggested.
Donny is 54 years of age. He felt that he was in the prime of his working life as a heavy transport truck driver, that was until he incurred a work-related road accident injury. He has a spinal injury that incurred nerve damage and is unable to walk and also has damage to his right hand, having lost part of three fingers. He has spent the last two years rehabilitating and learning to use both his electric and manual wheelchairs. His home has been modified to allow for ease of navigation and use of essentials such as cooking, toilet, shower, bedding, etc.
His mental health has taken a hit, as he struggled with feelings of guilt, depression and the anxieties in having to have his beloved wife Marg stop work to take care of him full-time. He now feels ready to move on and get back into the workforce, which will allow his wife the freedom to go back to doing what she loves, working in Real Estate. Money is not a factor in this decision. Donny received a significant settlement payment for his injury. He is happy to look at community networks and volunteer work options as long as he can get out of the house and give his wife, Marg, the opportunity to do so as well. He is open to different options; however, he mentions that he is not a fan of technology.
Donny loves watching various sports; particularly, he follows Aussie rules football (AFL) and used to play a lot of golf himself before his accident. You have been asked to work with Donny on investigating and recommending some new work options that may be ideal for him.
For this part of the task, you must develop a Workplace Participation Plan for your client Donny from Part A. There are three main sections to the plan:
1. The Client – All about Donny, his needs and work preferences.
1. Community Programs – Recommended programs, networks and services.
2. Implementation – Next steps and who needs to be involved.
For this part of the task, you must compose an email to one of the selected community work or volunteer organisations to commence the facilitation process for your client.
You are required to read the email from your coordinator Joyce Kiehne as it contains further instructions to meet the task requirements.
As part of monitoring responsibilities, you will meet with each of your clients to follow up and review their participation post-commencement. You will seek to review the progress of implemented strategies and identify any further barriers and gaps in support to discuss these with your supervisor. From this, you will contact each provider, advising them of the required adjustments to further support your client's participation. This task consists of three parts:
Preparation for role play: To prepare for this role play task, you must first read the provided scenario, along with reviewing your previously Completed Community Support Plan Template for Naomi as submitted in Task 2, Part B.
During role play: Working in line with the Banksia Care SE3 Duty of Care Policy and Procedure, you must follow up with your client Naomi. You must discuss how things are going and progressing as she is now regularly engaging in the chosen community social and/or network.
During the discussion, you must ask about engagement/involvement and inclusion. Ask about assistive technology needs, any barriers encountered, and any additional needs or concerns that she may have.
Your assessor, in the role of your supervisor, will ask you some verbal questions throughout the role play to assess your application of required knowledge in this situation.
You are to conclude the role play by confirming for Naomi what you will do to contact the provider to make some required adjustments.
-> You are playing the role of Naomi’s support person, Harry.
-> A fellow student or colleague is to play the role of Naomi.
-> Your assessor is to play the part of the supervisor, Joyce Kiehne.
-> This role play should take approximately 15 minutes.
Donny has been attending the organisation for work as arranged, going there three half days a week for the last fortnight. He advised you, ‘It’s been wonderful getting out of the house and into the community and meeting new people’. Donny mentioned to you that there are a couple of things to go over and discuss when you have time. To this, you have arranged a meeting with Donny and your supervisor, Joyce Kiehne. This time will be used as your first review meeting, so you will be looking to see what else can be implemented or adjusted to support Donny.
Verbal Questions: Part B |
Your assessor will ask you the following verbal questions and may make notes documenting how your response demonstrates competency. |
Questions |
Additional Comments/Notes |
1. Donny is reporting that he needs to be able to use the accessible parking each time he attends. What can we suggest the provider can do to ensure this need is supported? |
2. Donny has reported that he was not able to take part in some of the workplace tasks and told to ‘just stay over to one side and watch’. He does have ideas he would like to contribute so he can be more involved. What can we suggest the provider can do to ensure this is supported? |
3. Donny has reported that someone onsite was negative about his wheelchair. What strategy can we use to address this negativity? |
4. If Donny does not feel supported, or is once again made to feel uncomfortable and wishes to complain, what will be your role in addressing/actioning this? |
5. Summarise today’s meeting. What adjustments are to be made for Donny to continue to take part? |
Where further verbal questioning is required or additional prompts are required that do not interfere with reliability of assessment process, please document the questions asked in the space provided below and the responses provided by the student. |
Comments: What did you observe? Are there any gaps? What did the student do to demonstrate competence? |
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