Category |
Assignment |
Subject |
Management |
University |
University of Roehampton |
Module Title |
Strategic Leadership and Change |
Type of assessment |
Formative and Summative Assessment |
Academic year |
2024-2025 |
Task 1: Randomized online MCQ test
- MCQ test assessment will be open for 24 24-hour periods (check announcement for a specific time)
- You can take the test at any time in this period ie. Start anytime but allow 60 minutes (but only once chance/attempt).
- You will have 60 minutes to answer 40 multiple-choice questions.
- Once you start the test it CANNOT be paused or restarted (you have to complete it in one go).
- Students can skip questions and they can verify all their answers later before submitting; however you CANNOT go back to the skipped questions.
- Normally every question must be answered unless you choose to skip.
- Not answering a question will mean no mark is awarded nor deducted (ie. negative marking is not applied).
- If you do not submit within the 60-minute time limit, your test will be submitted automatically.
- Marks received in this test won’t be made available until a later period.
- Questions can cover anything from the taught course.
Task 2 Group presentation :
2.1: Group presentation live assessment on “future of leadership in the context of one of the taught topics…”
Assessment requirements
- Groups will be formed by the module team and communicated to students in due course. The number of students in a group must be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7.
- Present your work as a group in person in designated exam rooms; look for an announcement for this for the actual day of the presentation. The deadline for slide submission is a week earlier than the presentation date ie.
- Powerpoint slides will be uploaded to Moodle Turnitin by one of the group members by [check for updates] on behalf of the whole group clearly listing the group members on the front cover. In the slides, each member’s contribution to this group task should be summarized in the last slide.
- Mindmap should be included in the presentation slides.
- A Minute must be maintained of group meetings and records of work carried out together to manage non-participation and for transparency.
- Each group will present in front of 1 to 2 markers. No other students will be present in the room.
- Length of presentation: 10 minutes only. After 10 minutes, the presentation will be stopped.
- After the presentation, a session of questions and answers for 3 minutes will follow. The answers given by the students will form part of their mark
in the presentation work. All relevant citations and references should be given in the slides. References list in Harvard format should be added at
the end of the presentation.
- Each group member should ideally have about an equal share in the presentation time, and speak and answer questions.
- All students are expected to participate in the group presentation and preparation as part of their summative assessment. Students who do not
contribute may be attributed marks accordingly (different from group) or receive a zero mark for the summative submission.
- The presentation slides set to be submitted will have a front sheet with the student ID number of each member of the group but non-contributors can be labelled so. The presentation can contain section headings, show clearly what topics are covered and indicate the contribution of each member of the group as an appendix slide.
- All group members must be present on the presentation day. If a student does not present for whatever reasons including illness, the markers will ask the group if this student is considered an active contributor or not. If the group confirms proper participation/contribution, then the student will receive the mark that the group receives (yet with caution, evidence etc.) If a student isn’t involved at all in the group work, the student will receive a mark of “0” in the group presentation component.
- If you believe in your capacity and role as group member that your group does not incorporate your contributions and include you in good faith or fair manner, you would need to discuss your concern with them first, before you could approach the lecturer/marker.
- If a group feels that a certain group member objects to contributing to the group work and presentation, the issue must be raised with the lecturer by 2 weeks ahead of the group summative presentation deadline. We can only exclude a group member from the group and ask for an individual presentation by that group member in well-documented circumstances and evidence provided for the non-contribution claims. You should hence make brief minutes and email them around after each group meeting, from the very beginning of the group work project. Notes conducted retrospectively, after claims have been made will not be acknowledged with the same credibility.
- Note that groups have been allocated and cannot be changed. Students cannot decide to change to another assessment group team. Such
seminar/assessment change may sometimes take place during the first 3 weeks of the terms as per the regular rules. Or in extreme situations, after due diligence of the reasons and well-documented evidence, and upon approval from the module leadership and the uni admin. – can only make changes.
Task 2.2: Individual Reflective Report based on experience of task 2.1 which is group presentation work
You are required to write an individual reflective report of no more than 1000 words, which reflects your individual experience working as a group from
beginning to end including the live presentation. You may choose to focus your reflections on how you worked individually, your initiatives and as part of the group for the assessment, any problems encountered, your role and impact, the type of leadership/followership required to make things happen,
and how you coped with any forms of change in the group work and more.
You could also include how your learning will influence your work/learning in the future and/or how it may inform your own leadership type and practice.
You may also want to indicate what you will do to fill any learning/skills/attribute gaps.
A suitable framework for reflective learning should be identified and applied such as Gibb’s reflective cycle.
You could also indicate which leadership, management and change theories and practices influenced you in developing your group assignment or your overall learning. Please use Harvard referencing in your text references and your bibliography.