SOP9199M Global Issues In Gender And Sexuality Framework Assessment Briefing Template

Published: 24 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Science
University University of Lincoln Module Title Global Issues In Gender And Sexuality

Description of Assessment Task and Purpose:

Each student is expected to produce a 3000-word essay (100% of the module mark). In the assignment, students are expected to demonstrate knowledge and abilities relating to the learning outcomes as set out earlier in this module handbook. The assessment enables students to demonstrate their understanding of the learning outcomes in relation to a specific topic area and provides an opportunity for the students to received feedback on their work.

The essay should involve a detailed investigation into a particular area that covers at least two topics (either empirically or theoretically) discussed during the module. The essay should address how gender and or sexuality impacts upon that area.
The students may choose an essay topic and question from the list in the handbook. Students may also devise their own topic and question following the guidance above and in consultation with the module co-ordinator. 

Possible essay topics and questions:

  • Possible topics:
  • Sexual and reproductive rights and justice
  • Class
  • Online identities
  • Race
  • Gender-based violence
  • Migration
  • Intersectionality
  • Sexual minorities rights, belonging and inclusion
  • Women’s participation in labour market/politics/education  
  • Gendered division of labour 
  • Sex work and pornography 
  • Reproductive technologies 
  • Youth sexuality
  • Transgender identities 
  • Scientific construction of gender and sexuality 
  • Empowerment and autonomy
  • Militarism and conflict 
  • Masculinity, class and violence
  • Covid-19
  • A topic of your choice

Possible questions: 

  1. How are gender and sexuality intertwined: discuss using specific case studies
  2. How do race, class and gender intersect to deepen inequalities?
  3. How might feminism address current debates surrounding transgender rights?
  4. Is gender equality in the division of labour possible in the context of global migration? 
  5. How has a politics of ‘thinking globally, acting locally’ influenced gender and sexuality activism?
  6. Agency and empowerment are gendered concepts. Critically evaluate this claim.
  7. How are masculinity and sexuality constructed within military institutions? 
  8. What are the limits of the rhetoric of choice and rights in the context of sexuality and reproduction? 
  9. Gender inequalities in the domestic sphere are fuelled by wider forms of gendered economic inequalities. Discuss this claim
  10. How are contemporary expressions of male ‘rage’ linked to socio-economic and class inequalities at the global and/or local level? 
  11. Reproductive technologies reinforce – rather than challenge – heteronormative ideas of gender and sexuality. Critically assess this claim.   
  12. To what extent are binary distinctions between consent and coercion useful in understanding agency in the context of gender-based violence?
  13. A question of your choice.

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