SOCW 2209 Event Strategy Assignment, University College Birmingham

Published: 17 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject 2209 Event Strategy
University University College Birmingham Module Title Management

Assignment Background:

The Belfry Hotel and Resort in Sutton Coldfield has begun a major £80m expansion and renovation project to boost its luxury events offering. The Belfry is situated in a 550-acre estate which features a 319-room hotel and three golf courses. It is the home of the British Masters competition and has hosted the Ryder Cup four times (The Caterer, 2024). As an independent consultant, you have been invited by Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Cedar Capital Partners (2024), to produce a pre-feasibility study on The Belfry expansion, to determine the project’s overall viability for potential funding partners.

Assignment Task:

The pre-feasibility study should clearly address the following task areas:

•    Task A: Present a SMART aim, objectives and convincing rationale for The Belfry’s expansion project 
•    Task B: Assess the dynamic nature of the global business events environment in which The Belfry operates 
•    Task C: Identify the key stakeholders / strategic partners for The Belfry expansion project
•    Task D: Critically evaluate the economic, political and social implications for Sutton Coldfield, the host destination 
•    Task E: Critically appraise the project’s financial viability
•    Task F: Evaluate two operational management requirements for the project, focussing on 1) project management approaches and 2) human resource implications
•    Task G: Provide recommendations for funding partners on The Belfry expansion project, including justification for investment based on events, economics, and operational factors

Marketing Criteria:

Indicative marking criteria for your assignment are outlined below:

Structure / clarity of communication / flow of discussion (including Introduction and Conclusion) (10%)
•    Task A: SMART aim, objectives and project rationale (5%)
•    Task B: Evaluation of the global business events environment in which The Belfry operates (15%)
•    Task C: Identification of the project’s key stakeholders / strategic partners (5%) 
•    Task D: Evaluation of the economic, political and social implications of the expansion project (15%)
•    Task E: Financial viability of The Belfry expansion project (15%)
•    Task F: Evaluation of the project’s operational management requirements including project management approaches and human resource implications (15%)
•    Task G: Recommendations for funding partners regarding The Belfry expansion project (5%)


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