Category | Assignment | Subject | Science |
University | University of Huddersfield | Module Title | SIB2002 Cell Biology |
This coursework assesses your ability to describe in technical detail an experimental technique commonly used in cell biology research.
You need to cover three aspects in your poster:
Introduce your assigned cell biology technique and outline how it works using an appropriate level of technical detail. Your poster should be aimed at an audience that has a scientific (but not necessarily cell biology) background.
Showcase how your assigned cell biology technique has been applied to cell biology research. Find (ensure you reference!) real research example(s).
Discuss the advantages and limitations of your assigned technique and outline any safety considerations that should considered.
Some additional points:
Style – there are several ways to present posters but ensure you are not text heavy; how well do your display items add to your narrative or do they merely reiterate your in-text writing; how legible from a distance is your text; how well does your poster ‘pull’ your reader around the display …. Remember – in a poster hall, for how long would you anticipate a reader might wish to read a poster?
Content – how well do you address the three key aspects above?
Accuracy and pitch – Your poster should be aimed at an audience that has a scientific (but not necessarily cell biology) background, but in addition to accessibility, how accurate is your content?
Referencing – to ensure good academic practice you need to reference your source material; for this exercise 6-10 references are suggested; we’ll assess on the suitability of your chosen references looking for relevance, currency, and whether you’ve summarised academic content appropriately; keep a constancy of formatting.
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