Contemporary Issues in International Business: Assessment 1- Group report on host country risk analysis-General

Published: 26 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Business
University Glassgow Caledonian University Module Title Contemporary Issues in International Business

Assessment 1- Group report on host country risk analysis-General Instruction  

  1. Select a multinational company (MNC) that is operating in at least three different countries
  2. Select three different important contemporary issues in international business.  Then analyse the risk of doing business in those three countries based on the three contemporary issues that you have selected using the market penetration grid or the country comparison matrix or grid taught in Lecture 5
  3. Make recommendations for the company based on your risk analyses for the countries 
  4. The word limit is 3000 (+/- 300) words.  Any content beyond the word limit will not be marked

Assessment 1- Structure of the report

Your report should have the following sections (please see the next slide for the section-wise instructions)
Title page
Title page
Contemporary issue-1
Contemporary issue-2
Contemporary issue-3
Host country market penetration grid or country comparison matrix
Recommended actions/conclusion
Appendices (Peer review form and any other reports or tables or pictures if necessary); there will be a penalty of 10 marks for not including the peer review form

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