RESE1073 Research Methods Assignment 2023-24 University of Greenwich

Published: 29 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Marketing
University University of Greenwich Module Title RESE1073 Research Methods

Assessment Details

Assessment is based on a Research Proposal. The focus of the research must derive from the literature. It should: Identify relevant literature, draw out key themes, and clarify reasons for choosing the topic area. Clearly formulate a research question(s). Explain and justify the research design and methods. Fully reference appropriate literature. 

The student is required to formulate a research question on a topic. 
The topic can be selected:
a) either from several topics provided
b) or the student can develop her/his topic

The research proposal should:

•    Identify relevant literature, drawing out key themes.
•    Clarify reasons for choosing the topic area.
•    Formulate clearly a research question or hypothesis.
•    Explain and justify the research design and methods.
•    Be fully referenced to appropriate literature

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