RBP020L064N Global Strategic Management, Summative Assessment, University of Roehampton Business School

Published: 31 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Roehampton Business School Module Title RBP020L064N Global Strategic Management

Part A –

Comparative Strategy and CSR summary report (1,250 words) in 20 Powerpoint slides plus academic references (not included in the word count) 50% weighting for the module

You will systematically compare and contrast two chosen global companies operating in the same sector (e.g. banking, hospitality, or pharmaceutical etc) with regards opportunities for developing corporate social responsibility initiatives and social and environmental innovations that can help to enhance their organisational success.

Your strategic summary report presentation should focus on two specific large global companies from the same sector/industry that have international operations. The report should address three tasks (see below). Formative work in weekly seminars will guide students through analytical techniques and processes required to complete the task. Your strategic summary report presentation should:

Task 1: Evaluate the external business environment and compare the dynamic capabilities of the two chosen companies. Contextualising (a) their relative competitiveness and (b) responses to globalisation of markets and technology (20%).

Task 2:  Critically analyse and compare their current CSR initiatives and social and environmental innovations, in the context of their international operations, pointing out the relative advantages and risks of these (40%).
Make sure you evaluate the different stakeholders involved in sustainability and compare three CSR initiatives of your choice, all initiated or in partnership with the chosen two global companies.

Task 3:  Assess and compare potential CSR strategies that enhance organisational success.
Discuss the role of the sustainability offerings for a) long-term profitability and b) strategic partnering with society and governments in growth markets (30%).

A further 10% is available for clarity, structure, grammar, correct Harvard referencing and overall professional presentation showing clear report style.

Best answers will draw explicitly on Strategy, International Business and CSR concepts, tools, theories and analysis from the module and apply them to the chosen organisations. Clear referencing (Harvard system), professional presentation with appropriate diagrams/tables are required.

Part B:

 Peer Exchange Presentation and Reflective Summary 20% weighting (750 words excluding references)
You should arrange to pair up with another student in your seminar group to in Weeks 5 & 6. Spend around 15 minutes each presenting your own Powerpoint presentations drafts from Part A above. Record your own key observations and reflections of your own and your colleague’s presentation content focusing on:
-    Review and reflect on your overall pitch of your presentation, focusing on distinctive aspects of the report and their impact on MNE’s.
-    Reflect on your colleagues presentation and pitch and what was learnt comparing with your own presentation by summarising points of agreement or otherwise in terms of content for actionable steps for future improvement of reporting and giving a presentation.

Write a 750 word summary and append this reflective report with the final version of your submission of your summary report Powerpoint for Part A.

Looking for help with your Global Strategic Management summative assessment? Our online assignment help services are here to assist you with all tasks, from evaluating the business environment to comparing companies’ capabilities. If you need someone to do my dissertation for me, our expert writers will provide the support you need to tackle complex analysis, including comparing competitiveness and responses to globalization in Task 1. In Task 2, we critically analyze CSR initiatives, looking at social and environmental innovations in the context of global operations. We also compare three CSR initiatives from your chosen companies, discussing the advantages and risks involved. For Task 3, we assess potential CSR strategies that enhance long-term profitability and explore strategic partnerships with society and governments in growth markets. With our services, you can also get free samples for your guidance, giving you a solid foundation to start your work. Let us help you succeed with your assignment!

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