PUB015-6 Write A Report On The Epidemiology Of A Particular Cause Of Mortality

Published: 25 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Nursing
University University of Bedfordshire Module Title PUB015-6 Public Health Intelligence

Assignment Task

  • You will write a report on the epidemiology of a particular cause of mortality or morbidity. 
  • To do this you need to first identify a suitable cause of mortality/morbidity that has been studied in one of the two data sources available for the assessment. 
  • The datasets provided are from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) or the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor  Surveillance System (BRFSS) in the USA.  
  • You should carry out a literature search using a specific search strategy to identify likely risk factors for your chosen condition and include a brief review of this literature in your report.
  •  You should choose risk factors that are included as variables in your chosen dataset. 
  • You will submit an ethical approval request that provides details of your research question, an evaluation of the scope of the problem using population health data related to the chosen topic from a source, the chosen dataset, the variables to be analyzed,  as well as the statistical methods chosen for the analysis of the data.

Unit learning Outcomes 

  • Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding: Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles, analytical techniques, tool kits, and methods in health intelligence, and their application to improving public health practice.
  • Demonstrate the following skills and abilities: Critically assess and synthesize the role of public health intelligence in terms of translating evidence into public health policy through synthesizing, appraising, interpreting, and communicating intelligence that measures the health status, risks, needs, and health outcomes of defined populations.

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