Principles of Healthcare Leadership PPT Guide | Atlantic Technological University

Published: 01 Mar, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Nursing
University Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Module Title Principles of Healthcare Leadership

Presentation guidelines 

Each student will deliver an 8-minute in- person presentation on their allocated subject. Power- points must be no more than 10 slides and must contain the following:

  • Title slide (Including student name and student number)
  • Overview of discussion points
  • Introduction
  • 5 slides- discussion points of topic
  • Conclusion
  • Reference slide

There will be an additional 2 minutes at the end of the presentation for questions from the panel to the speaker. 

Each student must submit an electronic copy of their power-point presentation via moodle along with a signed declaration form on or before Nov 25th. 

Presentations must be supported with relevant and up to date literature.

Marking Grid (to be used in conjunction with Rubric below)

Power- point Presentation

  • Clear, concise, slides not overloaded with information
  • Easy to read information relevant to topic
  • Structure (Intro, body, conclusion)
  • Appropriate/ attractive use of visual aids

Presentation Skills

  • Voice (volume, tone, pitch, emphasis, speed)
  • Body language (appropriate eye- contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture)
  • Time management- keeps to allocated time
  • Not over- reliant on slides- ability to talk around power-point information


  • Keeps to topic without going off point
  • Informative
  • Ability to explain key concepts
  • Incorporates relevant supporting evidence from both national/ international sources
  • Evidence of critical analysis of information


Students responses to viewers questions demonstrates comprehensive understanding of topic and associated issues

Marking Rubric for Oral Presentations


  • Information: detailed, accurate, relevant; key points highlighted.
  • Structure: rigorously argued, logical, easy to follow.
  • Analysis and Interpretation: extensive evidence of independent thought and critical analysis.
  • Use of relevant and accurate Evidence: key points supported with highly relevant and accurate evidence, critically evaluated.
  • Presentation Skills: clear, lively, imaginative; good use of visual aids (where appropriate).
  • Time Management: perfectly timed, well organised.


  • Information: detailed, accurate, relevant.
  • Structure: generally, clearly argued and logical.
  • Analysis and Interpretation attempts to go beyond the ideas presented in secondary literature.
  • Use of relevant and accurate Evidence: most points illustrated with relevant and accurate evidence.
  • Presentation Skills: generally clear, lively; use of appropriate visual aids.
  • Time Management: well organised, more or less to time.


  • Information: generally accurate and relevant, but perhaps some gaps and/or irrelevant material.
  • Structure: not always clear or logical; may be overly influenced by secondary literature rather than the requirements of the topic.
  • Analysis and Interpretation: little attempt to go beyond or criticise secondary literature.
  • Use of relevant and accurate Evidence: some illustrative material, but not critically evaluated and/or some inaccuracies and irrelevancies.
  • Presentation Skills: conveys meaning, but sometimes unclear or disjointed.
  • Time Management: more or less right length, but some material not covered properly as a result, OR, significantly over-runs.


  • Information: limited knowledge, with some significant gaps and/or errors.
  • Structure: argument underdeveloped and not entirely clear.
  • Analysis and Interpretation: fairly superficial and generally derivative and uncritical.
  • Use of relevant and accurate Evidence: some mentioned, but not integrated into presentation or evaluated; the evidence used may not be relevant or accurate
  • Presentation Skills: not always clear or easy to follow; unimaginative and unengaging.
  • Time Management: significantly over time; material fairly disorganised and rushed.


  • Information: very limited, with many errors and gaps.
  • Structure: muddled, incoherent.
  • Analysis and Interpretation: entirely derivative, generally superficial.
  • Use of relevant and accurate Evidence: little or no evidence discussed; or irrelevant and inaccurate.
  • Presentation Skills:  disjointed, difficult to follow,
  • Time Management: significantly under or over time; has clearly not tried out material beforehand; disorganised.

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