Personal Effectiveness, Impact & Reputation : CW2 Reputation Development Portfolio

Published: 03 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University College Birmingham Module Title Personal Effectiveness, Impact & Reputation


Based on your Personal Development Plan (CW1), you are now tasked to identify an industry professional career anchor to guide and support you in developing your professional self.  Based on this guidance and support you will develop your Reputation Development Portfolio relating to the industry you aspire to work in upon graduating from your course.  


Part 1: The process of securing an industry mentor. 

Look at the contacts in your network and identify an experienced industry professional to guide and support you over the next 12 months. Write a short introduction to your chosen career anchor and a brief statement of how they could support you to develop yourself professionally.

Part 2: Industry relevant networking.

Conduct your own research to identify 3 industry specific professional networking events and evidence your attendance at a minimum of 1 event. This can be a virtual or in person event.
Note: The evidence provided can be a screen shot of an email confirmation, TEAMS meeting confirmation, tickets for a live and online event. 

Part 3: Your professional statement.

Write your personal professional statement relating to your chosen career that would be suitable for a LinkedIn (or similar professional networking) profile.

Part 4:  Written reference 

Provide evidence in the form of a written reference by a professional connection you have secured during professional networking in Part 2. 
Note: The written reference can include factors such as, your skills and abilities, attributes, and any other work-related achievements. 

Focus on attention to detail, quality of work and overall academic standards.  

For additional guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available on Canvas.


  • Learning Outcomes are what the student needs to demonstrate after completing a module. An assessment is a way in which students can demonstrate their achievement of these Learning Outcomes. Learning Outcomes are NOT the same as the assignment task.
  • To progress the action plan with real world actions completed.

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