Pecha Kucha on Diversity and Inclusion Assessment 1 Guide

Published: 14 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Sociology
University ______ Module Title Pecha Kucha on Diversity and Inclusion

Assessment Guide 

A Pecha Kucha is a 20x 20 slides (e.g. PowerPoint) presentation. That means 20 slides each shown for 20 seconds each.
A total of 6 minutes 40 seconds.

DEADLINE: Your group will present this visually and verbally, for exactly 6mins 40 seconds, in:
WEEK 4 Seminar class (Either Wednesday 26 February or Thursday 27th February – depending on your timetable).

  • You will be required to upload this to the TURNITIN LINK provided by your tutor – This will be available in the week 4 section of MOODLE. 

(your tutor will help you find this if you are not sure – you will need to find out the name of your seminar tutor to submit to the right link)


SUBJECT: Why is diversity and inclusion an important issue for modern employers?

  • Think about potential advantages well implemented diversity and inclusion strategies can bring to organisations.
  •  Also think about potential barriers that need to be addressed to make organisational diversity and inclusion strategies succeed.
  • For the quotes used on the slides you must use the 5 sources provided to you by the tutor. You must use each source at least once. You must not use other sources.


  • Images – e.g. Pictures, infographics etc
  •  A “quote” or “quotes” taken from the permitted sources only. (this can be as little as one word or as many as 50 words – max) – you will supplement the words on the slide with your verbal commentary.
  •  A verbal commentary is required for each slide – ideally delivered live and well-practiced before presentation day to ensure it is professionally delivered.
  • SLIDE 1 – Needs to have the name and UEL student number of every student in the group – as well as a TITLE for the presentation (you can call it Diversity and Inclusion presentation or make up something more exciting if you want to).


  • Try to make some of the slides short and snappy (just a few words on the slides) and give more detail / explanation verbally (within the 20 seconds per slide allowed). 
  • Other slides can have longer quotes (up to 50 words if needed), if there is an important extract you want to share. 
  •  Add a citation (surname of author and year in brackets) should be placed at the end of or just below the quote 
  •  Use interesting but relevant and appropriate images to make it visually interesting for the viewer
  •  Write a 10 – 15 second script for each slide (i.e. each slide changes automatically after 20 seconds – so allow time at the beginning and end of each slide to pause for breath and allow listeners to see the visuals).

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