NAD009-6 Assessment and Decision Making in Adult Nursing Assessment 1 | University of Bedfordshire

Published: 26 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Nursing
University University of Bedfordshire Module Title NAD009-6 Assessment and Decision Making in Adult Nursing

Unit Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding

• Critically review and evaluate relevant theory, models and evidence relating to clinical assessment and decision making in adult nursing.

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
• Articulate and undertake holistic assessments, and respond to clinical issues, systematically and creatively, making holistically informed judgements, and use effective communication to refer clients to other members appropriately of the inter-professional team

You will identify an event from your clinical practice in which it was necessary to make a care decision. The chosen decision should involve
multidisciplinary team consideration of alternative options and approaches. You will analyse the decision-making process, critically reviewing and evaluating relevant theory, models and evidence relating to the clinical assessment and decision-making in your chosen scenario.

The care decision you choose should be drawn from your clinical practice. We are looking for you to analyse a decision that you have witnessed, which has an adult nursing focus (please avoid solely analysing medical treatment decisions).

The Unit Information Form states the Threshold Expectations that inform both you and markers what is the minimum needed to be demonstrated to pass the assessment. They should, therefore, answer the question "What do I need to do to pass?”. During the assessment introductory session, you should be allowed to check your understanding of the threshold statements and what you need to do to surpass them.

The assessment marking criteria listed below show how your work is assessed. The assessment criteria are informed by the unit’s learning outcomes and the assessment task. Carefully reading the assessment criteria should help you understand the aspects that will be used to judge your progress and achievement of the learning outcomes and offer guidance on “how do I achieve a good grade”.

• Critically analyse the key issues in the topic you have been given drawing upon a variety of quality evidence-based sources.
• Use a variety of the principle evidence-based literature to support a critical analysis of the topic.
• Use at least one relevant theory and model to analyse and critically evaluate the given topic.
• Identify and respond to clinical issues systematically, relating this to underlying pathophysiology and/or evidence-based practice.

Each week the unit will cover content that will help you to plan for your assignment. The first semester focuses mainly on content and skills development for this assignment but also seeks to link unit theory to your concurrent clinical practice experiences. Guided learning and in-class activities are designed to support your knowledge and understanding; assessment preparation; and critical evaluation skills.

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If you want to see the solution to this Assignment then Click here: NAD009-6 Assessment and Decision Making in Adult Nursing Essay Example

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