MPM7004 S2 Jan 2024 Project Risk Management Assignment Brief

Published: 29 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Cardiff Metropolitan University Module Title MPM7004 S2 Jan 2024 Project Risk Management

Assessment brief

Assessment Requirements for Individual PRES1_RESIT

You are required to prepare a recorded voice over MS PowerPoint presentation which you should submit along with your ppt slides (maximum of 10 slides).

You are required to carry out independent review of the case study document (Peixoto, J., Tereso, A., Fernandes, G. and Almeida, R., 2014. Project risk management methodology: a case study of an electric energy organization. Procedia technology, 16, pp.1096-1105) which can be found in the Retrieval on the Moodle.

Your Module Leader will be providing a one-to-one support (on request) for your assessment.

In this individual PRES1 task, you are required to showcase the results of task. Specifically, your task
is to critically evaluate the findings in the paper and provide your analysis on the following areas:

Task 1: Risk Management Plan

Task 2: Risk Gathering Techniques

  • Risk response plan together that will present.
         >Risk event
         >Risk consequence
  • Differentiate such risks that may have opportunities for the organisation
  • Risk Breakdown Structure

Task 3: Performing Risk Analysis and risk response plan

Use the headings:

  • Escalate
  • Avoid
  • Transfer
  • Accept
  • Mitigate

Task 4: Conclusion of the work Including detailed Risk Register

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