MOD003263: Software Engineering Case Study

Published: 05 Dec, 2024
Category Case Study Subject Management
University Module Title MOD003263: Software Engineering Case Study

Case Study

Together Culture is a Community Interest Company that gathers a membership community united in their desire to help create a more equitable and ecological creative economy. It provides facilities, creative leadership and entrepreneurial skills development, momentum, structure, and resources for people to come together and make change happen.

The company aims to transition from their current manual system for managing customer data to a digital Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution. The following are their requirements:

●     Data mine and look at people coming into the funnel and progressing through our Community Journey. 

●     Create appropriate tags and searches which both appear on the dashboard and are searchable in a relational database to identify activity trends from which we can surmise insights about behaviour.

●     All users should be able to log into a password protected members-only area

●     An administrator can add members once they’ve signed up via our website (this is something our helpers team could do) and indicate predominant interests at the beginning of the relationship: caring, sharing, creating, experiencing, working.  We aim to see how that shifts as members settle into the community.

●     An administrator should be able to differentiate between membership types (Community Members, Key Access Members, Creative Workspace Members)

●     An administrator should be able to search for individual members and non-members to see all of the events and visits they’ve made to Together Culture

●     An administrator should be able to search specific events or time periods to see how many guests we had, and who those guests were

●     An user should be able to express their interest to become a member by creating a profile that is then authorised by an administrator.

●     A member should be able to view and book onto our full series of digital content modules

●     A member should be able to see a dashboard view of the benefits that they are using and benefits they have not utilised. To deliver a sense of value.

●     A member should be able to see the information they contributed about their interests and intentions as a member when they join and in orientation.

The company also has some “nice to have” requirements:

●     A member should be able to see suggestions about events and activities that they might enjoy based on data gathered by the CRM from past experiences.

●     A member should be able to see the digital connections board: things people need and things people would like to offer as part of our timebank and skills library.

●     A member should be able to view member documents and chat with each other online (eventually we just have one go-to online members’ area)


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