MMW226527 Leadership & People Management (LPM) Module Handbook, GCU, UK

Published: 02 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Glassgow Caledonian University Module Title MMW226527 Leadership & People Management (LPM)


The aim of the module is to develop an understanding about the role of leadership in the context of people management and how this relationship is of essence to contemporary organizations that have to manage ever-changing business contexts. Throughout the course of the module, focus will be on developing the understanding about the concept of leader, leadership theories, and styles in HR context, the role of leaders in managing talent and developing employer brands thus enhancing employee engagement levels through upholding the psychological contract and repairing trust in employment relationships. The module will also focus on the role of line managers in the leadership context and how they can help employees achieve high performance levels, thereby touching upon the importance of leadership in performance management context.

1.1 Module Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to: 
1. Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the main theoretical approaches to leadership and their relevance to various contemporary organizational contexts. 
2. Critically appraise the nature and role of HR leadership via business partnering and other relevant models. 
3. Critically evaluate the relationship between leadership, power, politics and authority.
4. Critically evaluate linkages between people management and organisational performance.
5. Review the importance of effective employment relationships and the role of line managers as organisational leaders.
6. Understand the need and importance of talent management in 21st century organizations and the role of strong employer brands in engaging employees and enhancing firm reputation.

1.2 Teaching and Learning Strategy

The teaching and learning strategy includes the use of a variety of techniques including lectures, workshops, seminars, and tutorials conducted by academic staff to develop efficient and effective understanding of knowledge. Moreover, the module delivery will often be facilitated by guest speakers from the industry to establish practical understanding of academic topics/issues as the aim is to bridge the gap between theory and practice. There will also be extensive use of case studies to give students the opportunity of learning from real-time examples. Some of these case studies will be required to resolve in groups to focus on joint/group understanding, which is essential for business managers of the future. The use of cases set in different contexts intends to promote ‘situated learning’ and allows students to stand in the shoes of real time managers and view problems from their angle who are confronted with strategic challenges, choices, and decisions frequently.
GCU Learn will be used as virtual learning environment (VLE) to enable blended learning for better engagement of student and staff with the module. With the support of the Learning Technologist, online materials will be developed that will support the module delivery. Coursework will be marked using GCU Learn via ‘Grademark’ to ensure efficiency in marking/double marking that will enhance student’s learning experience.


The module will be taught in Trimester A and classes will run for 3 hours each week for 12 weeks. Additionally, there will be one workshop scheduled towards the end of the teaching term that will aim to develop the practical understanding of the module. Classes will comprise of lectures, video, practical exercises and text case studies which will illustrate examples of organisational practices in different countries and an expert(s) will provide insights on leading practice on specific issues. Group discussions will focus on issues of professional practice from organisational case studies and student's own experiences, providing opportunities for peer to peer knowledge exchange.


It is essential that you complete the weekly reading indicated in the reading list and/ or issued within lectures in order to participate fully in classes. This can also be supplemented by web based resources and by following current events, as presented in various news media. Whilst we suggest a number of key texts, this in itself is not sufficient; key reading for each topic will be outlined in the PowerPoint handouts provided on GCU Learn each week. Please note that where journal articles are indicated as part of key reading, they can be accessed through the Library website. A number of digitised readings will also be made available via GCU Learn. Please note the library has subject guides – books, journal articles, websites and databases. 

Electronic access to course materials 

Lecture material can be accessed by means of GCU Learn, the university’s virtual learning environment resource (VLE). The material will be available on a week to week basis to assist you in the preparation for classes. Remember that it is your responsibility to access this material and inform your module tutor if you are having difficulties in using the system. Extensive use will be made of the GCU Learn. This will be primarily used to house electronic media such as appropriate video clips and podcasts. These materials will be used to supplement the taught material and strengthen the bridge between theory and practice. GCU Learn will also detail the coursework requirements for each module.
It is your responsibility to continuously check GCU Learn for module and programme announcements and to comply with instructions provided during the duration of modules and the re-sit period if applicable. 

1.3 Module Structure

Pre-recorded lectures

11 x 1 hours online lectures


11 x 2 hours

Independent Learning

116 hours


40 hours


Promoting and encouraging student engagement with all aspects of their learning is a key part of the University’s commitment to providing a student experience of the highest quality.  For the University, providing a supportive learning environment includes the monitoring of student attendance.  The University expects all students to attend all classes in all their modules. If at any time you have a personal matter that is impacting on your ability to attend class then you should book an appointment to discuss this with your Programme Leader or a member of your Programme Team and inform or  +44 (0)203 369 3000.  It is vital that you maintain contact with the University and allow us to help resolve problems where possible. Further information please consult to the University Attendance Policy. 

2 Module Assessment

There are ONE summative assessment and one formative for this module: 

Assessment Weighting Group
/Individual Description Submission Deadline
Skills Development 
 Compulsory Attendance
(Unmarked)   Individual Skills Event/Workshop
Students work in groups and present individually at class of the skills development outline/plan, focusing on one chosen assessment topical area (guidance available at the weekly shell on GCU Learn). Week 11 in class
Coursework 1
 100%  Individual Leadership and People Management Report (4000 words) Fri January 10th 2025, 2:00PM 

2.1 2020/21 University Calendar

The table below has some important dates relating to teaching and assessment as well as when you should receive module marks during the year 23/2024. To find out the dates for next year’s University Calendar check: Teaching and Assessment Diets 

Trimester A  International Orientation  26 Sept 2022 - 28 Sept 2023
Induction Week 18th Sept 2023 
Teaching  25th Nov 2023 – 15 Dec 2023
Study Period  18-22 Dec 2023 and 3-5 Jan 2024
Trimester A Exam Diet  5 Jan 2024- 12 Jan 2024 
Inter-Trimester Break  15 Jan 2024 - 20 Jan 2024
Exam Diet (resit etc) 15 July 2023 - 18 Aug 2023 
Inter-Trimester B Break  21 Aug 2023 - 1 Sept 2023
Publication of Module Marks 
Trimester A  Module Marks communicated to Students  by 23 Feb 2024 

To find out the dates for next year’s University Calendar check:

2.2 Compulsory workshop: APPRAISAL SKILLS ASSESSMENT

Purpose of this Assessment

Whilst skills are developed through various structured exercises in classes, assessed skill sessions form a prime focus for the development of key behavioural and professional business/ people management/ HRM skills.  

There are two sessions scheduled for development of leadership and people management related skills, ensuring adequate time for preparation, practice, assessment and reflection and also emphasising to students the importance of these skills. Skills days are timetabled during the week. They will be held on campus and you will be notified arrangements early in each trimester.  

Skills are formally assessed on this module through direct skills assessment. Students will be provided in advance with a set of assessment criteria against which they are judged. Whilst the overall outcome of the session will be recorded 'Competent' or 'Not Competent', the assessment feedback provided to students will be a commentary on their strengths and weaknesses in the various aspects of the activity concerned.


2.3.1 Purpose of this Assessment
Students will be set an assessment which is a 4000-word HR report (100% module weightage) which involves the investigation and critical analysis of a particular leadership/people management topic, including a critical review of research and best practice applied to an organisational setting (through an appropriate organisational case-study). 

* N.B. There is also a 5% penalty for failure to include the Plagiarism declaration checklist. 
To help students do well in the assessment they are invited to submit a one-page outline of their LPM report plus a list of quality references (Harvard style) in week 8 and will be given formative feedback during the class in week 9. There are no marks attached to this submission. No other formal opportunities for feedback will be provided, i.e. full reviews of pre-submitted drafts will not be considered or commented on by the module team. Students are encouraged to present their work or outline during week 11 - week12 at tutorials, using the guidelines given with the coursework and attend any assessment clinics and support sessions that are provided by the module team. Early contact with the Academic Development Tutor (ADT) is also advised.

The pass mark for the module is 50%. Any student who fails the module is permitted to resubmit an assignment at the next available assessment diet. In that event further guidance will be given in assessment clinics after the exam board. Details will be provided with result emails.

2.3.2 Task Required
Choose a topic and organisation you wish to research. The following are suggested topics only.  Note: - You may choose a (related) topic but please remember it must be appropriate to the curriculum/ outcomes of this module and have prior (explicit) approval from a member of the module team i.e. negotiated and mutually agreed.

Possible (example) Leadership/People Management Topics

1. Critically discuss the challenging issues in 21st Century for leadership strategy, managing people and organizations, using example to illustrate.
2. Critically discuss the theory advancement (research gaps and recent conceptual frameworks) in leadership, leadership roles or responsibilities for organizations (ie.  creating shared social value, economic value and employee welfare), using examples to illustrate.
3. Critically discuss the roles of organisational leaders may play in developing a strong organisational culture (valuing cultural diversity, organizational-citizenship- behaviour) to drive firm performance.
4. With reference to existing research, critically analyse how leaders may drive organisational learning and strengthen business performance (e.g., Leadership mental models, cognition, dynamic capabilities).  
5. In the light of case study examples, critically discuss leadership in the context of managing global business or cross-cultural management (e.g. relationship, interdependence, activities, employee competence, or business performance). 
6. In the light leadership styles critically compare three major styles in the context of your organization or your selected case, their strengthens and weakness in demonstrating good organizational practice and people management. 
7. Using examples from a case study organisation, analyse research that links people management and organisational performance.
8. Critically discuss the effectiveness of the current performance appraisal process, with reference to your case organisation. 
9. Any other relevant topics in relation to weekly learning, will be welcome, thus, your choice is not limited to the above listed. 

It is expected that you will draw on advanced texts (as a start, please refer to the Reading List for the module and recommended reading provided each week) BUT also have evidence of recent research findings as found in good quality (peer reviewed) academic articles pertinent to the topic area. You are also expected to access evidence of current professional practice through for example current reports, newspaper articles, professional journal articles, web sites etc. You must be able to draw on sufficient theoretical and empirical studies to build an appropriate ‘review’ of pertinent academic and professional literature.

2.3.3  Application
As said before, it is very important that you use the development of the LPM Report as an opportunity to investigate a particular aspect of leadership/people management related to this module within your own/ case organisation. This way you can explore real examples of practice/ opinion on the particular topic/ issue you are investigating. You can refer to, and synthesise data already generated from within your own organisation e.g. an employee attitude survey, figures and trends on absence, reports/ literature on your Performance Management System etc. OR use information from the case study organisation. 

You are strongly recommended to use the assignment to facilitate discussions with (for example) your Line Management team, a representative from HR and employees and, where appropriate with other organisations e.g. Trade Unions/ Professional Bodies etc. Information from some of your discussions can then be included in your report by using what has been said as ‘quotes’ and/ or reference to the information you have gained via perhaps a short questionnaire. You can demonstrate these results in a Table format with discussion of links/ comparisons to evidence from other research studies. The empirical research you undertake should not be over extensive but allows you to strengthen your discussion by referring to organisational perspectives on your strategic topic and how they inform your report.

2.3.4 Submission Requirements
Coursework must be submitted online via Turn-it-in on 5th January, 2024 by 4:00pm. You must submit an electronic copy to the digital drop box on the GCU Learn site (via the assignment tab) for the relevant module. Please note that hard copies MUST NOT be submitted.

Time/length restrictions 4000 words
Submission format doc(x) 
Submission deadline 5th January, 3:00 PM 2024
Submission Procedure GCU Learn:  Turn-it-in

Marking/Assessment Criteria
You will receive feedback for your coursework, including overall comment(s) made by your tutor, which will elaborate on any particular point(s) from the marking of your work. Generic feedback will also be available on GCU Learn approximately 3 weeks after the submission – this will provide a summary of the cohort performance and, for the summative assessment, average pass marks. You are invited to discuss any element of your assessment feedback with your individual module tutors.

Please note that all assessments are sampled and cross-marked and are subject to final confirmation by the External Assessor who will moderate both coursework and exam scripts to ensure standards are equivalent to other Universities in the UK. It is your responsibility to collect feedback which will be available on-line after the Assessment Board. Coursework will not be posted to you, unless authorised by your Programme Leader. GCU London Assessment Criteria Framework is included in Appendix 1.

3  Weekly Scheme of Work

Week No.

Learning Activity

Self-Directed Learning/Tasks


Introduction to the module



Relationship between people management and firm performance



Leadership styles and responsible leadership



Leadership, culture, and organisational learning



Roles and responsibilities of line managers



Managing employment relationships (psychological contract and organizational trust)



Global Leaders, diverse workforce, multi-talented employer

*Submission of 1 page outline plus full reading list for proposed HR Report


Assignment clinic 1

Formative feedback on 1 page outline


Performance management systems (including performance appraisal)

Performance Management in Practice:  Performance Appraisal Skills (preparing for the performance appraisal workshop)



Workshop: Conducting effective performance appraisal interviews

*Compulsory Practical Workshop


Coaching employees / teams: Setting the stage to stimulate growth



Assessment clinic


From time to time alterations may be made to the scheme of work. Where possible, changes will be communicated in advance via GCU Learn.

4 Reading List and Learning Resources

Due to the integrative nature of the module, there is no core text for this module.  Essential reading provides a selection of core texts in both the areas of people and processes. Reading will be recommended by lecturers from the texts listed below as well as from journal articles and web sites. Students are also expected to undertake their own literature search relating to their assessments.


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