MMN230182 Masters Research Project Module Handbook 2024-25 | Glasgow Caledonian University

Published: 28 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Law
University Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) Module Title MMN230182 Masters Research Project


The main purpose of this module handbook is to provide you with a comprehensive guide for this module. In this handbook you will find information and advice that should prove helpful as you progress through the module.

1.0 Module Information

The following information is contained in GCU Learn:

  • What the module will cover (summary of content)
  • What knowledge and/or skills you should have acquired on completion (learning outcomes)
  • What additional generic skills you will also have developed (transferrable skills)
  • How your learning will be delivered (teaching and learning strategy)
  • Recommended books, journals, articles etc. (indicative reading)
  • What your assessment will consist of (assessment methods)

Further information is contained within the Module Descriptor (see GCU Learn MRP module site). Please read this document carefully and if you have any questions, contact the Module Leader.

Module Summary

Welcome to the MRP module which will introduce you to the key research methods and paradigms commonly utilised in your field of study and give you the opportunity to specialise in an area related to your programme by undertaking an in-depth research project. The Masters Research Project module offers students the opportunity to apply research methodologies to their chosen topic areas, to draw on internationally published academic literature and good practice to inform the development and interpretation of knowledge about business/management/professional practice in their area of study. The subject matter of the project involves the theoretical and evidential investigation of an aspect of business/management/professional practice, relating to topics covered in the student's programme of study.

The Project element of the module offers you the opportunity to apply research methodologies to your chosen topic areas, to draw on internationally published academic literature, good practice, develop and interpret knowledge about management/professional practice in your area of study. The Project subject matter involves the theoretical and evidential investigation of an aspect of business or professional practice, relating to topics covered in your programme of study. It requires you to demonstrate your ability to work independently and will allow you to examine the subject in greater depth than has been previously possible in other taught modules and assessed coursework. You will need to utilise appropriate underpinning theories to frame, inform and construct the output. A dedicated academic Supervisor will be allocated to support you throughout the project stage.

Module Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module you will have demonstrated ability to:

  • Undertake a research project relevant to the student’s individual programme context that outlines an appropriate research methodology and design to meet the specified aim and objectives of the project (either a Dissertation, Research Report, Systematic Review or a Consultancy Project - to be agreed with the supervisor).
  • Demonstrate an in-depth and critical understanding of academic literature, theories and concepts relevant to the research project.
  • Demonstrate that data (primary and/or secondary) has been collected in a structured manner, following appropriate procedures relating to research design and ethics.
  • Critically analyse, interpret and appraise the data collected to answer the research objective(s).
  • Develop conclusions that address the aim and objectives of the Project and provide recommendations that inform future research and/or practice.
  • Sustain appropriate academic standards of writing and presentation that communicate, clearly and comprehensively, the research undertaken.

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