MMI226823 Data Ethics and Research Methods Coursework

Published: 05 Feb, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Accounting
University ..................... Module Title Data Ethics and Research Methods

1. Ethical Issues of AI and the Ethical Solutions 

1.1 Use/misuse scenario of AI 

This section should briefly describe a use/misuse scenario of AI that may very likely lead to  catastrophic or existential risks. This will be used as the context for the discussion of the ethical  issues of AI and the ethical solutions. 
Make sure that the use/misuse scenario is genuinely an AI problem. 

1.2 Concept and overview 

This section should provide an overview on the relevant moral standards, norms, codes of conduct/practice, ethical guidelines, etc. 
It may start by explaining what is meant by the ethical issues of AI, and what is meant by the ethical  solutions. 
By the word “issue” in ethical issues, it means that there is real risk or threat, particularly that there  would be problematic consequences/risks/threats, should unethical situations occur. 

1.3 Ethical issues of AI 

This section should clearly discuss how ethical implications/concerns/dilemma may arise in the  use/misuse scenario of AI. 
In particular, it should specifically assess which moral standards, norms, codes of conduct/practice, ethical guidelines are being disregarded or ignored. 

1.4 Ethical solutions to the ethical issues of AI 

This section should clearly discuss the ethical solutions, i.e., the ethical means/instruments, to  effectively prevent and mitigate the ethical implications/concerns/dilemma of AI. 

In particular, it should look at which moral standards, codes of conduct/practice, ethical guidelines,  are specifically out there, e.g., ACM and IEEE codes of conduct/practice and ethical guidelines, or  otherwise, and clearly assess

- which are applicable and effective for preventing and mitigating the ethical  implications/concerns/dilemma of AI, and

- how they can address, or partly address and resolve the ethical issues of AI. 

Thus, the ethical solution strategies become clearly discussing how the relevant moral standards,  norms, codes of conduct/practice, ethical guidelines, should be observed and practised, such that the ethical implications/concerns/dilemma would be effectively prevented and mitigated. 

2. Societal Issues of AI and the Societal Solutions 

2.1 Use/misuse scenario of AI 

This section should briefly describe a use/misuse scenario of AI that may very likely lead to  catastrophic or existential risks. This will be used as the context for the discussion of the societal  issues of AI and the societal solutions. 
Make sure that the use/misuse scenario is genuinely an AI problem.

2.2 Concept and overview 

This section should provide an overview on the relevant societal policies/procedures,  governance/regulatory frameworks, etc. 
It may start by explaining what is meant by the societal issues of AI, and what is meant by the  societal solutions. 
By the word “issue” in societal issues, it means that there is real risk or threat, particularly that there  would be problematic consequences/impacts/risks, should massively destructive situations occur. 

2.3 Societal issues of AI 

This section should clearly discuss how societal implications/impacts/risks may arise in the  use/misuse scenario of AI. 
In particular, it should specifically assess which societal policies/procedures, governance/regulatory  frameworks are being defied with or infringed.

2.4 Societal solutions to the societal issues of AI 

Data Ethics and Research Methods (MMI226823) 

This section should clearly discuss the societal solutions, i.e., the societal means/instruments, to  effectively counteract and mitigate the societal implications/impacts/risks of AI. 

In particular, it should look at which societal policies/procedures, governance/regulatory  frameworks, are specifically out there, e.g., any national, European/regional, and international policies, governance structures, decrees, regulations, or otherwise, and clearly assess 
- which are applicable and effective for counteracting and mitigating the societal  implications/impacts/risks of AI, and 
- how they can address, or partly address and resolve the societal issues of AI. 

Thus, the societal solution strategies become clearly discussing how the relevant societal  policies/procedures, governance/regulatory frameworks, should be enforced and complied with, such that the societal implications/impacts/risks of AI would be effectively counteracted and mitigated. 

3. Legal Issues of AI and the Legal Solutions 

3.1 Malicious/criminal use scenario of AI 

This section should briefly describe a malicious/criminal use scenario of AI that may very likely lead  to catastrophic or existential risks. This will be used as the context for the discussion of the legal  issues of AI and the legal solutions. 
Make sure that the malicious/criminal use scenario is genuinely an AI problem. 

3.2 Concept and overview 

This section should provide an overview on the relevant legislations, laws, acts, regulations, etc. 
It may start by explaining what is meant by the legal issues of AI, and what is meant by the legal solutions. 
By the word “issue” in legal issues, it means that there is real risk or threat particularly that there  would be problematic consequences/risks/threats, should criminal/illegal situations occur.

3.3 Legal issues of AI 

This section should clearly discuss how legal implications/threats/risks may arise in the  malicious/criminal use scenario of AI. 
In particular, it should specifically assess which legislations, laws, acts, regulations are being violated  or broken. 

3.4 Legal solutions to the legal issues of AI 

This section should clearly discuss the legal solutions, i.e., the legal means/instruments, to effectively  prohibit and deter the legal implications/threats/risks of AI. 

In particular, it should look at which legislations, laws, acts, regulations, are specifically out there,  e.g., any national, European/regional, and international legislations, legal acts, or otherwise, and  clearly assess 
- which are applicable and effective for prohibiting and deterring the legal  implications/threats/risks of AI, and 
- how they can address, or partly address and resolve the legal issues of AI. 

Thus, the legal solution strategies become clearly discussing how the relevant legislations, laws, acts,  regulations, should be enforced and obeyed, such that the legal implications/threats/risks of AI would be effectively prohibited and deterred. 

4. References and Citations 

Data Ethics and Research Methods (MMI226823) 
Each reference should have been specifically cited in the text of the report. 
Citation and listing of references should follow referencing style: “Cite Them Right Harvard” 

5. Search and Reading Notes 

This section should provide details about your bibliographic searches and the reading notes taken in  preparing this report. This include 
- A collation of bibliographic searches, e.g., which databases you have searched, what  keywords you have used in the search, how you have set the search and what are the search  returns. 
- A collation of reading notes, e.g., what reading method you have employed, which literature  you have read, brief reading notes.

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