MGTM02 International Business in Context, Assignment Brief |The University of Sunderland

Published: 24 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business Management
University The University of Sunderland Module Title MGTM02 International Business in Context


This module is assessed by an individual Written Case Study Analysis (Report).

Module Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module successful students will be able to do the following:

  1. Critically analyse the key approaches to developing sustainable international business strategies and building competitive advantage within international business operations.
  2. Evaluate the challenges faced by live organisations conducting business internationally and recommend evidence-based solutions to these challenges.
  3. Demonstrate digital competency in developing sustainable international business strategies.

Assessment 1

Individual coursework with a word guideline of 3000 words (plus or minus 10%) to meet all the learning outcomes.

Your individual written Case Study Analysis Report will present your critical thinking on a multinational firm’s operation in a specific market (country), identifying the key international business issues faced by the firm in that geographic context. You are free in the selection of the company. The word count should be no more than 3000 words (+ appendices).

Your critical analysis of the chosen firm needs to include the following:

  • Your analysis must draw on relevant concepts and frameworks covered in the course. You must use the Institution-Based view and the Resource-Based View of IB as your main theoretical framework in your analysis in addition to any other relevant theories/
  • The identification and careful analysis of the critical strategic issues of the firm’s IB operation in a particular market.
  • The identification and discussion of crucial implications and insights for the firm’s international operation (your recommendations)
  • Discussion on the limitations of your recommendations. 

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