MGT9706M Strategy in Context 2023-24 Level M Moduel HandbooK

Published: 10 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business
University University of Lincoln Module Title MGT9706M Strategy in Context 2023-24 Level M

About This Assignment Brief

In our current globalised world, individuals in leadership and management positions within organisations across sectors are often confronted with a myriad of ‘wicked’ problems that demand a comprehensive and cohesive strategy. To succeed, individuals in positions of responsibility must develop a range of capabilities needed to gain competitive advantage in markets and around the globe. This module seeks to equip students with crucial knowledge and strategy-making skills to perform as a strategists and contribute to responsible business strategies to give their organisation a competitive advantage. Students who fully engage with the module will develop the knowledge and professional expertise needed for the formation, implementation and analysis of responsible business strategies; to make appropriate choices between strategic options; and then follow a strategic route that will deliver results that are robust, ethically sound and socially responsible.

Assessment One- Group Presentation 

A piece of coursework (30%) will assess students working in groups based on a practical activity that entails the analysis, appraisal and evaluation of a real-life business situation. The coursework includes a presentation of students’ work which may be synchronous (e.g. in class) or asynchronous (e.g. with the production of a video).

  • 30% of your overall grade
  • 12 minutes presentation (with 12 maximum slides - exclude references & appendix)
  • Groups will be formed in the second week by the seminar tutor.
  • Students will be asked to pick a company from the list of companies suggested for the assignment (Please see assessment page on module blackboard).
  • It is advisable that all groups in a given seminar group select a different company.
  • The presentations will take place during the week commencing 8th April 2024 (week 29) seminar events.
  • The presentation PPT slide, team contract and meeting log will have to be submitted on Turnitin/ Blackboard by the team leader of each group by the submission deadline, i.e., 8th of April 2024.
  • A Group Effort Peer Evaluation Form that captures and assesses each member of your group contribution and performance to the group task should be submitted individually on Blackboard by each student of allocated group (link provided under assessment folder on Blackboard).
  • Submission deadline – 8th April, (2024) 12 noon on Turnitin
  • Students will receive a differentiated individual grade for the presentation based on their performance during the live presentation session, and their contribution to the team effort based on the Group Effort Peer Evaluation Form.
  • Please note that failure to turn up for your group presentation will result to zero grade for this assessment (except granted EC by LIBS PGT/ Admin).  

Assessment Two- Individual final written assignment

A final written assignment (70%) will assess each student’s ability to analyse and discuss different strategic situations and relate them to a discussion of strategy theories, frameworks and techniques. The assessment consists of an individual report based on a write-up of Harvard case study to be submitted online. The case write-up will be guided by a set of questions the student is expected to answer, similar to the case study discussion questions that will be covered during seminars. The written paper should be 3000 words (please use 12-point font and 1” margins), including any exhibits, tables and figures, excluding eventual reference list.

  • 70% of your overall grade
  • 3,000 words
  • Due by Friday 10th May 2024 at 12 noon
  • Electronic submission via Blackboard.

In order to successfully complete the assessments, it is essential that students attend all scheduled classes to take advantage of the class debates around which the module is designed. The assessment for this module supports both student engagement and PRME agendas.

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1 Identify, evaluate and demonstrate knowledge of the context in which a strategy can be formulated and implemented.

LO2 Analyse different theoretical approaches, techniques, tools and models used in understanding strategy making

LO3 Review an organisational strategy and the internal and external contexts of the organisation by using relevant models and tools to enable the achievement of competitive advantage for the organisation.

LO4 Apply strategy models and tools to proffer recommendations for organisational growth and ethically sound sustainable strategic route.


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