MGT4161 Management in a Globalised Assignment Middlesex University London

Published: 06 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Middlesex University London Module Title Management in a Globalised

Assignment Overview

This two-part assignment requires students to provide two short reports advising on a management response to a business ethics challenge and a management response to a cross- cultural management challenge. Students will be required to choose from six options; three relating to business ethics and three relating to cross-cultural management.

Part A

Case Study:

You are the community engagement manager for a German renewable energy company, specializing in solar farms. You have accepted a new assignment setting up a community engagement team for one of the largest solar farms in the UK in Cambridgeshire.  Your role will include setting up a new team comprising local people and more experienced German team members. The team’s job will be to work with local people to gain support for the project and overcome obstacles.

Please choose one task from Part A:

  1. Produce a 1,000 word report on how you will address the challenges of cross-cultural management that your new assignment presents, with specific reference to the concepts of social cognition and/or scripts
  2. Produce a 1,000 word report on how you will address the challenges of cross-cultural management that your new assignment presents, with specific reference to the concept of stereotyping and/or the attribution error
  3. Produce a 1,000 word report on how you will address the challenges of cross-cultural management that your new assignment presents, with specific reference to rational decision making

Part A Structure

1). Introduction (200 words) – briefly explain the purpose and content of the report

2).Identification and discussion of relevant cultural groups (300 words)

  • This section should identify the relevant cultural group of the key ‘players’, including your own, and provide an overview of the relevant cultural attributes for those involved. You may want to use the graph produced by the Hofstede website for this.

3).Overview of challenges (300 words)

  • This section should define the concepts you will be using, with correct referencing from a source/s from the module reading list. It should also contain an explanation of how these phenomena might pose problems for your team (e.g. what might the impact of the cultural differences identified in Section 2 have on the scripts of the team, the kinds of attributions they make, the way the make decisions?).

4).Summary of how challenges will be overcome (200 words)

  • This section should specific steps which you as the manager will take to overcome the challenges you identify in section 3.

Part B

Case Study:

For Part B you are required to choose your own business ethics case study. You can use one that we have covered in class, or one that you have found yourself. Please check with your tutor if you are using your own case study. Your task is to produce a brief report for the relevant company identifying the ethical problem and making three specific recommendations, justified with reference to an ethical theory covered in class.

Please choose one task from Part B:

  1. Produce a 1,000 word report advising Company A on the ethical problem they are facing, and making three specific recommendations using the theory of Utilitarianism
  2. Produce a 1,000 word report advising Company A on the ethical problem they are facing, and making three specific recommendations using the theory of Stakeholder Theory
  3. Produce a 1,000 word report advising Company A on the ethical problem they are facing, and making three specific recommendations using the theory of Carroll’s CSR Pyramid

Part B Structure

1). Introduction (200 words) – briefly explain the purpose and content of the report
2).Outline of ethical problem (400 words)

  • This section should include a brief overview of the case study (i.e. the company involved, what happened, what the effect was).

3).Recommendations (400 words)

  • This section should briefly introduce the theory you will be using, with correct referencing from a source/s from the module reading list. The theory should then be used to produce three specific recommendations.

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