MGT1310 Assignment Briefing & Report Structure, Middlesex University

Published: 05 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Entrepreneurship
University Middlesex University Module Title MGT1310 Assignment Briefing & Report Structure

Social Entrepreneurship 

-> Explain, using ONLY academic sources, the difference between Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship (approx. 500 words).

-> Identify, analyse and assess the organisation’s business practices, demonstrating how it meets each of the four main characteristics of a Social Enterprise (social purpose, trading activity, full cost recovery, profits reinvested), and providing examples from the organisation to support your argument (approx. 1500 words).

-> Propose a creative new idea to further the social aims of the organisation (approx. 500 words).

Corporates' Social Responsibility

-> Explain, using ONLY academic sources, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and briefly discuss current global trends in CSR practices (approx. 500 words).

-> Identify, analyse and assess the organisation’s CSR practices, using Carroll’s CSR Pyramid as a framework to do so (approx.1500 words).

-> Propose a creative idea for a new CSR initiative that builds on the organisation’s mission and values (approx. 500 words).


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